
mín cuì zhǔ yì
  • Populism
民粹主义[mín cuì zhǔ yì]
  1. 对多元化的自豪之情已经为英国独立党(UKIndependenceParty)反移民的民粹主义让路。

    Pride in diversity has made way for the rise of the anti-immigrant populism of the UK Independence party .

  2. 为了确保一个开放的互联网,FCC用了一年的时间来制定规则,引来从基层民粹主义者到白宫的政治参与,这对制定管理法规来说异乎寻常。

    The F.C.C. " s yearlong path to issuing rules to ensure an open Internet precipitated an extraordinary level of political involvement , from grass-roots populism to the White House , for a regulatory ruling .

  3. 孟菲斯市在推行文化的民粹主义道路。

    The city of Memphis is promoting a populist approach to culture .

  4. 技术官僚精英和欧盟(eu)机构的失信,将给民粹主义政客带来可乘之机。

    The discrediting of the technocratic elites and of EU institutions would leave a space for populist politicians to exploit .

  5. 特朗普已将贸易当作其民粹主义经济理念的核心内容之一,他以前曾威胁要让美国退出《北美自由贸易协定》(NorthAmericanFreeTradeAgreement)、并对中国商品征收高额关税。

    Mr Trump has made trade a central part of his populist economic message and has in the past threatened to pull out of the North American Free Trade Agreement and levy tariffs on Chinese goods .

  6. 尽管如此,茶党(teaparty)和前阿拉斯加州州长、民粹主义右派的“试金石”莎拉佩林(sarahpalin)看起来就像来自过去某个年代。

    Even so , the tea party and Sarah Palin , former Alaskan governor , touchstones for the populist right , seemed like phenomena from a past era .

  7. 经纪公司里昂证券(clsa)新加坡主管安德鲁哈特利(andrewhartley)表示,东盟内部的民粹主义情绪也加大了整合难度。

    Andrew Hartley , Singapore country head for CLSA , the broker , says nationalist sentiment within ASEAN would also make consolidation difficult .

  8. 相比之下,英国独立党(UKIP)和法国国民阵线(NationalFront)等欧洲民粹主义反移民政党的崛起正将移民辩论推向更右倾的方向。

    In Europe , by contrast , the rise of populist anti-immigration parties , such as Britain 's UK Independence party and France 's National Front , is still driving the debate to the right .

  9. 但是今年,当发现孤星将所持股份出售给韩国国民银行(KookminBank)可获利近40亿美元时,韩国的民粹主义对抗情绪出现了。

    But when it emerged this year that Lone Star was about to book a profit of close to $ 4bn by selling its stake to Kookmin Bank , a nationalist backlash arose .

  10. 英国的经济表现也相当好,它拥有德国式的GDP增长,同时失业率仅为5%。下一个即将迎来民粹主义动荡的国家可能是美国,自金融危机以来,美国的经济表现远超欧洲。

    The UK has also done quite well , with German-style GDP growth and unemployment at 5 per cent , whereas the next country in line for a populist insurgency may be the US , which has performed far better since the crisis than Europe .

  11. 伊朗总统马哈茂德艾哈迈迪-内贾德(mahmoudahmadi-nejad)是一个久经考验的意识形态倡导者,他曾借助将民粹主义、偏执和偏见混合在一起的下作手段,赢得了阿拉伯人的民心。

    Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad is a well-practised ideological entrepreneur , with a record of winning Arab hearts and minds through an ugly blend of populism , paranoia and prejudice .

  12. 同在市政局的温和派MariaRydén对《每日邮报》透露道,这个建议只是因大选在前而推出的虚假且有民粹主义的策略。

    Maria Ryd é n of the Moderates , who also sits on the city council , told the Metro newspaper that the proposal was a " dishonest and populist ploy " with elections just around the corner .

  13. 下调债务利息税务可扣除额(tdi)缺乏民粹主义魅力、会招致复杂的问题、只能逐步推行,并且,即使是在一个不太与国际同步的大型经济体中,也会面临巨大的阻碍。

    Reducing the tax deductibility of debt interest ( TDI ) lacks populist appeal , raises complex issues , could be implemented only gradually and would face huge obstacles even in the case of a big economy with little international harmonisation .

  14. 另一方面,Craddock说,委内瑞拉的总统HugoChavez竭力将他的“极端民粹主义运动”输送到其他的国家,给这个地区带来了极大的不安定因素。

    On another subject , Craddock said that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez was playing a " destabilizing " role in the region by trying to export his " extreme populist movement " elsewhere in the region .

  15. 民粹主义什叶派教士穆克塔达·萨德尔(Muqtadaal-Sadr)在巴格达的什叶派地区和及其他地方拥有大批追随者,他仍然是权力游戏中的一个不确定因素。

    Muqtada al-Sadr , a populist Shia cleric with a big following in Baghdad 's Shia districts and elsewhere , remains a wild card in the power game .

  16. 近期,珠宝商宝格丽(bulgari)、能源集团edison以及食品集团帕玛拉特(parmalat)被法国企业全部或部分收购,意大利因此出现了针对法国收购意大利公司的民粹主义反弹。

    The move comes amid a populist backlash against French buy-outs of Italian companies after jeweller Bulgari , energy group Edison and food group Parmalat were wholly or partially taken over by French companies in recent days .

  17. 在一个脆弱和分裂的阵营里——很难想象保罗先生的支持者会力挺圣多伦先生,或者罗姆尼先生乡村俱乐部共和主义的粉丝会看好巴克曼女士的干草叉民粹主义(pitchforkpopulism),像裴瑞先生这样四面讨好的候选人有着很大的机会。

    In a weak and divided field - it is hard to imagine a supporter of Mr Paul succumbing to Mr Santorum 's religiosity , or a fan of Mr Romney 's country-club Republicanism finding much to like in Mrs Bachmann 's pitchfork populism - room exists for an all-things-to-all-men candidate such as Mr Perry .

  18. 当代民粹主义思潮的流变&《当代思想史》片断论鲁迅改造国民性思想的主旋律

    On the Theme of Lu Xun 's Thought of Remolding Nationalism

  19. 民粹主义最初得名于俄国,它既指一种政治思潮、政治策略,又指一种社会运动;

    It means a kind of politics trend or politics tactic .

  20. 我们决不能因为民粹主义情绪而放弃法治。

    We must not jettison the law due to populist sentiment .

  21. 我们在前面已着重提到民粹主义理论中的折衷主义。

    We have noted before the eclecticism of the populist theories .

  22. 从那以后,民粹主义政治强迫推行了一些重大变化。

    Since then , populist politics have forced some big changes .

  23. 右翼和左翼的民粹主义者可能会从中受益。

    The likely beneficiaries are populists of the right and left .

  24. 要是民粹主义者再闹出什么动静,风险就太大了。

    The risk of more populist uproar would be too great .

  25. 民粹主义在俄国历史上有着重大影响。

    Nationalism has played a huge role in Russian history .

  26. 事实上,基层民众中的民粹主义淡薄得惊人。

    Indeed , it is striking how little grassroots populism there is .

  27. 从民粹主义到种族主义只不过是小小的一步。

    It was a short step from populism to racism .

  28. 论张炜小说的民粹主义倾向

    On the populism tendency in the novels by Zhang Wei

  29. 因此,对于民粹主义的讨论是一个常谈常新的不老话题。

    So The populism discussion is a new old topic .

  30. 你可以理解提倡自行其是的民粹主义为何那么诱人了。

    You can see why go-it-alone populism is seductive .