
  • 网络bureaucracy;bureaucratic system
  1. 查克·德沃尔(ChuckDeVore)是前加利福尼亚共和党州议员,现任得克萨斯州公共政策基金会政策部副总裁,他认为,限制住房成本、增税与专横的官僚制度都导致了加利福尼亚不再是人间天堂。

    Chuck DeVore , a former California Republican state assemblyman who is now vice president for policy at the Texas Public Policy Foundation , lists prohibitive housing costs , rising taxes and overbearing bureaucracy as contributors , in his view , to a paradise almost lost .

  2. 托勒密埃及官僚制度探微

    On the Bureaucracy System in Ptolemaic Egypt

  3. 除了官僚制度障碍以外,令情况更加糟糕的是,中方已说动思科(Cisco)和可口可乐(Coca-Cola)等美国大公司掏钱兴建自己的企业展馆,这些展馆将与美国馆隔江对望。

    The bureaucratic obstacles were made worse by the fact the Chinese had already tapped large US companies , such as Cisco and Coca-Cola , to spend money on their own corporate pavilions that will face their national counterparts across the river around the fair in Shanghai .

  4. 第三部分是汉代官僚制度对伦理思想的影响。

    The third part of the Han Dynasty bureaucratic system of ethical thought .

  5. 马克思对官僚制度的批判

    Marx 's Critique to the Bureaucrat System

  6. 传统的官方文档多侧重于官僚制度和实施,在定量材料上却是较为薄弱。

    Traditional official records are strong on bureaucratic institutions and practices but weak in quantitative material .

  7. 一是从汉代官僚制度与伦理思想的关系方面总结。

    First , the summary from the bureaucratic system of the Han Dynasty and ethical thought .

  8. 过度劳累而效率极低的官僚制度。

    An overworked and inefficient bureaucracy .

  9. 韦伯认为合理的官僚制度是现代世界合理化的主要因素。

    For Weber , the rational bureaucracy was the major element in the rationalization of the modern world .

  10. 新的官僚制度的建立,便利了国君对地方官员的任免、选拔与考核权的掌握。

    The new bureaucratic system facilitated the monarch to select , examine , appoint , and remove local officials .

  11. 规章制度有利于团队功能的发挥,但是我们应当防止使团队过于官僚制度化。

    Rules and regulations help teams function well , but we should always guard against making teams too bureaucratic .

  12. 这一领域的外商投资一直不多,主要原因在于监管限制和官僚制度。

    Foreign investment in this sector has been rare , in large part due to regulatory restrictions and bureaucracy .

  13. 官僚制度作为一种政治制度,学术界对其研究可谓是硕果累累。

    The bureaucratic system as a political system , academia , and the research can be described as fruitful .

  14. 中国官僚制度化的逻辑分析&兼论国家公务员制度建设的问题与改革方向

    A Logical Analysis to China 's Bureaucrat Systemization & Problems and Reform Orientation of China 's Government Functionary System Construction

  15. 在世界范围内,建立在韦伯官僚制度下的传统公共行政出现了合法性危机。

    The traditional public administration , which is under Weber 's bureaucratic institution , appears legitimacy crisis within the world .

  16. 福山用三个特征来定义现代国家:正式的官僚制度、法治和问责制。

    Fukuyama defines such states by three characteristics : formal bureaucratic institutions ; the rule of law ; and accountability .

  17. 在肯尼亚,移动运营商可以相对自由地推出这项服务,不受官僚制度的打扰。

    In Kenya , mobile operators were given a relatively free hand to launch the service , unbothered by bureaucracy .

  18. 第一部分主要是对汉代官僚制度的内容作了较为详细的介绍和说明。

    The first part is made a more detailed introduction and explanation of the contents of the bureaucratic system of the Han Dynasty .

  19. 二是从汉代官僚制度伦理与官员的官德之间的关系方面总结。

    The second is to summarize the relationship between the bureaucratic systems of ethics with the officials in the Han Dynasty official Germany .

  20. 而这些都是唐朝官僚制度及其所蕴涵的行政文化给予当代政府的良好启示。

    But these all are the administrative culture which Tang Dynasty bureaucratic system and its contains gives the contemporary government the good enlightenments .

  21. 秦汉官制,对中国的官僚制度体系有着深远影响,很多学者也已经做了很多论述,但是很多仅仅是从史料中所见的官职。

    Many scholars have done a lot of discussion about it , but many of these bureaucracies are seen just in the historical datum .

  22. 但是海泽尔也说,亚太区域内充分的贸易潜力每每被一些障碍所破坏,例如官僚制度的繁文缛节,导致成本更高。

    But Heyzer says the region is full potential in trade is undermined by impediments such as bureaucratic red tape , leading to higher costs .

  23. 这些对于士阶层的兴起以及战国时期官僚制度的改革都产生了很大的积极影响。

    All of this had positive impacts on the rising of the " Scholars " and the bureaucratic system reform in the Warring States period .

  24. 然而基于社会背景和文化的不同,国内外对官僚制度这一概念的界定,也有很大的不同。

    However , based on different social backgrounds and cultures at home and abroad defined the concept of the bureaucratic system , but also very different .

  25. 西汉时期,官僚制度逐步发展,选官、考课、退休等制度进一步完善,这些都导致官僚阶层社会地位发生变化。

    The mobility of the bureaucratic class provided a high quality ruling class , and promoted the social stability and development of the Western Han Dynasty .

  26. 安南在一九九七年就职时,大家都对他有很高的期待,希望他能改革这个国际组织过度膨胀的官僚制度与神秘难解的作业程序。

    Kofi Annan came into office in1997 amidst high hopes as being someone who could reform the bloated bureaucracy and arcane procedures of the world body .

  27. 在民间方面,洪太极拳,所提供的意见投降明朝官员,设立了一个简陋的官僚制度的基础上明政府模式。

    Onthe civil front , Hung Taiji , on the advice of surrendered Mingofficials , set up a rudimentary bureaucratic system based on the Mingmodel of government .

  28. 而我们在对中国古代官僚制度的内涵界定是多数是考虑这一制度下,官僚机构的设置和运转。

    The connotation of the ancient Chinese bureaucratic system as defined in the majority is considering to set up and operation of this system , the bureaucracy .

  29. 韦尔奇计划打破公司的业务结构、官僚制度,改变诸多传统和惯例以及公司文化。

    Yet Welch proposed to blow up this paragon - its portfolio of businesses , its bureaucracy , many of its pratices and traditions , its very culture .

  30. 本文对反映秦汉官僚制度体系的新出土材料&秦汉印玺中所见的官制问题进行研究和探索。

    This paper researches and explores the bureaucratic problems seen in the seals which are newly unearthed materials that reflect the bureaucratic system of Qin and Han Dynasties .