
  1. 论民间祭祀神佛形象的世俗化楚剧在民间

    On Secularism of Sacrifice to Divine beings among the People

  2. 论民间祭祀的变异性特征

    Characteristics of the Variations of Folk Religious Offerings

  3. 中国民间祭祀与习惯法的关系历史悠久,底蕴深厚。

    The relationship between China 's folk sacrifice ceremony and customary law has a long history and is full of profound connotations .

  4. 白马和黄南地区民间祭祀性舞蹈分析比较&旁证白马人的族属问题

    The Analysis and Comparison between Folk Sacrificial Dance in Baima and Huangnan & A Collateral Evidence on the Ethnical Genealogy of Baima People

  5. 为寻求精神寄托,民间祭祀就以心理补偿的方式大量出现。

    As a result , folk sacrifice appeared in a great deal as a kind of " psychological compensation " for spirit comfort .

  6. 中国是一个农以为本的国家,民间祭祀着不少与农事相关的神灵,虫王便是其中之一。

    China is a agriculture country basically , the folk worshipped many God of connect with agriculture , one of is Insect God .

  7. 随着佛教在本区的传布,民众对佛教的信仰与他们的传统信仰及民间祭祀获得了某种程度的结合。

    With the spreading of Buddhism in this area , the local people 's belief in Buddhism was somewhat combined with their traditional belief and folk sacrificial offering .

  8. 土家族告祖仪式是流传于湖北省五峰县土家族人婚嫁喜事中向祖先祷告的一种民间祭祀活动,其中囊括了器乐和声乐形式作为重要内容。

    The Tujia ancestor sacrifice was a folk ceremony spread at Wufeng town , Hubei province on weddings , including both instrumental and vocal music as two important forms .

  9. 湖南的尊孔祀孔活动在1934年以前主要以民间祭祀为主,何键支持并积极参与民间祀孔活动,并力图将其控制在自己手里;

    Such movement in Hunan before 1934 mainly exited in non-government organization , Hejian supported this kind of movement and took part in many Offering Sacrifices to Confucius presided by such kind of organization vigorously and tried to control it .

  10. 《九歌》是《楚辞》中一组比较特殊的诗歌,它是中国文人文化和民间宗教祭祀文化的伟大结合。

    The Nine Songs is revised by great poet QuYuan , and it contains the reviser 's deep emotions ;

  11. 考察宫廷、民间的祭祀、宴飨等音乐文化活动与歌诗之关系。

    Third , we inquire into its relationships between Singing-poetry and cultural activities of palace & folk 's offering sacrifices to gods or ancestors , banquet activities .

  12. 云南壮族民间传统丧葬祭祀习俗

    The Traditional Funeral and Memorial Cerements Folk Custom of Yunnan Zhuang People

  13. 论宋代民间丧葬、祭祀礼仪与基层社会控制

    On the Civilian Funeral , Fiesta and Social Control at the Grass-roots Level

  14. 国家祭祀体系与民间信仰和祭祀活动形成复杂关系,这是理解明代国家与社会关系的一个重要视角。

    There were complex relations between the state sacrificial system and the folk believes . This is an important point of view to comprehend the relationship between the state and the society of the Ming Dynasty .

  15. 节奏乐器是中国传统民族器乐中最为主要的一个部分,它有着上千年的悠久历史,在中国民间文化和宗教祭祀活动中都发挥着十分重要的作用。

    Percussion instruments is important traditional part in Chinese nation instruments and have a long-playing time history , especially have important action in the Chinese folk culture and religion fete .

  16. 它饱含着源自生命需求源自大自然的朴素民间信仰,围绕这朴素的信仰生成很多的民间祭祀文化,这些祭祀具有严格的仪式化特点。

    It is full of life and needs from the simple folk beliefs from the nature around it generated a lot of faith in the simple ritual of folk culture , which has strict ritual sacrifice features .