
  1. 基于HDI的农村区域可持续发展评价&以吉林省为例

    Evaluation on the Sustainable Development of Rural Areas Based on HDI

  2. 农村区域经济发展的比较与思考

    Comparison and thought of development of regional economy in rural areas

  3. 利用税务筹划促进农村区域经济发展的探究

    A Research of Promotion of Rural Regional Economy Development by Tax Planning

  4. 河南省农村区域经济发展水平比较研究

    Comparative Research on Developmental Level of Rural Regional Economy in Henan Province

  5. 河南农村区域经济发展差异及对策

    Economic Development and Countermeasures on Regional Differences in Rural Areas of Henan

  6. 新农村建设区域发展专业人才培养的思考

    Reflections on Cultivating Specialized Talents for Rural Regional Development

  7. 汉江下游农村区域经济发展方向

    Economy development in the countryside region of the lower reaches of Hanjiang river : direction and measures

  8. 而在农村区域经济发展中,金融一直具有重要的作用。

    In the development of rural regional economy , the importance of the finance has been widely recognized .

  9. 论文认为,创业型经济是我国农村区域社会发展变迁的重要变革力量,农民创业有利于农村贫困缓解。

    The paper holds the view that national entrepreneurship policy driven and entrepreneurial economy is the vital reforming strength for the rural social transition and the peasants entrepreneurship can ease the rural poverty .

  10. 作为农村区域经济发展的一个重要方向,旅游产业尤其是新兴低碳旅游产业发展问题的研究已经成为当前我们迫切需要完成的主要任务之一。

    As an important direction of development of regional economy in rural areas , the study on the development of tourism industry , particularly of new emerging low carbon tourism industry , has become one of the main tasks which we urgently need to complete at the present .

  11. 论农村工业化与区域发展

    On Relationship between Rural Industrialization and Regional Development

  12. 近年来随着农村区域经济的发展,农村面源污染问题日益凸显,特别是造成湖泊水体污染,已然威胁到水环境安全,影响了社会经济的可持续发展。

    Along with the rural regional economic development , the area-source pollution gradually becomes prominent . It caused graveness pollution of the lake body , it has become a threat to the national water environment security , and doing harm to the sustainable development of our society and economy .

  13. 二是经济目标,即在广大农村区域内实现农业发展、农民增收、生活富足、全面小康的目标。

    Second , it is economic targets , namely in the vast rural areas to realize the agricultural development , increasing farmers ' income , the life rich , all-round well-off target .

  14. 但在农村经济运行中还存在许多问题,比如农村区域间发展不均衡、农民收入差距大等问题。

    However , there are still many problems in the operation of the rural economy , such as the unbalanced development of rural districts , and the big gap of peasants'income , etc.

  15. 农村金融体系的发展水平和农村金融机构所提供的服务,既影响农村区域经济的结构调整,又影响农村区域经济的发展速度。

    The developing level of rural financial system not only influences the structural adjustment of rural regional economy , but also has close relationship with the developing speed of the rural regional economy .