
pín kùn hù
  • Poor households;destitute household/family
  1. 正因为如此,百万富翁(特别是富翁中的“贫困户”)的人数骤减。

    As a result , the millionaire population ( especially the lower end ) is taking a dive .

  2. 对新建矿工住宅区的贫困户来说,这个白雪蔼蔼的煤渣堆是不可或缺的。

    A snow-streaked slag heap looms large in the lives of poor villagers in the Xinjian Coal Miners'Village .

  3. 刘大爷从外地来此打工,学得一手理发技术的他发现,这一带低保户、贫困户较多。

    Uncle Liu came here as a migrant worker ; he found that there were many low-income families here .

  4. 被调查人口贫困户比例为3.0%,其中城市为2.0%,农场为3.5%。

    The percentage of poverty-stricken households was 3.0 % ( urban : 2.0 % , rural : 3.5 % ) .

  5. 1990年,年收入低于13360美元的四口之家被归于贫困户之列。

    In 1990 , a family of four with an annual income below $ 13,360 was classified as being in poverty .

  6. 对建档立卡贫困户搞产业缺启动资金的,提供扶贫小额信贷支持,5万元以下、三年以内,免担保、免抵押。

    It ensures officially registered poverty-stricken households get a three-year loan of up to 50000 yuan for their start-ups without any guarantee or mortgage .

  7. 美国人的税前收入低于某个值时比如一四口之家的收入低于20614美元就被认为是贫困户。

    Americans are deemed poor if their pre-tax income falls below a certain threshold & for example , $ 20,614 for a family of four .

  8. 扶助少数民族贫困户脱贫是民族地区地方政府的艰巨任务。

    It is a hard task to the local government in the minority areas to help the poor families of minority shake off the poverty .

  9. 目前,开发署的小额信贷项目已覆盖了全国48个市县,贷款总额近1000多万美元得到贷款的贫困户近70000户。

    In fact , UNDP MC projects have covered 48 counties in China , amounted almost US $ 10,000,000 , related with about 70,000 poor households .

  10. 完善农村社会保障制度可试行农民退休金制度、农村医疗保险制度、农村贫困户最低生活保障救助制度等。

    The establishment of rural social security system includes carrying out peasant pension system , rural medical safe system and rural poor household minimum life to ensure system .

  11. 扶贫信贷资金主要用于增加贫困户当年收入的种养业项目。

    The credit funds are to be used in assisting the poverty-stricken households in crop cultivation and aquiculture and poultry raising projects to increase their incomes of the same year .

  12. 其中,富裕户的收入主要来源于农业,而贫困户大多来源于林业,一般户居中。

    Among them , the incomes of wealthy families are mainly from agriculture , while the poor households are mostly derived from the forest , the general households are in the middle .

  13. 第三,道路项目通过提高农业生产率、促进农户特别是贫困户外出打工、促进本地各种私营活动的发展和提高农户生存发展能力等途径对减缓贫困产生影响。

    Thirdly , road program reduced poverty by way of enhancing agricultural productivity , facilitating emigrate employment for rural household especially poor households , promoting private business , and improving development capability for rural households .

  14. 中国扶贫开发的优惠政策包括帮助贫困户解决温饱和支持贫困地区经济开发两个方面。

    China 's preferential policies for the development-oriented assistance to the poverty-stricken cover two aspects-helping the poor households to solve the problem of food and clothing , and supporting the economic development of the poor areas .

  15. 红色旅游不仅为旅游企业带去经济收益,也为那些生活在革命老区附近曾经的贫困户带去收入。他们可以经营自己的红色旅游生意,而不用靠种地为生。

    The economic benefits flow not only to those working for enterprises that cater to tourists , but also to formerly impoverished people living near revolutionary sites who can operate their own Red tourism-related businesses rather than rely on farming for a living .

  16. 加强对贫困户家庭成员、女性、老年人口、离婚或丧偶、离退休以及无业失业人员等群体的健康关注和健康干预,将有利于健康公平性的改善和人群健康水平的提高。

    It should be helpful to improve the health status and reduce the health inequity through enhancing the health attention and health intervention among the poor , the female , the elder , the divorced and the bereft , the retired and the unemployed .

  17. 结合山区贫困户自身的特征,分析我国长期以来采用的扶贫政策和方式,表现出仅仅依靠传统的扶贫方式,不但投资成本大,而且难以从根本上让农民摆脱贫困。

    Combination of poor households own characteristics as well as our long-term used in pro-poor policies and the way mountain , we can easily find and rely on traditional approaches to poverty reduction not only the investment costs , and difficult to free themselves from poverty .

  18. 贫困地区连户产业开发典型案例研究

    Typical case studies on multi-household Industrial Development in poverty-stricken areas

  19. 数据显示,中国处于贫困线以下的贫困户中,40%是由于疾病支出过高。

    Statistics show that over 40 percent of the registered poor in China have fallen below the poverty line due to illness-related expenses .

  20. 小额信贷作为减轻贫困的重要的金融手段之一,具有高到户率和高还贷率的特点,各国的实践证明它在帮助有一定生产能力的贫困户脱贫方面效果明显。

    Microfinance is one of important methods of poverty alleviation and its characteristics of broad outreach rate and high paying-off rate facilitates the effect of poor reduction .

  21. 然而这些小额信贷项目的主要受益者是贫困县具有中等或中等收入以上的农户,而非贫困户。

    However , the main beneficiaries of this project is the middle-income farmers or above , not the poverties .

  22. 帮助贫困农户发展的优惠政策有:对尚未解决温饱问题的贫困户,免除粮食定购任务;

    The preferential policies for helping the development of the poverty-stricken peasant households include : Waiving the mandatory state grain procurement quotas of households whose problem of food and clothing has not been solved ;

  23. 柳江县贫困村农业生产现状及今后发展设想中国把三农问题视为是国民经济发展的重要问题,而三农问题的重点在贫困村,难点在贫困户。

    Current status and future development ideas on agricultural production in the poor villages of Liujiang County China views the three-agriculture problem as the important issue in national economic development .