
  1. 在印度尼西亚的海岛巴厘岛上,从位于克美奴(Kemenuh)村庄的库德萨民宿(KudesaHomestay)到吉安雅夜市(GianyarNightMarket)的距离,仅有5英里。

    It was about five miles from the Kudesa Homestay guesthouse in Kemenuh village to the Gianyar Night Market , on the Indonesian island of Bali .

  2. 不过,旅游业中部分交易正在走向另一个方向,Airbnb正在开展磋商,准备收购中国第二大民宿服务公司小猪短租(Xiaozhu)。

    But some deals in tourism are heading in the other direction , with Airbnb in talks to buy China 's second-largest home accommodation service , Xiaozhu .

  3. 据一名知情人士透露,Airbnb正在谈判收购中国第二大民宿短租服务提供商。目前这家硅谷企业正在深化进入中国市场的努力。

    Airbnb is in talks to buy China 's second-largest home accommodation service , according to a person close to the discussions , as the Silicon Valley company deepens its push into China .

  4. 卡普里酒店由西班牙NH酒店集团(NHHotelGroup)管理,可以上网,但服务时好时坏,所以我最后一晚搬到了一家更清静的家庭自营民宿,结果肯定是不能上网了,享受更谈不上。

    The Capri , operated by the NH Hotel Group of Spain , also has Internet access , although the service was so spotty that I moved for my final night to a quieter , family-owned bed-and-breakfast , which turned out , in fact , to be decidedly lacking Internet access and other luxuries .

  5. 对小猪来说,与Airbnb达成交易可能有助于提高其地位;中国的民宿短租市场一度有六家Airbnb效仿者,近来则在快速整合。

    For Xiaozhu , a deal with Airbnb could help boost its position at a time when China 's home accommodation market , once consisting of half a dozen Airbnb clones , has been rapidly consolidating .

  6. 网友在社交网站Reddit上发帖子写道:“在异国他乡的Airbnb民宿中,我刚刚把自己锁在阳台上三个小时。你在旅行期间做过最傻的事是什么?”该帖子“一呼百应”得到很多人评论回复。

    The slew of revelations came in response to a Reddit user posting : ' I just locked myself out on the balcony of an Airbnb in a foreign country for three hours . What 's the dumbest thing you 've done while traveling ? '

  7. 在民宿共享世界中可能没那么重要。

    might not be all that important in a home-sharing world .

  8. 在美国,共享民宿和共享汽车创造出了数十亿美元的产业。

    Americans embraced sharing their homes and cars , creating billion-dollar industries .

  9. 台湾民宿产业对大陆乡村旅游发展的启示

    Taiwan B & B hotel industry and its inspiration to mainland rural tourism

  10. 当我退房时,他提出愿意开车送我到库德萨民宿。

    as I checked out , he offered to drive me to Kudesa .

  11. 在当地人经营的旅馆或民宿住宿,在当地人开的餐馆用餐。

    Hash house Stay in locally owned accommodations and eat at local restaurants .

  12. 晚上,我们住宿在鹿野一家很棒的咏情民宿。

    And finally , we stayed in a wonderful holiday house in Lu-yeh .

  13. 住宿体验方面,民宿旅客最重视「内在心境」与「自然环境」之感受。

    The passengers pay attention to the'inherent mental state'and'natural environment'factors most in getting stay experiences .

  14. 把为士兵提供民宿的命令给(个人)

    To serve ( a person ) with a written order to provide lodging for soldiers .

  15. 乔伊斯在娜帕谷我们参观了三个葡萄园,还待在一个旧修道院改建成的民宿。

    Valley we visited three vineyards and stayed an old monastery turned into a B & B.

  16. 大多數民宿规模小,消费者对网路金融交易安全疑虑较大。

    Consumers concern more about the security of Internet transaction due to small scale of most home stays .

  17. 我意识到这个全新的民宿共享世界并不需要借鉴太多传统实体酒店行业的经验。

    I realized that the brave new home-sharing world didn 't need much of my old-school bricks-and-mortar hotel insights .

  18. 本研究依据调查分析结果提出对民宿经营规划与后续研究之建议。

    According to the results of this study , this paper proposes suggestions for running and planning B & Bs .

  19. 因为罗马的饭店及民宿都巳客满,临时为参观者所建的处所便设置在运动广场。

    With Roman hotels and guest houses already full , makeshift shelters are being created for visitors at sports grounds .

  20. 除了少数是专门提供度假的房子,其余大部分是以民宿方式提供度假服务。

    Apart from a few dedicated to vacation homes , most of the rest provided by B & B holiday services .

  21. 此外,南投县民宿业者目前在软硬体设施与经营管理方面皆具有极高的优势。

    It also found that the home-stay owners in Nantou all have extremely high advantages in facilities and management at present .

  22. 本民宿房间位于周围的外围,除了接待块和主人套房,这'漂浮'在花园。

    The guest-house rooms are located around it 's perimeter , apart from the reception block and master suite , which'float'over the garden .

  23. 41岁的佘保东(音译)现在在西柏坡附近的李家庄村经营一家民宿,西柏坡是河北省重要的革命老区。

    She Baodong , 41 , now runs a homestay in Lijiazhuang village , near Xibaipo - an important revolutionary site in Hebei province .

  24. 本研究以访谈三位民宿业者及观察分析其环境的结果发展测量工具,再以住宿「A田庄」的287位游客为样本进行问卷调查;

    By interviewing three B B owners and observing the physical environments of these three B Bs , the researcher developed a questionnaire for this study .

  25. 本研究建议,民宿业者在进行经营管理与行销组合时,应优先考虑主要客群之需求。

    The study suggested that home-study owner should pay the utmost attention to the main guest 's demand of group while making up management and marketing strategy .

  26. 但在那天中午,我一度暂停行程,访问网站Booking.com,试图寻找一间在其他网站上看不到的住宿地点——我就是这样找到的库德萨民宿。

    But halfway through the day I paused and went to Booking.com , the site I turn to for lodging not listed elsewhere , and found Kudesa .

  27. 在预定民宿前,房客们必须点击“同意”,表明他们已对摄像机知情,并且愿意被拍摄。

    To book the property , the guests must click " agree , " indicating that they 're aware of the cameras and consent to being filmed .

  28. 国家统计局的报告说,去年的露营旅游数字比起前一年增加29%,超越旅居在传统的床铺包早餐的民宿的数字。

    The Office of National Statistics reports that last year camping trips increased by29 % on the year before , overtaking the number of stays at traditional bed and breakfasts .

  29. 其次是强化行销组合将弱势转化为强势,再则应改善民宿的环境与管理,以发展其特色与形象,并加强促销使威胁减至最低。

    The next , should enhance marketing for transferring the weaknesses into strength , and improve the home-stay environment in order to develop characteristic and image for reducing the threat moreover .

  30. 收购小猪的交易若能达成,将成为民宿短租服务领域迄今最大的交易,因为这家中国公司上一次估值达到3亿美元。

    The acquisition of Xiaozhu , if agreed , is poised to be the home-sharing service 's largest deal to date , with the Chinese company last valued at $ 300m .