
  • 网络China Proper
  1. 大唐皇帝击退了侵略者,拓展了中国本土控制的疆域。

    the Tang rulers pushed back invaders and so extended their territorial control beyond China proper .

  2. 中国本土的大部分地区在公元前221年获得了统一。

    Much of what came to constitute China Proper was unified for the first time in 221 B. C.

  3. 向中国本土企业学习发展导向为本(方案B)

    Learn from native companies in China Trend Base ( Scenario B )

  4. Moon说:我们也看到中国本土的一些娱乐节目在吸收更多的国际元素,稳定地发展壮大。

    We are seeing a steady growth of Chinese indigenous entertainment shows in which more international elements are included .

  5. 加入WTO后,中国本土企业的竞争与外资企业竞争更加激烈化。

    After China join in WTO , competition be - tween Chinese native place enterprise 's and the foreign capital enterprise is intense .

  6. 加入WTO,可以为中国本土的工程咨询企业提供发展的机遇,同时也使其面临严峻的挑战。

    WTO Accession has provided a development opportunity for China 's project Consultation enterprises , and at the same time , brought about serious challenges .

  7. 然而,就像中国本土竞争对手阿里巴巴(Alibaba)一样,腾讯也忙于投资西方科技企业。

    However , Tencent , like Chinese rival Alibaba , has been busy investing in western technology companies .

  8. 该公司曾为多种投资者成功筹资,从中国本土的基金的基金asiaalternatives,到美国华盛顿州。

    It has been able to raise money for investors ranging from a local fund of funds , Asia alternatives , to the US state of Washington .

  9. 度将业务重点转向中国本土市场的联想集团(lenovogroupltd.)周三表示,将用低价电脑开发中国广大农村地区的消费能力,并准备新开700家零售门店。

    Lenovo Group Ltd. , refocusing on the Chinese domestic market , said Wednesday it will tap the spending power of the rural population with low-cost computers and 700 new retail stores .

  10. 事实上,通过对五星电器(FiveStar)的平行持股,百思买对于中国本土市场的了解日益深厚。五星电器是一家依照传统模式运营的连锁电器零售商,2006年被百思买控股。

    In fact , Best Buy was learning an increasing amount about the Chinese domestic market from its parallel ownership of Five Star , a chain of electrical retailers operating on the traditional model , where it acquired control in 2006 .

  11. 但这一次,东道主挤满蓝球馆&为了一睹姚明。这位中国本土出产的明星,在美国NBA休斯敦火箭队(HoustonRockets)专业打球。

    But this time , the hosts will also cram into the basketball arena to see Yao Ming , their homegrown star who plays professionally for the NBA 's Houston Rockets .

  12. 过去两年来,这家咨询公司为中国本土银行提供的咨询,主要围绕着如何在遵循《新巴塞尔协议》(baselii)等国际基准的同时,评估和限制企业贷款风险。

    For the past two years , the new York-based consultancy has mostly advised domestic banks on how to evaluate and limit corporate lending risks , while complying with international benchmarks such as the Basel II standard .

  13. 今天,华道已经发展成为中国本土规模最大、服务链条最全的金融BPO企业,股东包括以鼎晖投资在内的四家全球基金。

    Today , CDG has become China 's largest BPO provider with the most comprehensive service-chain , whose shareholders including CDH and other three global funds .

  14. 结论2005年上海部分地区麻疹暴发是由H1基因型病毒引起,为中国本土流行株。

    Conclusion It was H1 genotype measles viruses , which are the native viruses in China that led to the outbreak of measles in Shanghai , in 2005 .

  15. 文章首先采用与市场导向观念相呼应的TOWS检验,客观分析中国本土超市的外部、内部竞争环境,强调本土超市在了解自身优势和劣势之前,应认真审视其所面临的市场威胁与机会。

    Firstly , native supermarkets ' external and internal competition environment has been examined with TOWS analysis that consists with the market-oriented conception .

  16. 微软已在自贸区内与中国本土一家互联网电视企业结成了合作伙伴,此举可能为微软面向中国玩家销售Xbox游戏机铺平道路。

    Microsoft has formed a partnership with a local internet TV company in the zone that could pave the way for sales of its Xbox system to Chinese gamers .

  17. 现代汽车(Hyundai)计划今年10月之前在北京南部建成一家新的工厂,明年在重庆建成另外一家。而长城、长安等中国本土汽车制造商也正在积极扩大产能。

    Hyundai plans to complete a factory south of Beijing by October and another in Chongqing next year , while Chinese automakers like Great Wall and Changan are aggressively adding capacity .

  18. 广告巨头WPP和其市场研究机构华通明略的数据显示,跨国公司品牌和中国本土品牌在品牌实力上的得分均为100分。

    According to advertising giant WPP and its market research unit Millward Brown , both multinationals and local Chinese brands score 100 on the metric of Brand Power .

  19. 但去年这种情况发生了变化,据咨询公司ArtisanGateway的数据,2013年中国本土影片遥遥领先,获得了人民币127亿元的票房收入,占总票房的59%。

    But last year that changed , with China 's domestic films surging ahead to take in 12.7 billion yuan , or about 59 % of total box-office receipts , according to consulting firm Artisan Gateway .

  20. 华锐风电(sinovel)、金丰科技(goldwind)和东方汽轮机(dec)这三大中国本土涡轮机制造商各占了近20%的新增容量。

    Sinovel , Goldwind and Dec , the three largest domestic turbine suppliers , accounted for close to 20 per cent each of the new capacity .

  21. 北京对无法控制外国网站感到担心,再加上一些规定要求公司对用户进行审查和监控,很多初创企业因此吸取了Twitter和Facebook等前辈的教训,不在中国本土开设网站。

    Beijing 's concerns about being unable to control foreign sites , combined with regulations that require companies to censor and monitor users , has led many start-ups to heed the experience of forebears like Twitter and Facebook and refrain from opening a local China site .

  22. 不过,希望利用qdii基金需求增长的国际基金公司应该清楚,中国本土基金管理公司正期望发展相关专业技能,由自己来管理海外投资基金。

    However , international managers hoping to take advantage of any increase in demand for QDII funds should be aware that domestic fund management companies are looking to develop expertise to manage international funds themselves .

  23. 欧萨(OHSA)上海是一家在中国本土提供职业卫生、环境和工业安全等方面的工程和咨询服务的公司。

    OHSA SH was established in2003 as the first local based company providing environment , health , safety and economy consulting services to be registered in China .

  24. 本文呼吁中国本土企业管理者应当从战略的高度重视六西格玛管理。

    Domestic enterprises should attach strategically attention to Six Sigma Management .

  25. 并非所有中国本土汽车制造商的市场占有率都有所下降。

    Not all Chinese auto makers have seen market share declines .

  26. 探索社会工作专业实践教学模式培养中国本土社会工作人才

    A Study of Practice Teaching Mode for the Social Work Specialized Subject

  27. 中国本土企业提升核心竞争力的权变观点

    Tactics to Upgrade the Essential Competitiveness of Chinese Domestic Enterprises

  28. 关于中国本土跨国企业内部跨文化商务培训的分析研究

    Critical Analysis of Cross-Cultural Business Training in Chinese Overseas Companies

  29. 不过,这与中国本土竞争对手的成就相形见绌。

    But that contribution pales in comparison with local competitors .

  30. 在全球化的今天,中国本土电影也日渐向全球化靠拢。

    In the Age of Globalization , Chinese movie should be changed .