
  • 网络Henan Museum;www.chnmus.net
  1. 谈河南博物院陈列设计艺术

    The Art of Display Design in Henan Museum

  2. 中原文化的表现&河南博物院主馆室内设计

    Displaying of the Central Plains culture interior design in main hall of Henan Museum

  3. 历史类博物馆藏书结构及利用分析&以河南博物院为例

    The Collection Books in the Library of the Historical Museum : Besed on the Henan Museum

  4. 本文分析了河南博物院图书室的性质、作用和藏书结构与业务研究的关系,提出了如何解决现有矛盾的对策。

    This paper has expounded the position of rural library , and discusses the developing route and countermeasures of rural library construction .

  5. 以河南博物院为研究对象而进行的观众调查,目的是了解观众的自然特征和参观态度,以及对博物馆配套设施的评价。

    The goal of the audience investigation of Henan Museum is knowing physical character and visiting attitude of the audience and appraising accessorial equipment of the museum .

  6. 自1929年到1930年,河南民俗博物院先后对安阳殷墟进行了三次发掘,共出土了3656片有字甲骨。

    From 1929 to 1930 Henan folklore museum ( Museum of Henan province ) excavated Yinxu ( runis of the Yin capital ) three times in succession and unearthed 3656 pieces of oracle bones with inscriptions of the Shang dynasty .