
  • 网络Potassium oxide
  1. 本文拟定了火焰光度法测定钾钙肥中有效氧化钾含量的条件,与四苯硼钠容量法比较,经F检验和t检验。

    In this paper , conditions for determining effective potassium oxide contents in K-Ca fertilizer with flame photometry was investigated .

  2. 结果表明:对香气指标有重要影响的是总氮、总氮/烟碱、氧化钾;

    The result shows that the aroma is influenced by total nitrogen , total nitrogen / nicotine , potassium oxide ;

  3. 目的探讨K2O(氧化钾)在白榴石微晶化增强牙科玻璃陶瓷的原材料组分与比例方面的规律以及白榴石微晶含量对该玻璃陶瓷抗压强度的影响。

    Objective To research the influence of K 2O composition in the raw material on leucite microcrystallization and to study the effect of leucite content on compressive strength of the dental glass ceramics reinforced by leucite microcrystallization .

  4. 舱内用超氧化钾和氢氧化锂自动平衡供氧。

    An auto balance reproducing oxygen supplier using KO2 and LiOH was provided .

  5. GB/T1879-1995磷矿石和磷精矿石氧化钾含量的测定火焰原子吸收光谱法

    Phosphate rock and concentrate Determination of potassium oxide content Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method

  6. 用离子选择电极电位滴定法测定陶瓷原料中的氧化钾

    Determination of Potassium Oxide in Raw Material for Ceramic Industry by Potentiometric Titration with Ion-selective Electrode

  7. 火焰光度法测定氧化钠、氧化钾溶剂的改变

    A change of the solvent for samples in determination of sodium oxide and potassium oxide with flame photometry

  8. 氢氧化钾常被称为腐蚀性碳酸钾,在肥料工业中,也把氧化钾称作钾碱。

    Potassium hydroxide is frequently called caustic potash , and in the fertilizer industry , potassium oxide is called potash .

  9. 在该条件下,氧化钾收率为93.40%,产品质量符合有关标准。

    Under above conditions , the revenue of potassium oxide is 93.40 % and the products quality reaches relate standard .

  10. 生产上最佳配比组合是以菌肥代替20%的氧化钾,在烟草生产上效果最佳。

    The effect of bacterial manure ( especially instead of20 % kcl ) is the best , next is bacterial reagent .

  11. 四川宝兴黄店子富钾粗面岩,是目前国内外已知含氧化钾最高的粗面岩之一。其氧化钾含量已达含钾岩石作为钾肥原料的富矿标准。

    The potassium ich trachyte in Huangdianzi , Baoxing county , Sichuan province , is one of the high K content rocks known in our country and abroad .

  12. 考察了氧化钾加入量、加热温度、保温时间以及冷却方式对合成钾肥结晶性能和钾元素溶出率的影响。

    The influence of amount of potassium oxide addition , heating temperature , holding time and cooling mode on crystallizability of and dissolution rate of potassium from potash fertilizer were investigated .

  13. 覆盖栽培都能在不同程度上提高烤烟的含碳和含氮化合物以及氧化钾含量,且以秸秆覆盖烟叶内在化学成分协调性较好,提钾效果也较明显。

    Mulching cultivation can be improved in varying degrees of carbonaceous and nitrogenous compounds and potassium content of flue-cured tobacco , and better coordination of intrinsic chemical composition , mention potassium effect is obvious .

  14. 氧化钠或氧化钾取代氧化锂后,使折射率线性降低,折射率改变值分别大于0.02或0.03,应力光学系数升高,阿贝数则表现出不同的变化;

    As lithium oxide is replaced by sodinm oxide or potassium oxide , refractive index linearly decreases , stress-optical coefficient increases , and the largest difference of refractive index is more than 0 . 02 or 0 . 03 respectively .

  15. 通过引入活性调节剂、双重性能调节剂、结构稳定剂等助催化剂,利用4段连续升温活化技术,制备出了氧化钾质量分数为10%的乙苯脱氢催化剂。

    A new kind of ethylbenzene dehydrogenation catalyst with high efficiency and low potassium ( potassium oxide 10 % ) was prepared by introducing active regulator , bi-functional regulator and structural stabilizer , and by four stages continuous heating activation technology .

  16. 分别考察氨甲醇、氨乙醇、氨异丙醇和氨丙酮溶液体系在不同条件下的氧化钾收率,实验结果表明,氨异丙醇溶液体系有利于改善工艺条件、提高氧化钾收率。

    The yield of potassium oxide in different reaction system of ammonia-methanol , ammonia-alcohol , ammonia-isopropanol and ammonia-acetone are investigated respectively . Results show that ammonia-isopropanol is the most proper solvent to improve the technical conditions and enhance the yield of potassium oxide .

  17. 对浓硫酸与氧化钾转化法进行了改良,比间歇法所用设备少、自动化程度高;比连续转化法投资省、自动化程度低。

    The conversion method of concentrated sulfuric acid and muriate of potash is improved , it needs less equipment and has higher automatic control than those of the intermittent method , as well as less investment and lower automatic control than those of continuous method .

  18. 并对乙二醇溶液条件下氯化钾和硫酸铵复分解制备硫酸钾工艺进行了探讨,和水盐体系相比,具有工艺过程简单,氧化钾收率高和产品质量好等优点。

    The new technology of potassium sulphate by potassium chloride and ammonium sulphate with the existing condition of ethylene glycol is discussed , and it has simple technology , high yield of potassium oxide and superior quality of production compared with that of synthesized in distilled water .

  19. 基于某些有机溶剂能改变水盐体系的性质,针对氯化钾和硫酸铵复分解反应考察了甲醇等有机溶剂和反应氧化钾收率的关系,选择乙二醇为添加溶剂。

    Based on the fact that some organic solvents can change property of the water-ion system , the relation between organic solvents such as methanol etc. and yield of potassium oxide is studied , which indicates that ethylene glycol ( EG ) can be selected as the additive .