- 名god of agriculture

Hubei province is the representative of Jin and Chu culture in South China . The God of Agriculture , Silk and Tea and the Emperor of Medicine can represent material tourism culture ;
In the ancient festival of Saturnalia the Romans used to burn the statue of the king of ancient Saturnalia .
But as Christianity spread they were alarmed by the continuing celebration of pagan customs and Saturnalia among their converts .
Saturnalia was considered a festive time for Romans , but Christians believed it an abomination to honor such a pagan god .
Seated with him on his ebony throne was Queen Persephone , the once fair goddess of vegetation whom he had abducted .
Zuozhuan includes religious phenomenon and activities adoring nature and agricultural god , spirit and sign , unusual being , heralding , divining etc.
Brennan : Christmas has its roots in the pagan festival of Saturnalia , which is traditionally celebrated by intoxication , naked singing and the consumption of human-shaped biscuits .
Eventually , the church was successful in removing the merriment ( 5 ), lights and gifts from Saturnalia and transferring them to the celebration of a Christian Christmas .
This burnt out statue , as pointed out by the famous anthropologist Sir James Frazer , is no other than the direct ruler after the old king of Saturnalia .
He is the author of Athena and Eden : The Hidden Meaning of the Parthenon 's East Facade , and Athena and Kain : The True meaning of Greek Myth .
Saying that Pegasus is not actual is on a par , logically , with saying that the Parthenon is not red ; in either case we are saying something about an entity whose being is unquestioned .
was responsible for a number of well-documented fakes , including a Gauguin sculpture of a faun bought by the Art Institute of Chicago and an Egyptian alabaster sculpture of a princess purchased by the Bolton Museum .
Built on Athens 's historic acropolis in the fifth century b.c. , the Parthenon was partly a tribute to the goddess Athena , patron of Athens and protector of all Greek cities , to thank her for helping Athens and its allies defeat the Persians .