
  • 网络department structure;Divisional Structure
  1. 论科技队伍的部门结构

    On the Department Structure of S. & T.Ranks

  2. 在彰武县的农业生产部门结构调整方面,本文通过规划分析,得出2005年彰武县的农业生产结构调整的方案建议。

    In the agriculture department structure respect .

  3. 采用Moore夹角分析了水产品部门结构与水产品产量增长的关系,部门结构变动与水产品产量增长具有正相关关系,但不具有确定性趋势。

    Then we analyzed the relation between output structure and output growth via Moore index .

  4. 本文在分析资产投资部门结构与GDP的数量关系的基础上,提出了投资结构优化模型,通过实例证实了模型的合理性与结论的正确性。

    This paper proposes an optimized model of investment in capital construction by sector based on analysis of GDP and investing construction . It shows to be reasonable and suitable in application in our country .

  5. 采用部门结构与moore结构研究了1978~2000年我国渔业产量结构的演变情况。

    This paper had analyzed the structure change of aquaculture outputs between 1978 and 2000 in China via the index of Moore structure change and Aquaculture structure .

  6. 旅游业部门结构演进规律及演进模式

    The Evolve Law and Mode of China 's Tourism Industrial Structure

  7. 广州国际旅游产业部门结构及其优化探析

    The sector structure of Guangzhou international tourism industry and its improvement

  8. 浅析国有资产投资部门结构模型的优化

    An Optimized Model of Investment in Capital Construction by Sector In China

  9. 您现在(上一家)公司的部门结构是怎么样的?

    What 's the organizing structure of your company ?

  10. 论西亚经济地域部门结构

    On the regional economic structure of the West Asia

  11. 桂林市工业所有制及部门结构探析

    A Research on the Industrial Economic Structure in Guilin

  12. 由于投入产出关联程度的差异,满足消费需求所带动的生产部门结构与消费结构存在着不可忽视的差异。

    The different intersectoral linkages induce the difference of production structure and the consumption structure .

  13. 我听说改变公司管理部门结构计划在部署之中。

    I hear there 's something afoot about changing the management structure of the company .

  14. 一国经济结构的变化不仅包括部门结构的变化,而且包括地区结构的变化。

    The changing economic structure of a nation implies changes in both industrial and geo-economic structures .

  15. 论浙江省外向型乡镇工业部门结构的发展战略

    The Strategy for the Development of the Structure of External Township Industry in Zhejiang Province in China

  16. 部门结构转换模型

    Sectoral Structure Conversion Models

  17. 储蓄部门结构和储蓄资产结构的优化将推动金融发展和经济增长;

    Optimization on the division structure and capital structure of savings can promote financial development and economic growth .

  18. 在六月,福克斯公布了国防部门结构一系列的急剧变化改革。

    And in June he announced a series of radical changes to the way the MoD is structured .

  19. 城市化对城市用水影响包括对城市用水总量的影响、城市用水部门结构的影响和城市用水空间结构的影响。

    The effect refers to not only total water use , but also the sector structure and spatial structure of water use .

  20. 按照上述的规律,推导得出了旅游业部门结构演进的三种结构模式。

    Then , the author studies the evolve law for the three industries groups and derives three evolve modes of the tourism industry accordingly .

  21. 本报告,汇整共享服务的概念,考察针对公共部门结构的适合性,同时汇整支持组织选择适当服务的合作体制,由下列摘要形式阐述。

    Mapping out the direction of flow of work and collaboration between partners can help agencies choose the right set of services for sharing .

  22. 旅游业结构演变具体体现在部门结构、地域结构、组织结构和产品结构四个方面。

    The structural evolution of tourism can be divided into four parts : department structure , area structure , organization structure and product structure .

  23. 文章认为,地区工业增加值率的高低往往会受到两大因素的影响,一是部门结构,二是专业化分工。

    The article points out that the regional industrial added value rate varies with two main factors : department structure and specialized division of labour .

  24. 国际贸易与外直接投资既存在替代关系又存在互补关系,依赖于资本流动的部门结构和其他因素。

    International trade and FDI could either substitute or complement each other , depending on which sector the FDI flow into and some other elements .

  25. 水产品部门结构变化与产量增长具有一增一减的变化规律,且增加和减少的幅度逐渐变小;

    There is a change law one increase and one decrease between the structure change and economic growth of Aquaculture and the trend of change is decreasing ;

  26. 对中国经济增长的部门结构及不同行业的R&D投入数据进行经验研究,可发现增长和创新过程都具有广泛的部门分布。

    An empirical examination of the sectoral structure of growth and R & D input in China suggests that growth and creation has a widely-distributed sectoral basis .

  27. 并运用区位熵法对9个最大城市的部门结构进行了初步分析,揭示了其中存在的一些问题,最后运用统计分析方法对各城市主导产业进行了分级。

    Then with position quotient law , each department structure of9 biggest cities has been carried out preliminary analysis , and has been revealed some existent problems .

  28. 重组并建立新的部门结构,将原来的质检组升级为质检部,将原来的板房升级为技术中心。

    Restructuring and the establishment of a new department structure , the original upgrade to QC inspection group , the original board room upgrade to a technology center .

  29. 通过对储蓄结构数据分析,不难看出,在改革以来的20多年中,储蓄的部门结构和资产结构均发生了巨大的变化。

    Through analyzing on savings data , we can see great changes have taken place in the division structure and capital structure of savings in 20 years since the reform began .

  30. 采用基尼系数、锡尔系数、加权变异系数,对人均国内生产总值进行了地区结构和部门结构分析。

    The per capita gross domestic product , in the light of regional structure and sectoral structure , were analyzed with the Gini coefficient , Theile coefficient and weighted variation coefficient .