
pín kùn xiàn
  • poverty line;breadline;low-income level
  1. 三分之一的人口生活在贫困线或以下。

    A third of the population is living at or below the poverty line .

  2. 13%的人口生活在贫困线以下。

    Thirteen per cent of the population live below the poverty line .

  3. 超过10%的慕尼黑居民生活在贫困线以下。

    More than 10 percent of Munich residents live below the poverty line .

  4. 这可能会使将最低工资定得远高于贫困线的努力告吹。

    This may end efforts to set a minimum wage well above the poverty line .

  5. povertyline贫困线poverty-stricken一贫如洗的我很小的时候,我们家生活在贫困线以下。

    My family were living below the poverty line when I was little .

  6. 美国农业部对此给出了更为精辟的定义:任何接受人口普查的地区中,至少20%的居民生活在贫困线以下,33%居民的居所距离最近的超市超过一英里(在农村,该距离为超过10英里)。

    More precisely1 , the U.S. Department of Agriculture ( USDA ) defines a food desert as any census2 district where at least 20 percent of the inhabitants are below the poverty line and 33 percent live over a mile from the nearest supermarket ( or in rural areas , more than 10 miles ) .

  7. 世界银行(WorldBank)发布的数据显示,三分之一的印度人口生活在每天1.25美元的国际公认贫困线以下。

    According to data from the World Bank , a third of India 's population live on less than $ 1.25 a day , the internationally recognised poverty line .

  8. 根据俄罗斯联邦统计局(FederalStatisticsAgency)的数据,2015年有14%的人口生活在官方贫困线以下,高于2014年的11%,为自2006年以来最高。

    According to Russia 's Federal Statistics Agency , 14 per cent of the population lived below the official poverty line in 2015 , up from 11 per cent in 2014 , and the highest percentage since 2006 .

  9. 西班牙乐施会(Oxfam)的一篇报告显示,如果不扭转当前政策,西班牙低于贫困线以下的人口比例可能在十年内从27%升至40%。

    A report by Oxfam in Spain says that if the current policies are not reversed , Spain could see an increase in the percentage of the population below the poverty line from 27 per cent to 40 per cent in a decade .

  10. 对于贫困线和贫困程度的计算,本文在介绍了什么是贫困线,如何确定贫困线以后,介绍了4种测定贫困程度的方法,并在此基础上对如何计算FGT指数做了详细的数学推论。

    Of the poverty line and the calculation of the degree of poverty , the paper introduces four measuring methods , on the basis of which , a detailed mathematic reasoning concerning FGT is put forward .

  11. 农村贫困线的划分及扶贫对策研究

    Selection of the rural poverty line and relevant poverty reduction measures

  12. 拟合的收入分布函数在贫困线、贫困率测算中的应用

    Circulation of Power Line and Power Ratio by Fitting Income Distribution

  13. 我国城市贫困线与政策目标定位的思考

    On Urban Poverty Line and the Position of Policy Aim

  14. 贫困线的划定视家庭成员构成的不同而不同。

    Poverty levels differ according to a household 's makeup .

  15. 都生活在官方的贫困线之下。

    All of whom live below the official @ poverty line @ .

  16. 农村地区处于贫困线以下的人口显著下降。

    Population below poverty line in the rural areas was noticeably reduced .

  17. 贫困线理论及其在中国农村的实践

    Poverty Verge Theory and its Practice in Chinese Rural Areas

  18. 每块大陆都有生活在贫困线以下的人。

    There are people living below the poverty line on every continent .

  19. 并且他们的生活水平全都处于贫困线之下。

    And 100 percent were living below the poverty level .

  20. 利用扩展性线性支出模型测量西安市贫困线研究

    A Study of Determining Xi'an 's Poverty Line by the Model of ELES

  21. 对于贫困线、贫困率的测算有多种方法。

    There are several methods to calculate the poverty line and poverty ratio .

  22. 贫困线与我国农村贫困

    Poverty Line and Present Poverty Situation in Our Country

  23. 他们建议不采用此线,也不更新他们的贫困线。

    Rather than update their poverty line , they propose to abandon it .

  24. 它人口的一半生活在贫困线以下。

    Half the population lives below the poverty line .

  25. 位于贫困线以下的人群正在扩大。

    the number below the poverty level is growing .

  26. 一些救援机构说,成千上万的日本家庭生活在贫困线以下。

    Aid groups say thousands of Japanese families are living under the poverty line .

  27. 有44%的底特律居民生活在贫困线以下。

    Forty-four percent are living below poverty level .

  28. 3200多万人生活在贫困线下

    32 Million Citizens Live Under the Poverty Line

  29. 令人高兴的是,开希特普村已经脱离了贫困线。

    Happily , Kishtapur is a village that has risen above the poverty line .

  30. 1460万人有一半以上生活在贫困线以下。

    More than half of its 14.6 million people live below the poverty line .