
  • Official website;www
  1. CBA联赛官方网站项目中的沟通及风险管理

    Management Research on Communication and Rish of CBA League Official Website Project

  2. 万达官方网站显示,今年10月8日,王健林与狮门娱乐董事长马克•拉切斯基(MarkRachesky)在北京会晤。

    According to Wanda 's official website , Mr Wang met Mark Rachesky , chairman of Lions Gate , in Beijing on Oct 8 .

  3. “分号项目”的官方网站解释了分号纹身背后的理念:“作家在可以结束语句的情况下,却选择不划下句点,这时就需要用到分号。现在,你是作家,语句则是你的生命。”

    Project Semicolon 's website explains the idea behind the tattoo : " A semicolon is used when an author could 've chosen to end their sentence , but chose not to . The author is you and the sentence is your life . "

  4. 其官方网站包括了wto新闻和技术文件。

    This page includes links to WTO news and technical information .

  5. 这些资料都出现在Demand自己的官方网站上,但是也会出现在主流媒体上比如USAToday之类的。

    The material appears on Demand 's own family of sites , but also on mainstream media outlets such as USA Today .

  6. 更多关于新RPM版本的信息请参见NewRelic官方网站。

    More information about the new release of RPM is available on the New Relic web site .

  7. 将在SPA官方网站上发布该会议纪要。

    They will be posted on the SPA website .

  8. 最佳西方梅苑宾馆官方网站-杭州在线预订-杭州最佳西方梅苑宾馆是全球最大单体连锁酒店集团-BestWesternInternational在中国华东地区首家成员酒店,是一家四星级的商务酒店。

    Best Western Hangzhou is the first member hotel of global biggest monomer chain-like hotel group-Best Western International in the Chinese East China area , is a four star class commercial hotel .

  9. 与此同时,SPA不会把所有的资料都发布在国际档案理事会的官方网站上。

    At the moment , sections cannot mount their own material on the ICA site .

  10. 在苹果官方网站卖70美元,购买最新的Mac电脑也可获得。

    It costs 70 dollars on Apple 's website . The Magic Mouse is also included with every new iMac .

  11. 这其中就包括CBA官方网站。

    And the CBA official website is included .

  12. 周日AC米兰官方网站发表申明,这只意大利俱乐部已经讨论舍瓦的突然离开。

    In a statement posted on the AC Milan official website on Sunday , the Italian club has discussed the imminent departure of striker Andriy Shevchenko .

  13. 国际档案理事会的官方网站仍有不少问题,SPA的很多资料无法在该网站上发布。

    There were still problems with the ICA website , and SPA material was not being mounted on the site .

  14. 而最近这条标语出现在YouTube上的视频中,而该视频则来自安海斯-布希公司百威啤酒的官方网站。

    It was recently shown up in a YouTube video from Bud Light 's on the beer 's official website .

  15. 访问MongoDB官方网站。

    Visit the official MongoDB site .

  16. 我鼓励您到W3C的官方网站去学习关于名称空间的更多知识(请参阅参考资料)。

    I encourage you to visit W3C 's official Web site to learn more about namespaces ( see Resources ) .

  17. 这是RFC官方网站上sha1算法,标准通用的。

    This is the RFC algorithm sha1 official website , the standard generic .

  18. 从世界银行、WTO、各国官方网站、相关书籍、文献等渠道获取各案例国家相应指标数据,对服装加工业国际竞争力评价体系及评分模型加以应用。

    Get each case corresponding indicators data from World Bank , WTO , official websites , related books , documents and other channels , to be applied to the garment manufacturing industry international competitiveness evaluation system and scoring models .

  19. CNN在其官方网站上进行了一项调查发现,美国人的婚礼开支由以下几个部分构成:

    According to a recent survey published by CNN on their official website , the total costs of the average American wedding break down as follows :

  20. MagicLeap的官方网站上,有几个视频和图片,内容是人们可用裸眼看到的丰富动画:教室里,海马漂浮在孩子们的头上;

    On its website , the company has a few videos and images that depict rich animations displayed over what people see with the naked eye . Seahorses float above children in a schoolroom .

  21. 开始接受预订一小时后,苹果官方网站显示顾客最多要等待两周才能拿到新iPhone,这表明初始库存已经售完。

    An hour into accepting pre-orders , Apple 's website indicated that it would take up to two weeks for customers to receive a new iPhone , suggesting initial inventory had sold out .

  22. 此外,上海市政府官方网站周二发布的一份声明显示,比亚迪获准在该市销售插电式混合动力车“秦”(Qin)。秦是上海私人购买新能源汽车补贴试点车型之一。

    BYD also received approval to sell its plug-in hybrid , the Qin , in Shanghai as part of a trial , according to a statement posted on the city 's municipal-government website Tuesday .

  23. 即便如此,美国律师协会仍然暂时批准了更多法学院的设立。该协会的官方网站显示,其中包括加利福尼亚大学欧文分校法学院(UniversityofCalifornia-IrvineSchoolofLaw)和麻省大学法学院达特茅斯分院(UniversityofMassachusettsLawSchool-Dartmouth)。

    Even so , the ABA has provisionally approved the creation of even more law schools , including the University of California-Irvine School of Law and the University of Massachusetts Law School-Dartmouth , according to the bar association 's website .

  24. 攻击CIA和美国参议院等美国官方网站之后,电脑黑客组织“鲁尔兹安全”(LulzSecurity)称他们将解散。

    A group of computer hackers , known as Lulz Security , say they are disbanding after targeting official American websites , such as the CIA and the US Senate .

  25. 与会者需要通过PC浏览器来访问官方网站才能查看大会日程,个人日程,以及下载相关课程的文档与资料,无法做到随时随地获取信息。

    Participants can only use the PC browser to access the official website to view the agenda of the General Assembly , personal calendar , as well as download course documents and information , this things can not be done anytime , anywhere .

  26. 该公司在周一于官方网站上发布的一份说明中表示,“如果联邦调查局(FBI)赢了这个案子”,全美各地的执法部门“会有成百上千部iPhone等着让苹果解锁。”

    And in a note on its website on Monday , Apple said law enforcement agencies nationwide " have hundreds of iPhones they want Apple to unlock if the F.B.I. wins this case . "

  27. 剧情介绍都是中文版,可在SIFF官方网站上转成英文版。

    All the introductions are Chinese Edition . They can be translated into English Edition in the official site of SIFF .

  28. 根据MTV欧洲音乐盛典的官方网站显示,李宇春是一名流行歌手、创作者和演员。她自出道以来,发行过7张畅销专辑、52首榜首单曲以及参演过三部电影。

    According to her profile on 2013 MTV EMA website , Chris Lee is a popular singer , songwriter , and actress , who has 7 best selling albums , 52 number one singles , and three films since her debut .

  29. 这款睡眠眼罩可机洗,目前可在NeuroOn的官方网站上预订,价格为299美元,在首批销售结束后将发往全球各地。

    The sleeping mask , which is machine washable , can be pre-ordered on NeuroOn 's website for $ 299 and will be shipped internationally after the initial run is processed .

  30. 周五,这位29岁的职业运动员在自己的官方网站发表了一则声明,证实自己原本计划搭乘周四从阿姆斯特丹飞往吉隆坡的坠毁航班MH17,但后来他决定将自己的出发日期延后几天。

    On Friday , the 29-year-old professional athlete issued a statement on his official site confirming that he was supposed to take the doomed MH17 flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur Thursday , but he pushed back his departure by several days .