
  • 网络Mesozoic
  1. 综合MT、地震剖面、重力和磁法资料,提出了综合物探解释流程,并且以地质理论为指导,以中生界为主要研究层系,开展盐阜地区的综合物探资料解释。

    Integrated geophysical study was implemented on the acquired data with target of the Mesozoic strata .

  2. 而钻井中1000m以下所有中生界地层都进入了埋藏变质阶段,指示着有机质的过成熟期。

    All of the Mesozoic borehole strata below 1000 m are at a burial metamorphic stage , indicating over-maturity for organic materials .

  3. 根据封闭体系黄金管热模拟实验结果,应用Kinetics专用软件,研究了塔里木盆地库车坳陷中生界不同类型烃源岩的生烃特征与动力学参数。

    Based on thermal simulation data of gold tube experiment in the closed system and combined with the specfic Kinetics Software , the parameters of hydrocarbon generation kinetics from Mesozoic source rocks in the Kuqa Depression , Tarim Basin were studied .

  4. 锆石U-Pb同位素年龄印证了矿区及外围缺失二叠系以后古生界及中生界的地层或岩浆岩。

    The U-Pb isotopic ages of Zirconium proved that the district is lack of the strata or magma of after Permian period in Paleozoic group and Mesozoic group .

  5. 南黄海盆地北部坳陷和中部隆起的东部中生界残余厚度最大达8000m。

    In North Depression and the eastern Central Uplift , the thickest Mesozoic can be up to 8 、 000 m.

  6. 珠江口盆地东部和台湾西部海域广泛分布的海相中生界发育3个方向的4种断层:NE向逆断层、NE向正断层、WNW&EW向正断层和NW向左行平移断层。

    Four types of faults trending in three directions have developed in marine Mesozoic of the eastern Pearl River Mouth basin and offshore western Taiwan , including NE ? trending reverse faults , NE ? trending normal faults , WNW-EW ?

  7. 强烈的冲断推覆还使冲断带之下掩盖了大量的中新生界,其中酒泉盆地南缘掩盖了15km左右的中生界,民乐和武威盆地南缘冲断带之下不存在中生界。

    Because of the thrusting , most of Mesozoic and Cenozoic strata were covered beneath the thrust belts , as about 15km Mesozoic were covered beneath south margin of Jiuquan Basin . But no Mesozoic existed beneath the south margin of Minle Basin and Wuwei Basin .

  8. 研究区石炭系的上覆中生界和新生界等陆相地层中发育多套条件较优越的盖层。

    Good cap rocks developed in overlying Mesozoic and Cenozoic layers .

  9. 美国得克萨斯古生界和中生界鲕粒的微孔隙度

    Microporosity in Ooids : Mesozoic and Palaeozoic of Texas , USA

  10. 黄海海域陆相中生界油气远景

    Oil prospect of the continental Mesozoic in the Yellow Sea Area

  11. 中生界及部分古生界地层泥页岩的水敏性较强,最易出现井眼失稳问题。

    Water sensitivity in Mesozoic and some Palaeozoic structure is high .

  12. 柴达木盆地西部中生界原型盆地恢复

    Reconstruction of the Mesozoic Proto-type Basin in the West Qaidam Basin

  13. 云南思茅&景谷地区中生界储集层特征

    Features of Mesozoic reservoir in Simao Jinggu area , Yunan Province

  14. 经钻探,在该区中生界流纹岩中发现了油气藏。

    Hydrocarbon reservoir is discovered in the Mesozoic rhyolite by drilling .

  15. 下扬子地区中生界古地磁及其构造解析

    Mesozoic paleomagnetic study and its structural interpretation in lower Yangtze area

  16. 苏北地区陆相中生界地层问题探讨

    A Discussion on the Continental Mesozoic Stratigraphic Problems of North Jiangsu

  17. 中国东部海域中生界地质特征及含油气前景

    Geological characteristics and hydrocarbon potential of Mesozoic in eastern China Offshore

  18. 鄂尔多斯盆地中生界石油二次运移通道研究

    Petroleum secondary migration pathway in Mesozoic period , Ordos Basin

  19. 沾化凹陷区中生界发育2类6种油气藏类型。

    There are 2 kinds with 6 types of oil gas reservoir .

  20. 因此,本区中生界油气勘探前景十分广阔。

    Thus petroleum exploration prospect is bright in Cenozoic in this area .

  21. 鄂尔多斯盆地西南缘镇泾地区中生界隐蔽油气藏勘探

    Exploration of Mesozoic Subtle Reservoirs in Zhen-Jing Region , Southwest Ordos Basin

  22. 塔里木盆地北部坳陷区中生界石油地质特征

    Petroleum Geology of Mesozoic Erathem in the North Depression of Tarim Basin

  23. 测井曲线在济阳坳陷中生界地层划分中的应用

    Application of Logging Curves to the Mesozoic Stratum Zonation in Jiyang Depression

  24. 北黄海盆地东部前中生界基底特征

    Pre-Mesozoic Basement Characteristics in the Eastern Depression of the North Yellow Sea Basin

  25. 鄂尔多斯盆地中生界煤成烃潜力的实验研究

    Experimental study of hydrocarbon generation potentiality of Mesozoic coal measure , Ordos basin

  26. 现存古生界&中生界油气藏主要分布于四川盆地。

    The existent Paleozoic-Mesozoic oil-gas fields are chiefly distributed in the Sichuan basin .

  27. 泡沫欠平衡钻井液在中生界地层的应用

    Application of Foam Underbalanced Drilling Fluid in Mesozoic Strata

  28. 塔里木盆地西端中生界沉积环境与油气地质特征

    Sedimentary Setting of Mesozoic and Its Petroleum Geologic Features in Western Tarim Basin

  29. 鄂尔多斯盆地南部旬邑-宜君地区中生界储层特征

    Characteristics of the Mesozoic reservoir bed in Ordos Basin South Xun yi-yijun area

  30. 鄂尔多斯盆地中部中生界流体地质研究

    Study on Fluid Geology of Mesozoic Group in the Middle of Ordos Basin