
  • 网络hechi;Hechi City
  1. 目的分析河池市5~60岁居民死亡主要原因,分析口头尸检(VerbalAutopsy,VA)进行死因调查的效果。

    OBJECTIVE To analyze the cause of death in 5 ~ 60 years population in Hechi city and the result of assessment of cause of death by using verbal autopsy .

  2. 河池市农业资源及粮食综合生产能力评价

    Evaluation of agricultural resources and comprehensive food productivity in Hechi City

  3. 目的对在广西壮族自治区河池市进行的成人及儿童伤寒Vi疫苗及A群流脑疫苗大规模预防接种活动的组织实施、安全注射、冷链管理、宣传发动以及接种率的结果进行描述和分析。

    OBJECTIVE To describe and analyze the implementation , safety injection , cold chain management , promotion and coverage of a mass vaccination campaign for children and adults using typhoid Vi and group A meningococcal vaccines in Hechi , Guangxi .

  4. 河池市山野葡萄产业发展的优势与探讨

    A Discussion on the industrialization of Wild Grapes in Hechi

  5. 河池市珍稀濒危植物资源及其保育对策

    Rare and Endangered Plant Resources and Countermeasures for Conservation in Hechi City

  6. 河池市网络违法犯罪情况调查

    Investigation on the Conditions of Illegality and Crime of Network in Hechi City

  7. 关于河池市地方文献搜集利用的若干思考

    Some Thoughts of the Collection and Use of Local Literature of Hechi City

  8. 从波特钻石理论看河池市旅游业发展的有利条件

    Hechi 's Favorable Conditions of Tourism Development Guided by Porter 's Diamond Theory

  9. 城中村改造模式探索&以河池市南桥片区城中村改造个案为例

    Exploration on reconstructive model of village in city

  10. 第一部分介绍了河池市互联网络发展概况。

    Part One introduces the general situation of the development of network in Hechi City .

  11. 河池市农业技术推广信息化发展现状、问题及发展对策探讨

    Current status , problems and strategies for informatization development of agricultural technology extension in Hechi city

  12. 口头尸检对河池市5~60岁死亡病例进行死因评估结果分析

    Applying Verbal Autopsy to Determine Cause of Death Aged 5 ~ 60 Years Old in Hechi City

  13. 喀斯特地区退耕还林工程的生态经济效益分析&以桂西北河池市为例

    Eco-economic Effect of Returning Cultivated Land to Forestry Project in Karst Area-Taking Hechi City as A Example

  14. 夯实基础,提升能力&基于河池市小学教育师资情况的调查分析

    Strengthening Foundation and Improving Capacity & A Survey Based on the Situation of Primary School Teachers in Hechi

  15. 方法采用统一调查表,逐户调查广西河池市金城江镇(城市)及东江镇(农村)所有常住居民。

    Methods To interview all permanent households in Jin Cheng Jiang ( urban ) and Dong Jiang ( rural ) towns , Hechi city by using unified questionnaire .

  16. 2003~2004年,在河池市喀斯特山区进行地膜玉米+珍珠高粱高产栽培试验示范。

    During 2003 ~ 2004 , the demonstration of high-yield cultivation for " film-mulching maize + pearl sorghum " was carried out in karst areas in Hechi City .

  17. 在此基础上,分析了河池市桑蚕产业发展循环经济的制约因素,从而进一步提出发展对策。

    Based on it , the paper also analyzes the factors that restrain the circular economy of the silkworm industry in Hechi city , and further puts forward the related countermeasures .

  18. 据广西河池市政府称,河池市已有两个村庄的村民于周五开始出现颜面浮肿、伴有恶心呕吐,视觉模糊等症状。

    Residents of two villages in Hechi City began to show symptoms of swelling to the face and eyes , vomiting and blurred eyesight as of Friday , according to the city government .

  19. 第三章,对河池市的生态环境发展现状作出分析,尤其重点分析了河池市的生态环境脆弱特征,然后构建指标体系对河池市生态环境做定量评价,同时对分析结果进行分析。

    In particular , it analyzed the fragility characteristics of the ecological environment of Hechi . Then it found an index system to analysis the development of ecological environment of Hechi . Finally it also explained the results .

  20. 面对计算机网络违法犯罪的肆虐,世界各国纷纷采取措施惩治和预防计算机网络犯罪,笔者所在的广西河池市也不例外地遭受计算机网络犯罪的侵蚀。

    Facing the overspreading of illegality and crime of computer network , most countries in the world have taken measures to punish and prevent the crime of computer network , Hechi City in Guangxi Province where the author lives inevitably suffered the corrade of crime of computer network .