
  1. 我国行政诉讼应确立合理性审查原则

    Establishment of Principle of Examining Rationality in Administrative Litigation in China

  2. 合理性审查原则:制度空间与再定位

    The Principle of Reasonableness : Institutionalized Existence and Reconstruction

  3. 合理性审查原则本身就是为了监控行政裁量权的目的而存在的,其涵义演化也是为了更好地监控行政裁量权。

    The principle of reasonableness is to supervise the administrative discretion , and its meaning revolution is to better the supervision .

  4. 学术界对行政裁量权与合理性审查原则研究已相当丰富,并逐渐取得了一些共识。

    The research of academe on the administrative discretion and the principle of reasonableness has made material results , and attained some consensus .

  5. 继续确立合法性、合理性审查原则,并加强对行政复议机关及其工作人员的监督。

    Besides , the principals of legal and reasonable investigations are proposed and the supervisions on the administration reconsideration organization and its staff should be enhanced .

  6. 第一章主要采用比较法和案例分析为视角对我国合理性审查原则存在的制度空间进行论述;

    The first chapter , based on the comparative method and case law , concentrate on the institutionalized existence of the principle of reasonableness in our administrative litigation .

  7. 我们要努力将行政裁量权规制在一定的原则和规则框架之中,在行政法上为行政裁量设置一系列的规则,这就是合理性审查原则。

    We must try all the time to confine administration discretionary power into certain doctrines and frames , establishing a series of relevant governing rules in the administrative law .

  8. 合理性审查原则应贯穿于司法审查的全过程,包括审查的标准、范围、强度及审查的结果等等。

    The principle of reasonable review run through all course of judicial review , include the standard , scope , intensity and result of judicial review on administrative discretion .

  9. 同时,立法将大多数的行政自由裁量权排除在司法审查的范围之外,即使规定对其进行审查也仅仅局限于合法性审查,合理性审查原则还没得到立法的明确规定。

    Besides , the legislation eliminates most administrative discretionary power out of judicial review . Even if some discretionary power is regulated , the review of them is only in the aspect of validity , and the principle of reasonable review has not been regulated clearly .

  10. 在这个前提下,本文以为要区别行政实体法原则与行政诉讼法上的司法审查原则,对于行政合法性适用合法性审查原则,但对于行政合理性审查以基本合理原则为恰当。

    Under the above mentioned opinions , this paper holds a different viewpoint that the principle of procedure law should be principle of being lawful and approximately rational , which distinguishes itself with the administrative substantive law .