
mín zú shǐ
  • Ethnic history;ethnohistory
  1. 《魏书》在民族史撰述上的成就

    The Achievements of Wei Shu in the Compilation of Ethnic History

  2. 最近十余年的中国民族史研究

    The Studies of China 's Ethnic History in Recent Ten Years

  3. 古代神话与民族史研究

    The Relationship Between Ancient Myths and the Research On Ethnic History

  4. 坚持马克思主义指导中国民族史的编撰

    On the Compilation of Chinese National History under the Guidance of Marxism

  5. 梁启超民族史研究的理论与方法

    Theory and method of Liang qi-chao 's national history study

  6. 论范文澜在民族史撰述上的贡献

    Fan Wen-lan 's Contribution to the Compilation of National Histories

  7. 百越民族史整体研究述论

    A Comprehensive Study of the History of Baiyue Ethnic Group

  8. 对中国民族史研究的一些思索

    Some Thoughts on the Studies of China 's Ethnic History

  9. 用于东北亚民族史,也由来已久。

    The uses in the northeastern Asian national history is of long-standing .

  10. 民族史视野下的中国地名

    Ethnic history by the correspondence of Chinese place - names

  11. 20年来明代西北民族史研究综述

    20 Years ' Study on Northwest National History in the Ming Dynasty

  12. 论华族&从世界史与民族史的角度所作的探讨

    On ethnic Chinese & Approaching the subject from angles of world-history and ethnohistory

  13. 本文主要论述清代西北边疆史地学的成就,认为清代西北边疆史地学的成就主要体现在对西北边疆民族史的初步探讨;

    The paper mainly expounds the achievements of the history and geography science !

  14. 关于民族史教学和研究中的几个问题

    On the Teaching and Study of Nation History

  15. 中国民族史研究散论

    Some Comments on Chinese Ethnic History Study

  16. 我答:草原、蒙古民族史、爱与宗教。

    I replied : Grassland , the history of Mongolia people , love and religion .

  17. 其次探讨新史学和民族史之间的关系以及梁启超与章太炎的史学研究转向。

    Secondly , the paper analyzes the relationships between the new history and the ethnic history .

  18. 话说伏羲文化&中国古代民族史研究札记

    On the Fuxi Culture & Reading Notes of the Research of the Chinese Ancient National History

  19. 有一个鲜明特点:基于对俄国民族史的粗暴解读,产生的冷酷无情、惟利是图的马基雅维利主义。

    Marked by a ruthless cynical Machiavellianism based on his brutal interpretation of Russian national history .

  20. 徐中舒先生巴蜀古民族史研究及其启示

    Mr. Xu Zhongshu 's Studies of the Ancient National History of the Ba-Shu and Its Apocalypses

  21. 清代西北边疆民族史研究四题

    A Study of Ethnic Minority History on Four Topics concerning the Northwestern Frontier in the Qing Dynasty

  22. 但在中国民族史的研究中,学界对这三个概念的使用却是非常混乱与不规范的。

    The use of three concept , however , are always in confusion and nonstandard by scholars .

  23. 新中国60年云南近代民族史研究回顾与展望

    A Review and Prospects of New China 's Sixty Years of Modern History Studies in Yunnan Ethnic Minority Groups

  24. 罗香林是我国现代著名的历史学家、百越民族史研究专家。

    Luo Xianglin was a famous historian as well as an expert on Baiyue national history in modern China .

  25. 韩国临时政府与韩国光复军在韩民族史上的地位

    The Status of the Provisional Government of ROK and the Korean Recovery Army in the History of Korean Nation

  26. 加强民族史教学,可以帮助学生树立正确的历史观和民族观。

    Strengthening the teaching of ethnic history can facilitate students to establish correct conception of history and conception of nationality .

  27. 众所周知,民族史是历史研究的重要组成部分。

    As we all know , the study of national history plays an important part in the field of historiography research .

  28. 其成就反映在中国史学史、中国通史、民族史和宗教史等许多领域;他的学风和文风作为精神境界和表现形式,则深深地浸润着他的学术思想和史学成就。

    Chinese historiography , general history of China , national history and religion history etc show his achievement in the historiography .

  29. 古羌文化的断想与新探&中国古代民族史研究札记之三

    Thought Fragments and New Probes into the Ancient Qiang Culture-The Third Reading Notes on the Research of the Ancient National History in China

  30. 作为素有撰史传统的国度,中国的古代文献里隐含了大量的民族史资料。

    As a nation of which has had a good tradition of historiography , China has abundant data of ethnohistory imbedded in archaic literatures .