
  • 网络Poor Students;impoverished student;needy students
  1. 高校贫困生群体是社会弱势群体的一部分,政府、社会和学校共同协作,帮助贫困生解决其经济困难,健康地成才,是高校学生工作的重要课题。

    The needy students in colleges are part of the social weaken group . The essential topic of student affairs is how to solve the economic difficulties of these students through the cooperation of government , society and college , and make them grow up healthily .

  2. 高校贫困生资助工作的实践与思考

    Practice and Some Thought of Aiding the Needy Students in Universities

  3. “贫困生”通常都有这样的品质。

    This is also the common thing that " poor students " have .

  4. 在过去的一年里,我们听说过好几个"贫困生"。

    We 've heard about several " poor students " in the past year .

  5. 我们喜欢这样的"贫困生",因为他们坚强乐观。

    We like such " poor students " because they are strong and optimistic .

  6. 升本院校贫困生在SCL-90上多数因子明显高于全国常模;

    Then , the scores of impoverished students were higher than the national norm .

  7. 贫困生UPI人格特征预测与核心人格特质探索

    A Study on the Needy Undergraduates ' UPI Personality Features and Central Personality Traits

  8. OECD在几乎每个国家都发现,每周只需多上1个小时的自然科学课,就能让贫困生的成绩大有起色。

    In almost every country , the OECD found that just an extra hour a week of science lessons made a substantial difference to poorer students ' performance .

  9. 本研究以身心症状自评量表(SCL-90)为工具,对滇南边疆民族地区两所高校的762名贫困生进行心理健康状况测查。

    This research has used SCL-90 to evaluate the state of mental health of 762 impoverished undergraduates of two universities in the frontier minority areas , south of Yunnan .

  10. 浅析高校贫困生的心理特点及思想教育

    Psychology and Thought Education of Poor College Students in Higher Institutes

  11. 高校贫困生自卑心理成因及解决方法

    Causes and Solution of Inferiority Complex among the Poor College Students

  12. 对高校贫困生心理健康教育的探讨

    Probing into the mental health education of poor students in universities

  13. 高校贫困生精神贫困现象剖析与对策思考

    Analysis of the " Spiritual Poverty " of Poor College Students

  14. 善与爱:高校贫困生救助的价值

    Righteousness and Love : Social Value Concerning Poverty-Stricken Students in Universities

  15. 广西医学院校贫困生心理健康状况调查

    Survey on mental health of impoverished students in Guangxi medical colleges

  16. 高校贫困生问题及其对策探讨

    On problems of poor students in colleges and universities and countermeasures

  17. 高校贫困生助学政策的制度分析

    Analyzing the policy of aiding needy students at colleges and universities

  18. 对高校贫困生情况分析及思想工作措施

    Analysis to the Situation of Poor Students and the Educational Measures

  19. 民族高校的少数民族贫困生欠费问题调查与思考

    On the Tuition Arrearage of Impoverished Students in Colleges for Nationalities

  20. 当前高校贫困生致贫原因探析

    An Analysis of the Causes of the Present Poor College Students

  21. 确立全国统一的贫困生界定制度,使贫困生的界定有章可循;

    Establishing the national unified standard for identifying the impoverished students ;

  22. 目的了解大学贫困生心理健康状况。

    Objective To know the mental health of the poverty university students .

  23. 高校建立贫困生档案刍议

    A discussion on setting up the archives of poor students in colleges

  24. 正确区分贫困生与假贫困生的方法

    The approaches to distinguish poor students form false poor students

  25. 关于农科院校贫困生心理援助的思考

    Consideration of Psychologic Help for Needy Students in Agricultural Colleges and Universities

  26. 高校贫困生心理危机管理初探

    A Study of Mental Crisis Management of Poor College Students

  27. 贫困生心理障碍原因分析及对策

    The reasons and countermeasures of the psychological obstacles of the poor students

  28. 团体心理咨询对高校贫困生心理健康的干预研究

    Intervention Study of Group Counseling on Impoverished College Students ' Mental Health

  29. 从马斯洛的需要理论看高校贫困生的心理冲突

    Psychological Conflicts of Impoverished University Students From Maslow 's Need Hierarchy Theory

  30. 论我国高等教育成本分担制度下的教育公平问题&兼论高校贫困生的入学保障

    Education Equality In China 's Higher Education Cost Share System