
  1. 本文拟从我国公务员管理机构的历史发展及目前所面临的问题出发,探讨如何完善我国现有的公务员管理机构。

    This paper from the history of the development of civil service management agencies and the problems currently facing , discusses how to improve our existing civil service management agencies .

  2. 南京国民政府时期,在抗战爆发前十年的建设时期,在批判继承北京政府时期文官抚恤制度的基础上,通过颁布相关法规条例,建立公务员抚恤的管理机构。

    Before the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese war , in the critical period of succession of the Beijing government civil service pension system , Nanjing National Government construction period made the enactment of relevant laws and regulations , the establishment of the civil service pension of the management .

  3. 搞好这项工作,应建立和完善公务员培训法律制度、加强公务员培训管理机构、施教机构建设,积极开展公务员培训理论研究。

    We should establish and perfect the law of public servants ' training , strengthen the establishment of training management agencies and do theoretical researches in training the public servants perfect the training work .