
  • 网络abydos
  1. 据许多UFO迷称,位于埃及阿比多斯的奥西里斯庙(TempleofOsiris)中藏有古代发达科技的确凿证据。

    According to many UFO enthusiasts , the Temple of Osiris at Abydos contains definitive proof of advanced ancient technology .

  2. 文物部门在一份声明中指出,该城市可能居住着高级官员和坟墓的建造者。它的发现将对古埃及最古老的城市之一的阿比多斯带来新的见解。

    The city is likely to have housed high-ranking officials and grave builders.Its discovery may yield new insights into Abydos , one of the oldest cities in ancient Egypt , the ministry said in a statement .