
  1. 本文论述的官员财产申报制度正是以法导廉模式的制度再现。

    Officials of this paper is to law the property declaration system cheaper model system performance guide .

  2. 新疆阿勒泰地区、浙江慈溪市先后出台了各具特色的官员财产申报制度。

    The distinctive property declaring system in Altay of Xinjiang and Cixi of Zhejiang came into being one after another .

  3. 然后再分析我国官员财产申报制度难产的制度外的原因,同时也是最重要的原因。

    Then analysis of the official reporting system of property outside the system causes a difficult birth , but also the most important reason .

  4. 而且纵观世界多数国家尤其是治理腐败好的国家,无一例外地引入了官员财产申报制度治理腐败且效果显著。

    Throughout most countries in the world especially those with good governance of corruption , they all introduce official property declaration system to control corruption and have received remarkable effect .

  5. 享有反腐利器美称的官员财产申报制度,在世界上诸多国家的廉政建设过程中发挥了巨大作用。

    Official property declaration system , the " anti-corruption weapon ", plays a significant role in the process of construction of a clean and honest administration in many countries around the world .

  6. 这种制度建设上存在的硬伤导致了官员财产申报制度在我国推行困难的现状,主要表现在申报主体抵触、瞒报现象频现、走过场现象严重等几个方面。

    The injuries that exists on the system led to the actuality that the official property declaration system have difficult to carry out in our country , mainly exhibition on the collision of declarer and artificial phenomenon .

  7. 官员财产申报公开制度其主要核心内容是要求官员按照规定向主管部门申报自己的财产并且将此内容向全社会公开,接受主管部门、广大群众和社会团体的监督。

    Official property declaration system of open and its main core is require officials to declare to the competent authorities in accordance with the provisions of their property and the whole society open this content , the competent authorities and the masses , supervising social groups .