
  • 网络poor family
  1. 这本书讲述了芝加哥一个贫穷家庭的故事。

    The book is the story of a poor family in Chicago .

  2. 拉里是一个来自贫穷家庭的男孩。

    Larry is a boy from a poor family .

  3. 他出生在一个地位相当低下的贫穷家庭。

    He came from a fairly humble , poor background .

  4. 很多贫穷家庭正经历严重的困难。

    Many poor households are experiencing real hardship .

  5. 世界银行(worldbank)的一项最新研究发现,在帮助贫穷家庭实现经济富足方面,针对创业活动的微型企业投资比传统的外国援助更为有效。

    A recent World Bank study has found that micro-enterprise investment for entrepreneurial activities is much more successful in helping poor families achieve economic prosperity than traditional foreign aid .

  6. 经合组织(OECD)刚刚发布了一份报告,对来自较贫穷家庭、但在学术方面表现突出的年轻人进行了一番研究。

    The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development has just published a study of young people from poorer families who beat the odds academically .

  7. 俾路支原名福齐娅·阿齐姆(FauziaAzeem),出生在旁遮普省某小镇的一个贫穷家庭。她说自己被迫在17岁时结婚。

    Born Fauzia Azeem into a poor family in a small town in Punjab Province , Ms. Baloch said she was forced into marriage at age 17 .

  8. 较低的税率对贫穷家庭尤为有益。

    The lower tax rate is particularly advantageous to poorer families .

  9. 他们住在贫穷家庭居民村。

    They live in a housing development for poor families .

  10. 因生于贫穷家庭,他上不起学。

    Born in a poor family , he could not go to school .

  11. 讲题:香港支援就业贫穷家庭的服务供应是否足够?

    Talk : does the existing service supply match the needs of working poor families ?

  12. 如果贫穷家庭都能享受福利救济,家庭破裂的数量就会发生明显变化吗?

    If all poor families could receive welfare , would the incidence of instability change markedly ?

  13. 对于贫穷家庭的孩子来说,出人头地的主要希望是通过教育。

    For children from poorer families , the main hope of social mobility is through education .

  14. 研究发现,增加贫穷家庭的收入可以大幅提升该家庭小孩的学业成就。

    Boosting the income of poor families can increase their children 's academic achievements significantly , researchers have found .

  15. 卢拉出身在巴西偏远地区的一个贫穷家庭,家中有8个小孩。

    Lula was one of eight children in a poor family from one of the remotest regions of Brazil .

  16. 这些群体不仅包括难民、移民、城市里的贫穷家庭和跨性别美国人,

    not only the refugee , or the immigrant , or the rural poor , or the transgender American ,

  17. 但是,如果必交学费与住宿费成为入学的死规定,那贫穷家庭的学生该怎么办呢?

    But if paying tuition and housing fees becomes the norm , what will happen to students from poor families ?

  18. 因此,使用产生污染的燃料对发展中国家贫穷家庭的健康造成严重负担。

    The use of polluting fuels thus poses a major burden on the health of poor families in developing countries .

  19. 戈登·布朗今年拨出三亿英镑资助贫穷家庭以帮助他们实现在家高速上网。

    This year , Gordon Brown pledged £ 300m so the poorest families could connect to high-speed internet at home .

  20. 作为香港的一份子,我们可以为贫穷家庭的孩子作甚麽?

    As a member of the Hong Kong society , what can we do for children living in relatively poor families ?

  21. 虽然会给绝大多数的来自贫穷家庭的孩子提供奖学金,但是私立学校的学费还是高得令人望而却步。

    While scholarships are available to most children from poor families , private school tuition fees can still be prohibitively high .

  22. 在研究这些课题时,我们应深思:在发展中国家,什麽决定著贫穷家庭的选择?

    While studying each of these topics , we will ask : What determines the decisions of poor households in developing countries ?

  23. 我的童年与许多来自贫穷家庭的男孩没有任何的不同:非正式的工作;非常少的正式教育。

    My childhood was no different from that of many boys from poor families : informal jobs ; very little formal education .

  24. 当时,英国家庭得到10万张每张10英镑的彩票,较贫穷家庭可以合资购买彩票。

    Households were offered 1 00000 tickets at 10 each , with poorer groups able to club together to buy fractions of tickets .

  25. 受过良好教育的美国人越发崇尚“传统家庭观念”,下层中产阶级的这方面意识在变淡,而之于贫穷家庭,“传统家庭观念”干脆就已分崩离析了。

    Traditional family values are enjoying a revival among better-educated Americans , but are fraying in the lower middle class and have collapsed among the poor .

  26. 在美国,与富裕家庭相比,贫穷家庭更大一部分收入花在价格直接受到贸易影响的商品上,例如衣物和食品。

    Poor families in America spend a larger share of their income on goods whose prices are directly affected by trade such as clothing and food than wealthier families .

  27. 与政府各部门紧密联系,以反映贫穷家庭的需要,协助制定有效的政策。

    Liaise closely with government departments , relate the needs of the poor to the policymakers so as to help them formulate effective policies to care for the poor .

  28. 我们积极统筹以教会为本的成长向导计划,由教会鼓励有志的信徒参与培训计划,学习成为贫穷家庭少年的成长向导,与他们一起同行。

    We are organizing a church-supported , community-based mentoring programme , under which churches encourage interested Christians to be trained to become mentors for young people from poor families .

  29. 按照收入低于1996-1997年中层公民收入60%的定义,绝对贫穷家庭的比例从25%降至13%。

    Absolute poverty , defined as income below 60 per cent of the 1996-1997 middle-ranking citizen , has fallen from 25 per cent to 13 per cent of all households .

  30. 出生于上世纪60年代香港一个亲密但贫穷家庭的罗启锐以自己的自传故事赢得了最佳编剧奖。这部名为《岁月神偷》的影片同时也是他执导的。

    Alex Law won best screenplay for his autobiographical story about growing up in close but economically struggling household in1960s Hong Kong , 'Echoes of the Rainbow , 'which he also directed .