
  1. 在功能方面,本文从控制和服务两方面探讨了察哈尔省警察所发挥的作用,及其功能所体现的反动本质。

    About function , the paper expounds the two side functions of police , they are controlling and service , and author also makes out the essence of the function .

  2. 察哈尔省是南京国民政府成立后新建立的省份,该如何控制这个新省份,使国家权力延伸到省内的每一个角落?加强警察机关的力量是一个不错的选择。

    This paper inspects the construction of police system took by the nationalist government in ten years from the building of Chahaer province to it was captured by Japanese Imperialist .