
  • 网络Hebei District;river north
  1. 天津市河北区文化艺术委员会特邀委员。

    Honorary member of the Tianjin Hebei district Committee for Culture and Arts .

  2. 天津市河北区学龄前儿童智能发育不全的流行病学调查

    Epidemiologic Survey of Intellectual Underdevelopment in Preschool Children in Hebei District of Tianjin

  3. 河北解放区的经济建设与经济特点

    On the economic construction and economic features in the liberated Hebei

  4. 河北平原区地壳结构及深部断裂特征

    The feature of crust structure and deep fault in Hebei plain

  5. 河北平原区无公害果品基地环境质量分析与评价

    The Environment Assessment in Nuisance Free Fruits Production Base in Hebei Plain

  6. 河北蝗虫区系研究

    Study on the Fauna of Grasshoppers From Hebei Province

  7. 河北平原区无公害蔬菜基地土壤质量评价研究

    Study on Soil Quality Evaluation of Non-environmental Pollution Vegetable Base in Plain Area of Hebei

  8. 河北平原区土壤磁性调查及农业应用的初探

    A primary study on soil magnetism investigation and agriculture application in plain area of Hebei Province

  9. 其中河北平原区、冀西山区、冀东山区为猖獗区;

    The plain area , west mountain area and east mountain area of Hebei belong to the rampant district .

  10. 河北平原区农田生态系统生产力稳定性及影响因子时序特征&以雄县为例

    Stability of Farmland Ecosystem Productivity and Time-series Characteristics of Influencing Factors in Hebei Plain & A Case in Xiongxian County

  11. 有限元在河北平原区构造应力场与地裂缝分布研究中的应用

    The application of the finite element method in the study of tectonic stress-field and the ground fissures in Hebei plain

  12. 河北解放区是晋察冀、晋冀鲁豫和华北等解放区的重要组成部分。

    The liberated areas in Hebei were a significant part of Jin-Cha-Ji division , Jin-Ji-Lu-Yu division , and North China division .

  13. 河北植物区系自然分布中国种子植物特有属18属,含17种2变种,归13科。

    18 Chinese endemic genera of seed plant are recorded in Hebei flora . They belong to 13 families and include 17 species , 2 varieties .

  14. 第三章,在大量地理志、县志等史料基础上对北宋河北路政区沿革做了详细阐述。

    The third chapter , in a large number of geography , historical materials on the basis of the Northern Song Dynasty Hebei County District history in detail .

  15. 分析了河北平原区设施蔬菜生产中水资源利用存在的问题,提出了设施蔬菜水资源高效利用信息化管理模式及应用前景。

    This article summarized the existing problems of Greenhouse Vegetable production in water resource utilization in the flat area of Hebei and proposed the computerized management model for effective utilization of water resource in Greenhouse Vegetable production .

  16. 为把河北沦陷区的教育完全纳入为殖民侵略服务的运作轨道,日伪实施奴化教育的方式多种多样,制定了各种措施,如严格控制教学活动、大力推行日语教育、鼓吹东方文化等等。

    In order to bring enslaving education completely into aggression war , they adopted many education methods and set a lot of measures down . For example , controlling teaching activities rigidly , pushing Japanese vigorously , preaching " Orient Culture " and so on .

  17. 在河北低平原区对饲用黑麦Secalecereale的青刈时期及青刈次数研究表明:饲用黑麦以收获鲜草为目的,进入果园生态系统与果树间作是可行的。

    A study on the harvest date and harvest times of forage rye ( Secale cereale ) was conducted in the Hebei Lowland Plain . The results showed that : the forage rye as a kind of fresh forage being introduced into orchard ecosystem was feasible ;

  18. 河北省燕山区板栗害虫调查初报

    Investigation report of chestnut pests in Yanshan mountain regions of Hebei

  19. 河北省高新区的政策环境研究

    Policy Environmental Study of High - Tech District of Hebei Province

  20. 紫花苜蓿品种在河北低平原区的引进筛选试验研究

    Introduction and Selection of Alfalfa Varieties in the Hebei Lowland Plain

  21. 河北省高新区投入产出相对效率分析

    Input-output efficiency analysis of Hebei high and new technology enterprise development zones

  22. 河北省成矿区带和找矿远景区

    The Ore - forming and Prospective Zones in Hebei Province

  23. 河北曲周试验区土壤特性与系统分类

    Characteristics and Taxonomic Classification of Soil in Quzhou , Hebei

  24. 河北张北地震区活动断裂的探测与研究

    The Detection and the Study of the Active Faults in Zhangbei Earthquake Area

  25. 对在河北南网区内实施电力需求侧管理的方案进行了研究。

    And then the applying DSM for southern Hebei power network is studied .

  26. 河北采煤塌陷区的环境治理

    The environment control of the coal mining collapse

  27. 河北省燕山区羊肚菌资源调查及开发利用

    Resource Investigation on Morchella of Yanshan of Hebei Province and Its Development and Utilization

  28. 河北平原井灌区农户灌溉用水量差异的分析

    Analysis of Irrigation Water Quantity Differences between Farmers in the Well-irrigating Areas of Hebei Plain

  29. 河北蕨类植物区系与其他区系关系的比较

    Comparative Analysis of the Pteridophyte Floral Relationship between Hebei Province and Other Florae , China

  30. 1830年河北磁县强震区活动构造初步研究

    Preliminary study of active structure of the 1830 Cixian strong earthquake area in Hebei Province