
pín kùn
  • poverty;poor;impoverished;poverty-stricken;deprivation;want;depressed;distress;penury;in straitened circumstances
贫困 [pín kùn]
  • [poor;depressed] 生活贫穷而困难的

  • 贫困之家

  • 敬亭丧失其资略尽,贫困如故时,始复上街头理其故业。-- 清. 黄宗羲《柳敬亭传》

贫困[pín kùn]
  1. 他们为贫困者提供食物和住所。

    They provided food and shelter for the poor .

  2. 贫困家庭大约花费收入的80%到90%购买食物。

    Poor families spend about 80 to 90 per cent of their income on food .

  3. 这本书分析了贫困及其原因。

    The book is an analysis of poverty and its causes .

  4. 这里的人绝大多数生活在极度贫困之中。

    The vast majority of the population lives in utter misery .

  5. 这些变革很可能使单亲家庭更加贫困。

    These changes are likely to impoverish single-parent families even further .

  6. 这个慈善机构的宗旨是向贫困者提供帮助。

    The charity aims to provide assistance to people in need .

  7. 是慈善机构为贫困孩子提供帮助。

    It 's a charity that provides help for needy children .

  8. 新法规似乎不利于社会中的最贫困者。

    The new law appears to penalize the poorest members of society .

  9. 在那些生活贫困的人中,老年人占有很大的比例。

    Older people comprise a large proportion of those living in poverty .

  10. 很多人生活贫困并非他们自己有什么过错。

    Many people live in poverty through no fault of their own .

  11. 住房条件差与负债以及贫困相关联。

    Bad housing is interconnected with debt and poverty .

  12. 在贫民窟工作使她直面了解贫困的现实。

    Working in the slums brought her up against the realities of poverty .

  13. 恶劣的住房条件、负债以及贫困是相互关联的。

    Bad housing , debt and poverty are interconnected .

  14. 长期失业的人正形成新的贫困阶层。

    The long-term unemployed are becoming a new underclass .

  15. 他们饱受多年的煎熬与贫困。

    They endured years of suffering and privation .

  16. 失业是贫困的主要原因。

    Unemployment is a major cause of poverty .

  17. 我们的目标是接济最贫困的家庭。

    We aim to help the poorest families .

  18. 三分之一的人口生活在贫困线或以下。

    A third of the population is living at or below the poverty line .

  19. 看到这种贫困状况令人震惊。

    It 's horrifying to see such poverty .

  20. 她孩提时的贫困处境与她在好莱坞的生活有着天壤之别。

    The poverty of her childhood stands in total contrast to her life in Hollywood .

  21. 他在贫困中死去。

    He died a poor man .

  22. 大街上无家可归者的人数证明政府所声称的没有贫困的说法是谎言。

    Government claims that there is no poverty are belied by the number of homeless people on the streets .

  23. 他是13名来自贫困家庭的孩子之一。

    He was one of thirteen children from a poor family .

  24. 第二次世界大战期间,他们忍受了5年的贫困生活。

    They endured five years of privation during the second world war

  25. 贫困数字毫无疑问让总统非常难堪。

    The poverty figures were undoubtedly an embarrassment to the president .

  26. 曼彻斯特仍然受到城区脏乱和严重贫困问题的困扰。

    Manchester still suffers from urban blight and unacceptable poverty .

  27. 13%的人口生活在贫困线以下。

    Thirteen per cent of the population live below the poverty line .

  28. 西尔伯说税收的回落可能会大大减少为贫困人口提供的基本服务。

    Silber says the tax rollback would decimate basic services for the needy

  29. 教育主管部门得救助贫困儿童。

    The education authorities have to provide for children in need

  30. 米歇尔先生说,13%的美国家庭符合贫困家庭的标准。

    13 percent of American households qualify as poor , says Mr. Mishel