
nónɡ jiā féi
  • farm/farmyard manure
  1. 其中农家肥处理的最好,pH为5.65,比未处理土壤pH降低了13.5%。

    The best treatment was farmyard manure , in which the pH value was 5.65 , 13.5 % lower than the untreated .

  2. 然而人畜粪尿等农家肥不经处理直接施用,往往会因H2S等有害气体发生以及田块中地下害虫增多而损害作物,肥效也不高,而且发出恶臭,污染环境。

    However , the plants would be harmed due to H2S and other harmful odor produced from the man-animal fertilizer , the would pollute the environment .

  3. 方法分别测定头花蓼在施用10种不同量的N(尿素)、P(过磷酸钙)、K(硫酸钾)肥及农家肥后的产量,并进行方差分析。

    Ex D. Don . Methods To determine its output and give variance analysis to data after applying solely 10 batches different amount of N fertilizer ( carbamide ), P fertilizer ( superphosphate ), K fertilizer ( potash sulphate ) and farm compost , respectively .

  4. N2O是重要的温室气体之一,而自农业挥发的NH3则不仅标志化肥(含农家肥)的损失,亦系一种资源浪费,且可导致环境问题。

    N_2O is one of the important greenhouse gases , while volatilization of NH_3 from agriculture shows not only loss of fertilizers ( including manure ), known as a waste of resources , but also environmental issues .

  5. 通过试验得出:采用60cm×60cm的种植密度,施用农家肥作底肥,并于种植期间,每两个月每平方米追施50g的尿素,可获得最佳的石菖蒲人工栽培效果。

    The experimental results showed that adopting the planting density of 60 cm × 60 cm , using basal manure , and top dressing with 50g / m ~ ( 3 ) urea every two months , the optimum cultivation effect could be achieved .

  6. 农家肥撒施机螺旋式撒肥器抛撒性能的试验研究

    Scattering Performance Research of Scattering Apparatus in Farm Manure Applicator

  7. 而国内还是采用传统式的人力撒施,对有机肥撒施机的研究才刚开始,除吉林农业大学对农家肥撒施机(螺旋式)已经进行了试验研究,其他尚无相关研究报道。

    And the manure spreader research only can find in Jilin Agriculture University .

  8. 农田中施用农家肥补充肥分或有机肥。

    Farm manure is spread in fields as a nutrient or organic supplement .

  9. 农家肥、氮肥、磷肥配施对马铃薯产量的影响

    Effects of Stable Manure and Nitrogenous and Phosphorus Fertilizer on Yield of Potato

  10. 农家肥的处理及应用

    The Processing and the Application of Farm manure

  11. 农家肥撒施机工作部件的试验研究

    Study on Working Portion of Farmyard Manure Spreader

  12. 农家肥撒施机是农家肥施肥机械化作业的重要机具。

    Farm manure applicator is an important machine tool for mechanizing scattering of farm manure .

  13. 镁肥配合当地农家肥施用,对大豆仍有一定增产作用。

    Under the local practice of farm manure , magnesium fertilizer still revealed respond to soybean .

  14. 农家肥虽养分齐全,但含量却很少。

    Although the farmyard manure has all kinds of nutrition , the content of nutrition is little .

  15. 同时,传统农家肥和微生物肥料也存在着肥效较低的局限性。

    At the same time , traditional manure and microbial fertilizer also exist the limits to fertilizer efficiency .

  16. 带水平辊农家肥撒布机施肥机,播种、种植或移栽机的撒布器

    Farmyard manure spreader with horizontal roller distributing mechanism , for fertilizer distributors , seeding , planting or transplanting machines

  17. 土壤施肥使用的是长效复合肥、发酵有机肥、腐熟的农家肥、尿素等种;

    Long-lasting fertilizer , fermentation organic fertilizer , decayed farm manure and ores were used to improve soil fertility .

  18. 农家肥与化肥配合使用对烤烟产值和品质的影响

    Effect of Combined Application of Farm Manure and Chemical Fertilizer on the Output Value and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco

  19. 农田中施用农家肥补充(土壤)养分或有机肥。有些地区使用污水处理厂排放的污水进行灌溉施肥。

    Effluents from sewage disposal plants are used in some areas both for irrigation and for the nutrients contained .

  20. 例如,调整猕猴桃果园的耕作模式;多施农家肥;秸秆还林等其它措施。

    For example , adjustment of kiwifruit orchard cultivation mode ; apply farmhouse fertilizer ; straw return Lin and other measures .

  21. 选择高锰酸钾、石灰或草木灰、腐熟农家肥等有机投入品对根肿病的控制效果和施用方法进行了初步尝试。

    Studied on effect and applied method of potassium permanganate , calcareousness lime or plant ash and compost for control Plasmodiophora brassica .

  22. 间作红薯和花生处理中由于播种时施用过农家肥而有机物含量较高,间作早稻和地表裸露处理的有机物含量相对较低。

    The reason why content of organic substance of intercropping sweet potato and peanut is high is that fertilizer is used in seeding .

  23. 通过试验证明结合农家肥和根茬还田进行化肥一次性深施是培肥土壤的科学措施。

    Only once deep fertilizing in the light of farmyard manure and root and stubble returning soil is scientific method proved through experiment .

  24. 不轮作倒茬、不深耕、不施农家肥是泽州县旱地小麦生产中存在的主要问题。

    The major problems for dry land wheat production in Zezhou are no rotation reverse cropping , no deep ploughing and no farmyard manure application .

  25. 虽然传统农家肥可在一定程度上弥补单施化肥的缺陷,但仍存在着肥效低而不稳等问题。

    Traditional manure to make up for the defects of single chemical fertilizer to a certain extent , there is still a fertilizer low and unstable .

  26. 认知人类学视野下的土家族农家肥知识探析&鄂西五峰土家族自治县红烈村的个案研究

    On the Knowledge of Farm Manure of the Tujia People from the Perspective of Cognitive Anthropology & A Case Study in Wufeng Autonomous County of Hubei Province

  27. 其次施农家肥产量为5778.0kg/hm2,较对照增产18.6%;

    The second yield ( 5 778.0 kg / hm ~ 2 ), when farmyard manure was applied , which is higher than that of the contrast by 18.6 % ;

  28. 较多的农家肥配合少量的氮素化肥,既可以减少白背飞虱田间发生量,又有利于提高水稻产量。

    It could not only lessen the field population density of S.furcifera but also raise the rice yield to apply more farm manure combined with a small amount nitrogen fertilizer .

  29. 沼肥是沼气系统形成的农家肥,含有丰富的大量元素和微量元素、有机质、氨基酸和维生素等,营养丰富。

    Biogas fertilizer is farmyard manure produce from biogas system . It is rich in many nutritive elements such as macroelement , microelement , organic matter , amino acid and vitamin .

  30. 利用三种不同肥料处理(沼液原液、农家肥、复合肥)研究其对桃树产量和品质的影响。

    The effects of different kinds of fertilizer ( biogas slurry , farmhouse fertilizer , and compound fertilizer ) on the yield and quality of " Yanhong " peach were investigated .