
  1. 本文针对目前天津电子信息职业技术学院的通信状况,提出了构建基于IP技术的校园虚拟专用网&VPN的设想。

    This paper is dead against TianJin Electron Information Profession Technology Institute communications actuality , put forward the assume that built the network of schoolyard Virtual Private Network & VPN based on IP technology .

  2. 根据天津电子信息职业技术学院的特点选择了适合其特色的VPN的方案、结构、协议以及系统所采用的软件和硬件。

    According to the characteristics of TianJin Electron Information Profession Technology Institute choice scheme 、 frame 、 protocol and hardware 、 software that the system adopts .

  3. 本课题来源于天津电子信息职业技术学院教学网主页的委托设计。

    This project comes from Tianjin Electronic Information Vocational Technology College .

  4. 天津电子信息职业技术学院高水平女子足球队的建设和管理的实践,探索出高等职业技术学院利用自身条件构建和管理高水平运动队的一种模式。

    The practice of construction and management of high level female football team of Tianjin Electronic Information Vocational Technology College puts forward a mode to construct and manage the high level sports team under its own condition of higher vocational technology college .