
guān zhí
  • official position;government post
官职 [guān zhí]
  • [government post;official position] 在政府中所任的职位

官职[guān zhí]
  1. 此外,中国汽车国有企业的高层领导大多数拥有官职,通过扩大企业的规模增加自己政治晋升的筹码也成为决策的重要因素。

    In addition , most the leaders of Chinese auto companies have official position , by expanding the size of the business to increase their own political advancement chips has become an important factor in decision-making .

  2. 分析《内经》心藏象理论体系的发生因素(包括文字发生、解剖形态、哲学基础、社会官职特征、医疗实践反证):辩证分析《内经》心藏象理论体系形成与发展的过程。

    Contents : To analyze the factors of formation of the visceral picture theory of heart in Internal classic of medicine ( such as the formation of charactors , form of dissect , base of philosophy , feature of social official position , medicine practice );

  3. 过了几年,皇帝又恢复了他的官职。

    After a few years , the emperor reinstated him to his original post .

  4. 从此以后,汲黯的官职再也没有提升。

    For this reason , Ji An was never promoted again .

  5. 并省官是北齐一种比较独特的官职。

    Bingsheng Guan is a special type of official in Beiqi .

  6. 免除一外交官的职务他被提升到一等官职。

    He was raised to the rank of a first-class official .

  7. 能力和忠诚作为授予官职的前提条件,

    and fidelity indispensable prerequisites to the bestowal of office ,

  8. 他在皇家空军谋得一个官职。

    He obtained a commission in the plyal air force .

  9. 婚礼,维克的官职等一切都是他付的钱

    He paid for the wedding , Wickham 's commission , everything .

  10. 市长戴带著象徵她官职的项链儿

    The mayor wear her chain of office round her neck

  11. 这是美国大陆上最高的法务官职。

    It 's the highest legal job in the land .

  12. 竞选官职的候选人往往以发表讲话来开始竞选活动。

    Candidates kick off their campaigns with a speech .

  13. 他佩戴着高级官职的各种服饰。

    He wore all the trappings of high officer .

  14. 从亚里斯泰迪兹的时候起,一切官职对每个公民都是开放的。

    From the time of Aristides all offices were open to every citizen .

  15. 通过请求来除去一个官职。

    The act of removing an official by petition .

  16. 宋代县主簿是县级政府中的重要官职。早在东汉时,在县内就设有主簿一职。

    The Song Dynasty County registrar is the important office of county government .

  17. 游侠身份为平民无官职没有权势成为被打击的对象。

    Ranger status of the civilian non-official powerless become the object of attack .

  18. 能力和忠诚作为授予官职的前提条件

    And fidelity indispensable prerequisites to the bestowal of office

  19. 他在担负着高级官职的责任。

    He shoulders the responsibility of high political office .

  20. 至康熙时期,启心郎这一官职被废止。

    Qixinlang , the official position , wasn 't abolished until Kangxi Period .

  21. 这一切都在重塑担任中国官职的意义。

    All this is reshaping what it means to be a Chinese bureaucrat .

  22. 封了他一个重要的官职。

    Dan conferred an important official title on him .

  23. 免职,罢免免去头衔或官职市长被罢免了职务。

    A removal of rank or office . The Mayor was recalled by voting .

  24. 州吁夺权后,他辞去了官职。

    He resigned when Zhu Xu seized power .

  25. (升、斗等的)垫高了的底他被提升到一等官职。

    A raised bottom He was raised to the rank of a first-class official .

  26. 他和他的官职已融为一体。

    He and his office were one .

  27. 戴着市长的职务标志(官职链等)。

    Wearing the mayoral regalia ,( ie the mayor 's chain of office , etc )

  28. 行政官职通常被认为是进入元老院的必要先决条件。

    The magistracy was usually considered a necessary precondition for entry into the Roman senate .

  29. 但这类官职并非真正用来指挥军队的。

    However , those positions were not the official position for really commanding the army .

  30. 这动词的意思是「正式就任为官职或者为之举行一个正式的就职典礼」。

    This is a verb which means to induct into office or make a formal beginning .