
hé dōnɡ
  • Hedong;area east of the Yellow River in Shanxi;southwestern Shanxi
河东 [hé dōng]
  • [Hedong] 古地区名。黄河流经山西、陕西两省,自北而南的一段之东部,指今之山西省。秦汉时置河东郡、唐初 置河东道,开元间又置河东节度使,宋置河东路,明废

  1. 三十年河东,三十年河西,美国汽车公司在安全方面已经取得了巨大进步。

    The pendulum has swung back and the American car companies have made dramatic advances in safety

  2. 乌鲁木齐市河东污水厂AB法处理污水过程的评价

    The evaluation of sewage treatment by ab method for Hedong Sewage treatment factory in Urumqi

  3. 基于DEM的农业指标温度分析&以甘肃河东地区为例

    Analysis of the Agriculture Index Temperature Based on DEM & A Case Study in Hedong Region of Gansu Province

  4. 用NOAA气象卫星资料对甘肃省河东地区土地覆盖分类

    The land use classification using NOAA meteorological satellite data for the Hedong region of Gansu Province

  5. 介绍乌鲁木齐市河东污水厂采用的AB法处理污水流程及特点。

    The process of sewage treatment by AB method in Hedong Sewage Treatment Factory in Urumqi and the characteristics of AB method are recommended .

  6. 对乌鲁木齐河东污水处理厂AB工艺的实际脱氮除磷效果进行了监测分析。

    The actual removal rates of nitrogen and phosphorus by adsorption biodegradation ( AB ) process in Hedong Wastewater Treatment Plant of Urumqi were monitored and analyzed .

  7. 目的摸清临沂市河东区肾综合征出血热(HFRS)人间及兽间疫情,以便有效控制HFRS流行。

    Objective To investigate the epidemiological situations of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome ( HFRS ) among both human beings and animals for controlling prevalence of HFRS effectively .

  8. 基于河东金矿磨矿过程工艺特点和要求,研制了JS-872型磨矿过程计算机分散控制系统。

    Based on the technological characteristics and requirements of grinding process at Hedong Gold Mine , a JS-872 separate computer control system of grinding process has been developed .

  9. 用联合国粮农组织(FAO)最新推荐的彭曼-蒙蒂斯模式(FAO-PM)计算甘肃河东10个代表站点的冬、春小麦的需水量。

    Stations ' wheat Crop Water Requirements ( CWR ) in Hedong Region of Gansu Province were calculated applying the FAO Penman Monteith equation ( FAO PM ) provided by UN FAO .

  10. 另外结合钢屋架结构试验,运用大型有限元软件ANSYS对银川河东机场航站楼进行了整体的静力分析、几何非线性分析,模态分析以及地震反应谱分析。

    The experimental analysis is comprehensively evaluated . Furthermore , a series advanced numerical analysis are performed using ANSYS for the whole steel roof , including the complex model static analysis , geometric nonlinear analysis , modal analysis , seismic spectrum response analysis , et al .

  11. 研究区位于华北聚煤凹陷河东煤田南部,区内构造变形微弱,基本构造形态为走向NE-NNE、倾向NW的单斜构造,地层倾角一般为3-8°。

    The study area is located in south Hedong coalfield in north China accumulation coal depression , a weak local structural deformation , the basic structural form for the trend NE-NNE , tend to NW monocline structure , formation dip generally 3 ~ 8 ° .

  12. 河东地区煤层气资源勘探开发利用前景

    Exploration , development and utilization prospects of Hedong coalbed gas resources

  13. 湘潭河东污水处理工程的技术经济分析

    Tech-economic Analysis of He Dong 's Sewage Treatment Project of Xiangtan

  14. 苏州河东段陆岸地区规划设想

    Envisagement of Terrestrial Region Planning at East Reach of Suzhou Creek

  15. 海拉尔市河东区排水管道浅埋设计

    Buried depth design of sewer in east area of Hailar City

  16. 河东金矿井下充填系统压力释放的方法

    Pressure Release Method of Underground Filling System in Hedong Gold Mine

  17. 天津市河东区2008年手足口病疫情分析

    Epidemic Analysis of Hand-foot-mouth Disease in Hedong District of Tianjin City

  18. 宁夏河东沙地过渡带的土壤水分动态研究

    Study of Soil Moisture Dynamic in Interim Region of Ningxia Hedong Sand-land

  19. 河东盐商是晋商群体的重要组成部分。

    Hedong salt merchants were an important part of Jin merchants colony .

  20. 陕西省历史上为河东盐销区。

    Shaanxi province was salt marketing area of Hedong on the history .

  21. 那时,摩西在约旦河东,向日出之地,分定三座城

    Then Moses set aside three cities east of the Jordan

  22. 我们开车的话要40分钟才到银川河东机场。

    It took us 40 minutes to reach the Yinchuan Hedong Airport .

  23. 黑色食品新资源河东乌麦营养成分的评价

    Nutrition Evaluation on New Black Food Resource , Hedong Black Kernel Wheat

  24. 本文所契入的地域文化研究,是以河东之地几个大的家族为参考。

    The paper also refers to several large families in Hedong region .

  25. 古代河东盐池防洪体系

    The Flood-preventing System of Salt Lake of Hedong in Ancient

  26. 河东金矿磨矿过程控制系统的研究

    Study on process control system of grinding operation at Hedong Gold Mine

  27. 甘肃河东一次区域性暴雨天气过程分析

    Analysis on a Regional Heavy Rain Process in East of Gansu Province

  28. 河东金矿井下导线测角误差与精度分析

    Underground Wire Errors and Precision Analysis in Hedong Gold Mine

  29. 甘肃省域河西河东城乡男女居民性格特征调查比较分析

    Study on Personality Characteristics of Residents of Cities and Counties in Gansu

  30. 神告诉他去藏在约但河东边的基立溪旁。

    God told him to go hide himself by the Brook Cherith .