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guān lì
  • government officials;officeholder;government functionary;mandarin
官吏 [guān lì]
  • (1) [officeholder;government functionary]∶官员。亦为政府工作人员的总称

  • (2) [mandarin]∶中国封建时代九品官中的任何一种官职,较低级的官吏由通过中国经典文学考试及格的人来充当

官吏[guān lì]
  1. 中国古代官吏选拔制度演绎规律初探

    Analysis on the Evolution of Ancient China 's Selecting System of Government Officials

  2. 公务员制度是官吏制度发展的必然结果,而官吏制度的发展史也是一部其代表性不断扩展的历史。

    The public servants institution results from government officials ' institution , which has also been an extensive history of representativeness .

  3. “官吏”这个词在使用时常常带有轻蔑的含义。

    The word “ placeman ” is often used contemptuously .

  4. 他们任命他做高级官吏。

    They appointed him to a high office .

  5. 有钱的官吏和地主在一千年前就修建了这种奇怪的建筑物

    Wealthy officials and landlords built these queer edifices a thousand years ago .

  6. 灵公命令官吏按照晏子的话去办。

    Ling Gong ordered his officials to do according to what Yan Zi had said .

  7. 养马的官吏还没来得及回答,相国管仲接过话茬回答说:

    Before the officer had time to reply , prime minister Guan Zhong picked up the topic and answered ,

  8. 就跟在后面边追边喊:“盗!盗!”过路的官吏听到喊声,就把“盗”抓住捆了起来。

    To call him back , his father shouted behind him , " Thief ! Thief ! " The officers heard his cry and caught and tied up " Thief " .

  9. 然而,他骑白马通过关卡时,还是如数交纳马匹过关费,并不和关卡的官吏争执白马是不是马。

    Nevertheless when he passed the pass riding his white horse , he would pay the horse-passing tax and never argued with those guards that a white horse is not a horse .

  10. 齐桓公视察马棚,问负责养马的官吏:“马棚里什么事最难做?”

    One time Duke Huan of the state of Qi inspected the stable and asked the officer who was in charge of the stable , " What is the most difficult thing to do in a stable ? "

  11. 皇城附近的街巷里有nharuong——一种木结构花园住宅,曾经是官吏和其他显耀人士的宅邸——以及建造于帝国时代晚期的现代别墅。

    In lanes near the Citadel are nha ruong - wooden garden homes that once housed mandarins and other personalities of note - and more modern villas built late in the imperial period .

  12. 浅议秦汉官吏法的几个特点

    Some Features of the Official Law in Qin and Han Dynasties

  13. 罗马共和时期,人们通过选举来选拔官吏,贵族后代、战争中的英雄以及美名远播的公民都受到人们的欢迎。

    During Roman Republic Period , officials were made through election .

  14. 古代官吏的职业道德规范&官箴

    Admonitions for The Bureaucracy The Professional Moral Norm in The Ancient Time

  15. 唐代官吏惩治研究

    Studies in the Punishments of the Offcials in Tang Dynasty

  16. 宋代司法官吏职务犯罪研究

    The Study on the Criminal Offence of Judicial Officials in Song Dynasty

  17. 这些司法渎职罪的规定对官吏的司法活动形成比较严格的法律制约,对于保证司法公正具有一定的积极意义。

    It had a great significance for guaranteeing judicial justness .

  18. 第二,规定了官吏对国有土地管理的职责;

    Second , regulate the officials ' duty in managing the land ;

  19. 张是县衙里的一个小官吏。

    Zhang was a minor official in the county government .

  20. 官吏选拔制度:传统德治的实践路径探析

    Officials Selecting System : The Way for Ruling by Virtue

  21. 运城初建城时人口主要是官吏兵丁。

    Early Yuncheng city officials when the population is mainly of soldiers .

  22. 试论中国古代官吏致仕制度

    On the retirement system in Ch in ese ancient times

  23. 中国古代行政官吏选用规制特征论

    Features of Regulations for Selecting Administrative Officials in Ancient China

  24. 中国古代官吏选拔制度释义

    On the Selection Practices of Chinese Government Officials in the Ancient Times

  25. 低层官吏的文化素养。

    The cultural qualification of officials at a lower level .

  26. 也在一定程度了打击了不法官吏,维护了统治。

    Also has attacked the illegal government official and safeguard the rule .

  27. 一个有教养的清朝官吏在发怒的时候,做出非常优美的姿态。

    A cultured Mandarin made extremely beautiful gestures when he was angry .

  28. 当时,只有少数官吏或卜人使用。

    At that time , only a few officials or divination people .

  29. 所谓内间,就是利用敌方官吏做间谍;

    Having inward spies , making use of officials of the enemy .

  30. 公爵,伊济安,狱卒,官吏等,及其他侍从等上。

    Enter duke , aegeon , gaoler , officers , and other attendants .