
  • 网络BeO
  1. 稀土掺杂对99氧化铍陶瓷性能的影响

    The Influence of Rare Earth Dopants upon Properties of High Purity Beryllium Oxide Ceramics

  2. 多晶氧化铍陶瓷上金刚石薄膜的生长

    Growth of diamond films on berillia ceramic

  3. 利用声学扫描检测技术,提示了热烧毁的微波功率器件氧化铍陶瓷基片与底座金属散热片的焊接不良现象;

    Burn-out of a microwave power device due to the poor bonding between beryllium oxide and base metal sink was investigated using Sound Scanning technique .

  4. 氧化铝(96%,99%)、氧化铍和氮化铝陶瓷的高频损耗很低,是优良的微波和RF电路用基板。

    With very low loss at high frequency , alumina ( 96 % , 99 % ), beryllium oxide ( BeO ) and aluminium nitride ( AlN ) ceramics are excellent substrates for microwave and RF circuits .