
yǎnɡ huà jīn
  • Gold oxide;auric oxide
  1. 根据黄狮涝金矿深部氧化金矿石的特性,对采用过氧化钙强化氰化浸出工艺进行了试验研究。

    Experimental study on the process cyanidation adding CaO_2 was carried based on the characteristics of gold oxide ore of Huangshilao Gold Mine .

  2. CO低温氧化纳米金催化剂研究进展

    Progress in the research of gold nano-particles catalysts for CO oxidation in low temperature

  3. 用自组装技术在金(纯金和经阳极氧化的金)表面上获得了新型两亲聚合物PAMC(16)S的有序膜。

    Ordered films of a novel amphiphilic polymer PAMC_ ( 16 ) S have been obtained on gold surfaces ( clean gold and anodized gold ) by self-assembly technique .

  4. 黄铁矿及毒砂中负氧化数金的发现及判定

    Discovery of gold with negative oxidation number in pyrite and arsenopyrite

  5. 除气和预氧化对金-瓷结合强度的影响

    Effect of degassing and preoxidation on combining intensity of alloy-porcelain

  6. 经过生物氧化的金精粉金的浸出率可由原来的7.1%提高到93%左右。

    And the leaching recovery increased from 7.1 % to 93 % .

  7. 在实验室条件下,详细考察了溴氧化浸出金的各项条件。

    The conditions of gold extracting with bromine have been examined in detail in laboratory .

  8. 硫化物矿床氧化带金表生富集作用研究

    Study on the Mechanism of Supergene Enrichment of Gold in Oxidized Zones of Sulphide Deposit

  9. 高寒干旱地区金矿氧化带金的次生富集机理

    A mechanism of secondary enrichment of gold in oxidized zone of gold deposits in a high and cold and Arid Zone

  10. 目的:研究非贵金属合金在上瓷前经过不同的阳极钝化条件处理及除气、预氧化对金瓷结合强度的影响。

    Objective : This study is to determine the effect of different surface anodizing and degassing-preoxidation on bonding strength of porcelain to Ni-Cr alloy .

  11. 按此公式计算出两个典型矿床氧化带金的淋失率、地表指示性边界品位、指示性平均品位以及半氧化一次生富集带金的富集率。

    The leaching loss rate of gold in oxidation zone , its surface indicative cut-off grade , indicative average grade and enrichment factor for two typical deposits were calculated by using the formula derived .

  12. 基于AFM纳米氧化技术的金纳米粒子定点组装

    Site-selective Assembly of Gold Nanoparticles on Silicon Using AFM Nano-oxidation Technique

  13. 氧化铈载金催化剂的低温CO氧化反应性能研究新型晶须状氧化钛担载Au的CO催化氧化性能

    Ceria Supported Au Catalysts for Low-temperature CO Oxidation Oxidation of Carbon Monoxide over a Fibrous Titania-Supported Gold Catalyst

  14. HPC的氧化不仅为金离子的还原提供了自由电子,同时还导致了HPC分子链的断裂。

    Oxidation of HPC not only provided free electrons to reduce gold ions , but also lead to the breakage of HPC molecular chains .

  15. 细菌氧化浸出含金砷黄铁矿的过程机理及电化学研究进展

    A Review on Bioleaching Mechanism and Electrochemistry of Arsenic-bearing Gold Ores

  16. 经过生物预氧化后,金精矿金回收率达到90.78%。

    Through preliminary biooxidation , the gold recovery rate increased to 90.78 % .

  17. 铝型材阳极氧化电解着金黄色系研究

    Study on Anodizing and Electrolytic Coloring Golden-yellow Color Series on Aluminium Shape Materials

  18. 压缩空气加过氧化钙在金氰化中的协同作用

    Application of Cooperation of Conducting Compressed Air and Adding Calcium Peroxide in Gold Cyanide Leaching

  19. 化学湿法氧化消除测金试样中的碳质和硫化物

    Removal of Carbon and Sulfur from Samples by Wet Oxidation for The Determination of Gold

  20. 要:简要介绍了招远市罗山氰化厂酸化-氧化净化浸金贫液工艺。

    Practice of removing impurity using acidification-oxidation process from deficient liquid of cyanide plant is introduced briefly in the paper .

  21. 水溶液预处理使70%以上硫化物氧化后,金的氰化浸取率从26%提高到90%以上。

    After some pre-treatment with aqueous oxidation , the extracted gold from cyanide leaching was increased from 26 % to over 90 % .

  22. 本文的研究重点就是双亲性杯芳烃在水/乙醇体系中的自组装,及相应的含氧化硅和金纳米粒子的杂化纳米组装体的制备及其功能材料的研究。

    In this thesis , we focus on the self-assembly behavior of amphiphilic calixarene in the mixture of water and ethanol , as well as related preparation of functional hybrid materials made of silica and gold nanoparticles .

  23. 矿床氧化带细粒金的淋蚀聚合作用及以碎屑流为主的机械分散作用是该地区金的主要表生分散作用,并且主要发生于载金岩屑进入水系之前。

    The elevating and accumulating of the fine grain gold in the oxidized belts of ore deposits and mechanical dispersing mainly in classic way are principal dispersing originated in the earth surface and it took place predominantly before entering the drainages .

  24. 碱性硫脲体系适合浸出经预处理的物相主要为SiO2的氧化矿,浸金率高达82.68%,为碱性硫脲成功应用于黄金工业生产提供了一定的理论依据。

    The alkaline thiourea system was suitable for leaching the pretreated oxidized gold ores in which the main phase was SiO2 . The gold leaching rate reaching up to 82.68 % suggests promising potential in commercial gold leaching processes .

  25. 细菌氧化&硫脲浸金试验研究

    Experimental study on thiourea leaching of gold from bacterial oxidized ore pulp

  26. 液相氧化剂辅助浸金的试验研究及其作用机理的探讨

    Study on liquid oxidant assisted gold leaching and investigation on its mechanism

  27. 高硫高砷金精矿细菌氧化-氰化浸金试验研究

    Bacterial Oxidation and Cyanide Leaching Process of Gold Concentrate Containing Arsenic and Sulphur

  28. 矿石氧化程度高,金主要呈游离态次显微金形式存在。

    Ores have been highly oxidized , and gold is mainly present as free submicroscopic gold .

  29. 氧化矿中游离金高达96%以上。

    The content of free Au can be high up to more than 96 per-cent in oxide ore .

  30. 据资料报道,我国已初步查明低品位氧化矿床中,金储量达350吨左右。

    It is reported that the gold reserves achieve about 350t in the proved up oxidized ore in our country .