
  • 网络burden
  1. 要减轻农民负担,增加农民收入,适应加入WTO以后的激烈竞争形势,必须走城乡一体化的道路。

    We think it is necessary to integrate country with city for alleviating burden of peasant , increasing revenue of peasant and confronting fiercer competition after entry into the WTO .

  2. 采取有效措施减轻农民负担

    Effective Measures To Be Taken to Relieve Farmers ' Economical Burden

  3. 农民负担的现状与症结&湖北J市调查

    Status of Peasants ' Current Economic Burdens and Crucial Reasons & A Report of J City in HuBei

  4. 行政体制缺陷与农民负担

    The Deficiencies of Administrative System and the Burden of the Farmers

  5. 试析农民负担反弹的原因

    Analysis of the Cause of the Rebound of Farmers ' Burdens

  6. 减轻农民负担与规范税费制度的关系;

    Lighting peasant 's burden and standardizing the system of taxation expenses ;

  7. 第二章农民负担的测算。

    The second chapter is of positive study about the peasantry burden .

  8. 国民经济恢复时期西南地区农民负担剖析

    Analysis of Southwest Peasant 's Burden In Economic Recovery Period

  9. 落实中央政策,减轻农民负担;

    To implement the central policies and lighten the burden on farmers ;

  10. 七是探索农民负担监管新机制等。

    Seventh , explore new supervisory mechanism for lightening fanners ' burden .

  11. 建立防止农民负担反弹的长效机制初探

    On Establishing Efficient Mechanism to Prevent the Rebounding of Peasants ' pressure

  12. 用改革和完善农村卫生保障体系来减轻农民负担

    Relieving Farmers'Burden through Reform and Improvement of Rural Medical Health Security System

  13. 农民负担过重问题的根源在体制。

    The problems of heavy burdens result from current system .

  14. 推进税费改革,减轻农民负担;

    Promoting the tax reform to ease the farmers ' financial burden ;

  15. 第四部分:农村税费改革后东海县农民负担变化情况及可能产生的问题。

    Fourthly , the change to farmers ' burden and problems caused .

  16. 目前农村中一个突出的问题就是农民负担过重。

    The biggest problem in countryside is that peasants are taxed heavily .

  17. 农民负担问题的实证分析与对策思考

    Practical Analysis and Countermeasures of the Peasants ' Burdens in Jilin Province

  18. 乡镇财政制度缺陷与农民负担

    The Drawback of the Financial System of Township and Farmer 's Burden

  19. 实行农村免费义务教育减轻农民负担

    Practice free rural education , Alleviate farmer 's burden

  20. 三,农民负担过重;

    Third , the farmers ' fees are over-burdened .

  21. 西部地区减轻农民负担和增加农民收入研究

    Lighten burden on the peasants and increase peasant income

  22. 五是减轻农民负担,扩大农民就业。

    Lighten peasant burden and peasant obtains full employment .

  23. 试行费改税后农民负担问题研究&以山西省农村203个农户的调查为例

    Analysis of Peasant on Burden after reforming of Tax and Fee in Shanxi

  24. 农民负担与财政体制创新

    The Innovation of Farmers ' Burden and Financial System

  25. 改革乡镇财政体制是减轻农民负担的制度保证

    Relieving Peasant Incubus Through Reform of Rural Financial System

  26. 河南沦陷区农民负担浅析

    Burdens of the peasants in enemy-occupied area of Henan

  27. 农民负担问题的社会学透视

    Sociological Insights to the Problems of Burden of Peasants

  28. 税费改革与农民负担变化的新趋势&基于东南沿海某县级市的调查分析

    Taxation Reform and the New Trend of the Change of Farmers ' Burden

  29. 农民负担评价指标体系设计

    Design of Evaluation Index System for Farmers ' Burden

  30. 第一章是对中国历史上农民负担问题进行回顾。

    Chapter One reviews the burden of the peasants of China in the history .