
  • 网络Consolidated Cash Flow Statement;Consolidated statement of cash flow
  1. 旋转螺桨叶面流场显形实验合并现金流量表编制方法的选择

    SURFACE FLOW VISUALIZATION OF ROTATING PROPELLER The Alternative of Making Consolidated Statement of Cash Flow

  2. 在会计界,编制合并现金流量表是一个难题。

    Consolidated statement of cash flows is a difficult problem in accounting practice .

  3. 合并现金流量表的编制在我国会计界仍然处于讨论阶段。

    Making consolidated cash flow statement is still at the initiative stage in China .

  4. 合并现金流量表编制方法的探讨

    On Tabulating Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

  5. 合并现金流量表正确编制的关键是做好内部业务的抵销。

    To ensure the correctness of consolidated cash flow statement , it is critical to offset the internal transactions properly .

  6. 现金流量表的编制是广大会计实务工作者工作中的一个难题,特别是企业集团合并现金流量表的编制。

    The preparation of the cash flow statement , especially the one of the business group is a hard job for the accountants .

  7. 通过比较合并现金流量表的两种编制方法,对合并现金流量表编制方法的选择提出了一家之言,最后举例说明直接法下合并现金流量表主表的编制。

    Based on the comparison of two methods of preparing consolidated cash flow statement , this paper discusses how to make alternative choice and presents a case of making a consolidated cash flow statement with the direct method .