
  1. 公共部门资产负债表是国家资产负债表重要的组成部分。

    The public sector balance sheet is an important part of national balance sheets .

  2. 关于国民核算体系中全国和部门资产负债表及调节帐户的暂行国际准则

    Provisional International Guidelines on the National and Sectoral Balance Sheet and Reconciliation Accounts of the System of National Accounts

  3. 我们永远不会知道,如果当初利用公共部门资产负债表会的意愿更大,是否本可以避免这样的结果?

    We will never know whether a greater willingness to use the public sector balance sheet would have avoided that outcome .

  4. 对我们经济和政府信心的普遍缺失,与我们金融部门资产负债表的恶化,威胁一样严重。

    A pervasive lack of confidence in our economy and our government is as serious a threat as a deterioration of the balance sheets of our financial sector .

  5. 由于长期利率处于低位、私人部门资产负债表变得更强健、财政赤字可控,增长提速甚至可能在2015年就会启动。

    The improvement might even start in 2015 , since long-term interest rates are low , private sector balance sheets are stronger and fiscal deficits are under control .

  6. 经合组织警告说,经济复苏面临一些重大风险,包括脆弱的金融市场、家庭部门资产负债表持续的去杠杆化、主权债务问题以及汇市的紧张局势。

    The OECD warned that there were significant risks to the recovery , including fragile financial markets , continuing household balance sheet deleveraging , sovereign debt problems and tensions in foreign exchange markets .

  7. 那么,坚持增加贷款、并在此过程中让公共部门资产负债表背负上更大份额希腊政府债务的理由又何在呢?

    What is the case for persisting with lending ever more and , in the process , taking a larger proportion of the liabilities of the Greek government on to public sector balance sheets ?

  8. 所以,这些国家或许会发现自己面临一个棘手选择:维持尽可能强大的公共部门资产负债表、以便把国家的借款成本保持在低水平?

    So countries may find themselves with a difficult choice : is it better to maintain as strong a public balance sheet as possible in order to keep your country 's borrowing costs low ?

  9. 我们呼吁各国央行不要明天就去加息,呼吁各国政府先弄清楚自己的策略,再去采取行动(巩固公共部门资产负债表),他表示。

    We call on central banks not to go out and raise interest rates tomorrow and governments to be clear on what is their strategy when they are ready to do it [ consolidate public sector balance sheets ] , he said .

  10. 将社会各个部门的资产负债表合并的国家资产负债表反映公共风险状况。

    Consolidated national balance sheet of each department of nation reflects the status of public risk .

  11. 比如,在某次会议上,塞恩坚持要求交易部门的资产负债表瘦身。

    At one meeting , Thain would insist that the trading desk lighten up the balance sheet .

  12. 我们有四大业务部分,每一部门的资产负债表和营收帐目都各具特色。

    We have four major operating sectors , each differing from the others in balance sheet and income account characteristics .

  13. 除非私人坏账被移至公共部门的资产负债表上,否则上述情况便会以大规模破产的形式出现。

    This occurs via mass bankruptcy , unless bad private debt is shifted on to the public sector 's balance sheet .

  14. 目标是建立一个更苗条且资金更充足的金融体系,以及一份更健康的非金融私营部门的资产负债表,越早越好。

    The aim is to have a slimmer and better-capitalised financial system and a healthier non-financial private-sector balance sheet , sooner rather than later .

  15. 我们看到一场竞赛,一边是私营部门修复资产负债表和全球调整需求平衡,另一边是刺激方案的可持续性。

    We are seeing a race between the repair of private balance sheets and global rebalancing of demand , on the one hand , and the sustainability of stimulus , on the other .

  16. 但盲目遵循财政规则,却忽略私人部门或外部资产负债表上的状况,会导致失望和政治冲突。

    But following fiscal rules blindly , while ignoring what is going on in the private sector or in external balances , is a recipe for disappointment and political conflict .

  17. 这些数字表明,所有这些国家的私人部门仍在增强资产负债表,而不是追逐利润最大化。

    These numbers suggest the private sectors of all these countries are still strengthening their balance sheets instead of maximising profits .