
  • 网络partial information
  1. 如果客户端调用任何用于更新来自首选源的记录(它具有有效的ID并且在缓存中)的操作,那么该操作可能仅提供部分信息。

    If the client invokes any operation that updates a record from the preferred source ( it has a valid ID and is in the cache ), the operation may only provide partial information .

  2. 配调中心使用协议分析机实现SCADA系统与遥视系统的互联,实现两个系统之间部分信息共享。

    In the integration center , the agreement analyzer is used to interconnect the SCADA systematic and the remote viewing system , so that they can share partial information each other .

  3. Slice目前可免费使用,但将来,它有可能向会员商户提供目标交易或者的部分信息。

    Slice is free but may offer targeted deals or limited information to affiliate merchants in the future .

  4. 随后从信息理论机理上分析了感知决策规则生成方法。结合RoughSet理论所提出的局域属性重要性用以完成在获取部分信息之后的感知决策生成。

    This paper analyses the method which can produce perception Decision-Making Rule combining the Local Attribute Importance proposed by Rough Set to produce perceptive Decision-Making Rule after getting some information .

  5. 存在两种使用RationalFunctionalTester的方式获取这部分信息:查询按钮的属性或调用一个方法。

    As it turns out , there are two ways of getting this information with Rational Functional Tester : either by querying the button 's properties or by invoking a method .

  6. 文章试图通过一种新的途径,利用这部分信息来进一步提高传统ICA的分离效果。

    This article attempts a new way to utilize this information to further improve the separation effect of the traditional ICA .

  7. RationalSynchronizationServer需要两部分信息来维持对象同步:RationalChange中代理对象的ID,以及指向该对象的URL链接。

    The Rational Synchronization Server needs two pieces of information to maintain synchronization of objects : the ID of the proxy object in Rational Change , and a URL link to that object .

  8. 通过ADR信号检测模型的建立、提取ADR可疑信号源的部分信息,从而得到风险指数,在此基础上实现信号检测与自动预警。

    Collect ADR suspicious signal source , obtain the risk index , and then realize the signal detection and automatic early warning . 4 .

  9. 最后,我将两部分信息放置到HttpSession对象中。

    Lastly , I place two pieces of information into an HttpSession object .

  10. 再使用高度平均值法和固定门限法等求出分离毛球的阈值,在VC仿真程序中使用不同的颜色表示这两部分信息,就可以观看到它们的分离效果。

    And then use the height average and uniform threshold method to obtain the threshold information . In the VC emulators using different colors can see the separate result very clear .

  11. 在集群部署中,一组ADC可以共享配置,并且能够共享有关共同处理的应用程序会话的状态的部分信息。

    In a clustered deployment , a group of ADCs share configuration and have the ability to share some information about the state of the application sessions that they are both handling .

  12. 部分信息下的最优投资消费策略显式解

    An Explicit Solution to Optimal Investment and Consumption with Partial Information

  13. 一类部分信息下证券投资最优化问题

    One Kind of International Optimal Security Investment Problem under the Partial Information

  14. 部分信息下的欧式未定权益定价及套期保值策略

    European Contingent Claims Pricing and Hedging Strategy with Partial Information

  15. 部分信息下的策略排序方法研究

    On Priority Method for Strategies under Partial Information

  16. 部分信息下的以幂函数为效用函数的终值最大问题

    Maximizing the Expected Utility with Power Utility Function from Terminal Wealth with Partial Information

  17. 双击这部分信息可以方便的定位到出错代码位置。

    Double-clicking on these portions is a convenient way of navigating to the offending code .

  18. 区域水环境质量系统是一个部分信息明确、部分信息不明确的具有模糊特点的灰色系统,它具有多层次、多目标、多因素控制等特点。

    The area water environment quality system is a grey system which has fuzzy features .

  19. 部分信息极大似然估计量

    Partial information maximum likelihood estimator

  20. 它的研究对象是部分信息已知,部分信息未知的小样本、贫信息不确定性系统。

    Its object is a incertitude system whose part information is known , part information is unknown .

  21. 但理论上,他们完全可能把这类调研所涵盖的部分信息界定为国家秘密。

    But in theory they might just define part of the information covered by such research as a state secret .

  22. 本研究将对于信息分布的概况、文本的内容的主要特征以及部分信息的话语特征展开讨论。

    This study will discuss the distribution of the messages , the content of the text and features of some messages .

  23. 该方法利用小面元法合理的分割选取目标图像的部分信息,通过真假目标多图像匹配概率的计算,评价假目标示假效果。

    First image matching with high value are segmented . The effect on the decoy is evaluated by calculating image matching .

  24. 但本体不能表示概念之间的重叠或相交程度,也不能支持只知道概念或个体的部分信息的推理。

    However , Ontology can not express the overlap or the degree of intersection , and can not support uncertainty reasoning .

  25. 但由于各种扰动因素的影响,我们经常会遇到所收集的观测数据不完整,从而导致部分信息已知,部分信息未知的情况出现。

    Because of all kinds of disturbing factor , so it cause that partial information is known and others are unknown .

  26. 因此,我们认为股票市场是一个部分信息已知,部分信息未知的系统,气可以当作一个灰色系统来进行处理,股票价格作为其系统行为的特征量是一个灰色量。

    We consider the stock market as a grey system , and the stock price is the grey volume of this system .

  27. 链接不仅指明了从一部分信息到另一部分信息的简单连接,它们还带来了更多含义或意义。

    Links not only denote simple connections from one piece of information to another , they also indicate further meaning or significance .

  28. 先管好企业内部的物流和部分信息流,再整合资金流以及供应链。

    Managing material flow inside enterprises and some information flow well first , and then whole joint-venture 's financial flows and supply chain .

  29. 图形-背景理论认为:主体的知觉认知往往包括图形和背景两部分信息。

    Figure-Ground theory states that the cognition of human conception usually consists of two parts of information conveyed by both Figure and Ground .

  30. 因此我们可以利用部分信息来提高原本发送端不需要信道状态信息系统的性能。

    Hence , for the system with no CSI at the transmitter , we can use the partial CSI to improve the system performance .