
  • 网络Tianjin;tianjin port;PORT OF TIANJIN
  1. 天津港是北京通往海洋的门户。

    The port of Tianjin is beijing 's gateway to the sea .

  2. 自天津港爆炸以来,网友开始呼吁名人富人捐款帮助受灾群众。

    After the explosions at Tianjin Port , Internet users began to appeal to celebrities and rich people to donate money to help those affected by the disaster .

  3. 报告指出,较高的保险渗透率可能使天津港爆炸事故成为中国近几年索赔金额最高的灾难之一。

    The high insurance penetration rate in this area could make the blasts one of the most costly catastrophe claims for the Chinese insurance sector in the past few years , the report said .

  4. 天津港CAD数据向GIS数据迁移解决方案探讨

    Discussion on Solving Proposal for Transplanting CAD Data to GIS Data of Tianjin Port

  5. 并采用改进的BP神经网络对2011年天津港吞吐量进行了预测。

    And based on improved BP neural network , this paper also gives out prediction of port throughput of Tianjin port in 2011 .

  6. SBR法在天津港污水处理中心化学污水处理工程中的应用

    Application of SBR Method in the Chemical Sewage Treatment Project of the Tianjin Port Sewage Treatment Center

  7. PHC桩在天津港的应用探讨

    Application of PHC Piles in Tianjin Port

  8. 利用SWOT理论对天津港在集装箱物流运输业务方面的优势、劣势、机遇、挑战进行了深入研究。

    The writer used the SWOT theory to study the advantage , shortage , opportunity and challenge of container logistics business of Tianjin Port .

  9. 本文主要以天津港保税区为研究对象,开展了如下工作:1.详细研究和分析保税区国际物流发展的现状问题,剖析原因,并进行物流园区的SWOT分析。

    Detailed study and analysis of international logistics development status of the problem , analyze the cause and SWOT analysis of logistics zone . 2 .

  10. 最后提出了提高天津港集装箱码头(TCT)闸口通过能力的具体措施,并得出本文的结论。

    Then , Propose the specific measures to improve the Tianjin Port Container Terminal ( TCT ) gate capacity , and draw the conclusion .

  11. 基于以上的预测值和SWOT分析对天津港集装箱运输的竞争策略进行了分析,包括发展天津港集装箱运输的相关目标,任务以及具体的措施及策略。

    Based on the above forecasts and SWOT analysis of the Tianjin Port Container Transport competitive strategy analysis , including the development of Tianjin Port container transport-related objectives , tasks and specific measures and strategies .

  12. 天津港地质专题系统(GGIS)的设想

    Assumption on Geological & Geotechnical Information System ( GGIS ) of Tianjin Port

  13. 在系统分析政策环境的技术上,通过对天津港保税区SWOT分析,提出了天津港保税区发展国际物流系统可以选择的发展战略,并进而提出了其实施国际物流发展战略实施的对策措施。

    Base on analyzing government policy environment and SWOT analysis of TIANJIN Port Bonded Zone , the author provided the possible development strategy of international Logistics system in TIANJIN Port Bonded Zone and the detail methods to realize it .

  14. 采取文献调查法、实地调查法、SERVQUAL评价方法等,对天津港集装箱物流园区的服务能力进行了评价。

    And author takes a literature survey , field survey method and SERVQUAL evaluation methods to evaluate on the service quality of Tianjin Port Container Logistics Park .

  15. 然后结合天津港滚装码头的发展现状,通过五力竞争分析和SWOT模型分析了天津港滚装码头在竞争中的优势与劣势,并具体指出了存在的关键问题。

    Then combining the development situation of tianjin ro / ro wharf , through SWOT analysis and five competitive forces model is analyzed in tianjin ro / ro wharf in the competition advantage and disadvantage , and pointed out the key problems .

  16. 本文应用铱(Ir)作为信号元素制备示踪沙,并用中子活化分析方法检测信号元素的分布特征。在此基础上根据1988年8月现场测试结果探讨了天津港抛泥区泥沙运动规律。

    Iridium ( Ir ) was used as signal element in tracer sediment preparations used in field monitoring of sediment movement trends in the Tianjin Port spoil ground in August of 1988 . The distributional characteristics of the signal element were detected by using the neutron activation analysis method .

  17. 其次,结合所研究的对象的实际,阐述了天津港集装箱运输以及支线运输的现状,对天津港集装箱运输进行SWOT分析,同时对天津港集装箱支线运输发展过程中存在的问题进行分析。

    Secondly , with the object of study , this paper expounds situation of the port container transport and feeder transportation , uses SWOT analysis in Tianjin port container transportation , and makes the analysis of existing problems in Tianjin port development process of feeder container transportation .

  18. 在当前经济形势下本文结合天津港实例运用离散事件系统仿真理论进行优化研究,旨在通过仿真输出结果对天津港集装箱码头有限公司(简称TCT)堆场未来生产经营给出合理建议。

    In the current economic situation , based on the examples of Tianjin Port , this thesis applies the simulation theory in the discrete event system and aims to give some reasonable suggestions in the future operation of Tianjin Port Container Terminal Yard by using the simulation output .

  19. 根据对天津港高桩码头岸坡现状的调查,利用REAME程序分析了泥沙淤积对码头岸坡整体稳定性的影响。

    Based on the investigation of the bank slope conditions of the open type pier on piles in Tianjin Port , the effect of sediment deposition on the whole bank stability of open type pier on piles is analyzed by using the program REAME .

  20. 天津港国际物流分拨系统发展研究

    The Development Study of International Logistics Distribution System of Tianjin Port

  21. 天津港环境风险防范及管理对策研究

    Study about environmental risk analysis and prevention measures of Tianjin Port

  22. 天津港地区采用大圆筒结构设计方案研究

    Study on Design of Large Cylindrical Structure for Tianjin Port Area

  23. 天津港集装箱多式联运通道规划研究

    Research on the Planning of Tianjin Port 's Container Multimodal Corridor

  24. 港口竞争力演化研究及对天津港的启示

    Elicitation to Tianjin Port from the Research on Port Competitiveness Evolvement

  25. 天津港高桩码头岸坡变形规律研究

    Study on deformation of a high-pile wharf slope from field observation

  26. 模袋固化土围埝在天津港的运用

    The application of moulded-bag solidified soil reclamation dam in Tianjin port

  27. 天津港的强淤现象及其对策研究

    Study on Strong Silting Phenomenon in Tianjin Port and Its Counter-Measures

  28. 如今的天津港在概念上、区域上已经发生了巨大变化。

    Nowadays , Tianjin Port has changed in concept and region .

  29. 天津港水工设施档案动态管理系统

    Dynamic Administration System of Files of Hydraulic Facilities in Tianjin Port

  30. 天津港码头设施现状及其治理措施

    Present Situation and Repairing Methods of Wharf Facilities in Tianjin Port