
hé bìnɡ zī chǎn fù zhài biǎo
  • consolidated balance sheet;combined balance sheet;amalgamated balance sheet
  1. 拥有合并资产负债表,叠加的董事会以及整合的管理团队。

    There would be a combined balance sheet , overlapping boards of directors and an integrated management team .

  2. 合并资产负债表中被合并方的各项资产、负债,应当按其账面价值计量。

    In the consolidated balance sheet , the assets and liabilities of the combined party shall be measured pursuant to their carrying amount .

  3. 将社会各个部门的资产负债表合并的国家资产负债表反映公共风险状况。

    Consolidated national balance sheet of each department of nation reflects the status of public risk .