
  • 网络tianjin professional college;Tianjin Vocational Institute;TJPC
  1. 抓住机遇加快建设&天津职业大学九五实验室建设回顾

    Seizing the opportunity and quickening the tempo of our laboratorial construction-Reviewing the laboratorial construction of Tianjin Professional College during the ninth five-year scheme

  2. 如何推进高职院校师资队伍建设&天津职业大学师资队伍建设措施

    What should We Do to Improve the Teacher Team Construction in Higher Vocational Colleges and Universities & Construction Measures of Teacher Team in Tianjin Professional College

  3. 关于加快建设天津职业大学国家示范性高职院校的思考

    On National Model Vocational College Construction of Tianjin Professional College

  4. 1982年成立天津职业大学,尝试高等职业教育办学。

    Founded in1982 , Tianjin Vocational Institute became a pilot project of higher vocational education .

  5. 论文还以天津职业大学经管学院课件资源应用为例,搭建了一个实例。

    This paper also gave an real case of teaching resources of Economics and Management School of Tianjin Professional College .

  6. 为了了解天津职业大学新生对艾滋病相关知识掌握状况,该文采取随机抽样的方式,对1000名2002级新生进行问卷调查。

    To know the freshmen knowledge about AIDS . 1000 students of grade 2002 were asked the issue by means of a random sample .

  7. 最后,运用人力资源管理理论、激励理论及借鉴国外的先进经验,提出了实施天津职业大学教师人力资源开发与管理的具体措施。

    Finally , based on human resources theories and advanced experience abroad , it designs the construction of development and management of teachers ' human resources Tianjin Professional College .

  8. 在近几年,天津职业大学作为天津市高等职业院校最具有代表性的高等职业院校,无论从办学实力、层次、还是办学规模都得到了快速的发展。

    In recent years , Tianjin Professional College , as the representative of higher vocational schools of Tianjin , has made a rapid progress in its strength , level and scope .

  9. 特别是,以适应社会需要为目标的英语教学改革初见成效,并在天津职业大学全校范围内2003年级理工类专业的人才培养计划中得到推广和应用;

    The English teaching reforms to meet the demand of society have taken effects initially , and applied to the personnel-training project about science and technology major in grade 2003 in Tianjin Professional College ;

  10. 该文结合天津职业大学图书馆的改革实践和网络环境下采访工作的结构怀调整,论述了网络环境下高校图书馆建立学科采访馆员制度的必要性和可能性以及具体的管理措施。

    The paper discusses the possibility and necessity about building the subject acquisition librarian system in college libraries , it illustrates by the innovation of Tianjin Professional College , and advances some manage measures .

  11. 本文旨在通过对天津职业大学教师人力资源开发与管理的研究为天津市高等职业院校师资队伍建设和教师人力资源的开发与管理提供一定的参考价值。

    This article tries to provide implications on the construction , development and management of teachers human resources of teachers for Tianjin higher vocational schools through the study of teachers ' human resources development and management of Tianjin Professional College .