
  • 网络agriculture economic management;Agricultural Economics and Management;management of agricultural economy
  1. 农业经济管理研究的前沿问题与资助方向

    Research frontiers of Agricultural Economics and management

  2. 农村金融学是金融学与农业经济管理学科交叉派生出来的一个新兴学科,也是一个相对年轻的学科。

    The rural finance is an important part of agriculture economics and management .

  3. 匈牙利农业经济管理体制改革的成就和经验

    The achievements and experiences of the system reformation of agricultural economic management in Hungary

  4. 《秦简》所见秦农业经济管理法规试析

    An Analysis of Agricultural Economic Laws of the Qin Dynasty Reflected from Qin 's Bamboo Strips

  5. 应用波特竞争战略探索农业经济管理专业人才培养的新模式

    Application of Porter Competitive Strategy in Exploring a New Training Model in the Specialty of Agricultural Economical Management

  6. 本文旨在说明数学方法在现代农业经济管理过程中的重要性。

    The article shows the importance of the maths method using in the course of the modern agricultural economic management .

  7. 它直接关系到基层政府的农业经济管理水平,关系到农民的切身利益。

    It is directly related to the grass-roots government agriculture economics and management level , and related to the personal interest of the farmer .

  8. 论财经商贸高校学生信息素养的培养写在山西财经大学建立农业经济管理硕士点之际

    On Cultivation in Information Literacy of Financial and Commercial Schools ' Students Words Written upon Setting up the Master Program of Agricultural Economic Management in SUFE

  9. 随着我国加入WT0,与国际社会的接轨,日益受到世界先进农业经济管理与发展理念的冲击,农业发展也朝着现代化方向迈进,产业化进程加快,农业产业组织应运而生。

    With China joined in the WTO , China is impacted by the advanced agricultural economic management and idea of the development , and Chinese agriculture develops towards the modernization .

  10. 同时,还要全面地改革和完善农业经济管理体制,充分发挥政府在农业发展中的引导、支持和推动作用。

    In the meantime , we should carry out all-round reformation and perfect agricultural economy management system , and make full use of government guide , support and motivation in the agricultural development .

  11. 《秦简》中有大量的类似单行的农业经济管理法规,从中可看出秦统治者广泛运用法律手段对农业经济活动进行强制性管理和干预。

    There are large quantities of agricultural economic laws in Qin 's bamboo strips , from which it can be discovered that the rulers largely managed and intervened the agricultural economic activities by laws forcefully .

  12. 农产品进出口价格指数在衡量农产品的进出口贸易条件等方面有决定作用,在农业经济管理中也具有非常重要的地位和作用。

    Price index of the imports and exports of agricultural products plays a decisive role in weighing the terms of trade of imports and exports of agricultural products , meanwhile , it has very important position and function in the agricultural economic management .

  13. 该理论对政府农业经济管理的基本启示是:要调动和维持农民的积极性,首先要注意保健因素,以防止农民不满情绪的产生;

    To the government 's administration of agricultural economy , the policy inspiration of the theory is that : to stimulate and maintain the zeal of peasants , preventing peasants ' dissatisfaction , the first thing to do is to take notice of hygiene factors .

  14. 河北省农业经济数据管理与服务平台建设

    Construction of Management and Service Platform of Agricultural Economy Data in Hebei Province

  15. 农业高校农林经济管理专业本科人才培养模式创新探讨

    Research on Innovation of Training Model in the Major of Agricultural Economics and Management

  16. 本文从市场经济对企业核算的新要求,论述稳健性原则及其在企业核算中具体应用,对于进一步搞好农业企业的经济管理工作,有显著的效果。

    According to the new requirement of market economy , this paper discussed the conservatism principle and it 's application in enterprise the administration of agricultural enterprises .

  17. 本文以上海农业经济运行动态监测管理系统为实例,探讨了运用地理信息系统(GIS)建立农业经济运行系统,实现对区域农业经济运行信息的动态监测和管理。

    How to realize the surveillance and management of input and output information in regional farmland by means of GIS technology was discussed through establishing the dynamic surveillance and management information system of economic input and output in Shanghai farmland .

  18. 知识农业在整个农业经济管理研究中还是一个较新的概念。

    Knowledge agriculture is a new concept in agricultural economic management research .

  19. 农业经济运行动态监测管理系统设计

    Design of dynamic surveillance and management information system of economic input and output application in farmland

  20. 秦汉统治者为加强对农业和农村经济的管理,采取了一系列发展农业和农村经济的重要措施。

    To strengthen agriculture and management of rural economy , the rulers of the Qin-Han times took a series of important measures .

  21. 对于唐朝政府履行农业经济职能,农业管理的各种政策、措施及其成效,我们应该是给予充分的肯定。

    For the positive result that the Tang government obtained from the performance of agricultural economy functions , agricultural management policies and other measures we should give fully affirmation and reference .

  22. 分析结果表明:人们潜意识的狭隘性和保守型思维方式制约了企业的管理创新。其现象表征为用封建等级和官本位思想对待企业,用传统农业经济的模式经营管理企业。

    It concludes that just the thought mode of parochialism and conservative ideas restricts the innovation of enterprise management , which features treatment of enterprises with feudal hierarchy and official grade as well as operation and administration with the mode of traditional agricultural economy .

  23. 在阐明信息技术的基础上,总结了信息技术在我国农业资源与环境、农业生产、技术研究与推广、农业灾害及经济管理中的应用和前景。

    Based on the introduction of information technique , the paper has summarized its application to agricultural resources , environment , crop production , technique research and extension , agricultural disasters and economic management .

  24. 农业现代化是农业生产条件和技术的现代化、生产装备和手段的现代化、农业经济结构和管理的现代化的综合表现,是世界农业发展的总体趋势。

    Agricultural modernization is a kind of synthetical expression , including the modernization of agricultural production condition and technique , production equipment and tool , agricultural economical structure and management . It is also the general trend of agricultural development in the world .