
  • 网络coal-type gas;coal-formed gas;coal-related gas;coaliferous gas
  1. 天然气来自侏罗纪煤系地层。深层煤型气是本区主要勘探对象。

    Now the coal-type gas is a main exploration objective in the lower and deep zones in Songliao Basin .

  2. 探讨了二次生气的时期、门限深度和门限成熟度,计算了二次生气量和煤型气聚集量,并展望了煤型气勘探前景。

    The quantity of the secondary generated gas and the accumulation volume of coal-type gas were calculated , and the exploration prospective of coal-type gas was pointed out in this paper .

  3. 研究表明,在相同热演化程度条件下,除少量样品外,煤层气δ13C1值一般较煤型气偏轻。

    The research shows that under the same thermal evolution conditions , the δ 13 C 1 values of CBM is generally lighter than those of coal derived gases , except a few of samples .

  4. 煤型气碳同位素演化二阶段分馏模式及机理

    A two stage model of carbon isotopic fractionation in coal gas

  5. 柴北缘煤型气区带。

    The coal - formed gas in the north of Qaidam Basin .

  6. 既有油型气又有煤型气,以凝析气居多;

    Multi-type of gases with condensed gas in predominance ;

  7. 煤型气烃类组分的稳定碳、氢同位素组成研究

    Carbon and Hydrogen Isotopic Characteristics of Hydrocarbons in Coal Type Gas from China

  8. 惠民凹陷南坡煤型气有效供气中心分析

    Analysis of Effective Generation Center of Coal-Formed Gas in South Slope of Huimin Sag

  9. 中国煤型气区的构造环境、典型气藏及勘探方向Ⅱ&中、新生界煤型气

    The Tectonic Environment , Typical Gas Pools and Exploration Direction of Coal type Gas Provinces in China

  10. 本文提出了煤型气和油型气的新概念与划分煤型气和油型气的新方法。

    This paper presents the new ideas of Coal-formed gas and Oil-related gas and the new method to distinguish them .

  11. 奥陶系和二叠系中天然气的成因类型为凝析油伴生气,由石炭&二叠系煤系烃源岩提供,属煤型气。

    It is confirmed that the accompanying gases of condensate oil coming from the Carboniferous-Permian coal formation are coal-type ones .

  12. 天然气的地化特征表明:其成因类型可分为油型气、混合气和煤型气。

    The geochemical characteristics of gas indicated that the gas in the regioncomprised of oil-Aerived gas , mixture gas and coal-derived gas .

  13. 轻烃的干湿比很高(0.972~0.998),具有煤型气的特征。

    The dry wet ratio of light hydrocarbon is very high ( 0 972  ̄ 0 998 ) which is characteristic of coal type gas .

  14. 塔里木盆地主要的现实资源和潜在资源是几个前陆盆地的煤型气,特别是演化程度较高的煤型气。

    The coal type gases , esp. , higher mature coal-type gases , in some pre continental subbasins in the Trim basin are present day and potential gas resources .

  15. 主要论述以上古生界为烃源岩的典型煤型气藏的地球化学特征、形成时的构造环境与气藏类型及找气前景。

    The paper mainly discusses the geochemical characteristics and types of the typical coal type gas pools of the Upper Paleozoic , the tectonic environments and exploration prospects in China .

  16. 气藏分为:下部断陷地层煤型气气藏、上部坳陷地层伴生油型气气藏、浅层生物气藏。

    The results show that the gas pool was divided into three series : coal-related gas in lower fault depression , associated oil pool in upper depression and shallow biogas pool .

  17. 区内石炭&二叠纪煤系具有良好的煤型气及一定的煤层气潜力,中、下侏罗统和下白垩统暗色泥岩类是最具生油潜力的烃源岩系。

    Permo Carboniferous coal series have relative good coal gas potential , dark mudstones in Lower Jurassic , lower part of Middle Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous are the best source rocks .

  18. 受结构效应的影响,相同成熟度条件下,由腐殖型有机质生成的煤型气碳同位素值比由腐泥型有机质生成的油型气的重。

    Under the effect of structure effect , carbon isotope value of coaliferous gas generated from humus is greater than that of petroliferous gas generated from sapropelic substance if they have same maturity .

  19. 在前人判别煤型气和油型气母质类型和转化程度公式的基础上,建立了既适用于煤型气又适用于油型气母质来源的统一的判别公式。

    In this paper , a general formula applicable for mixing gas source material including sapropel type Kerogen and humic type Kerogen was built up , based on the formulas given by previous scholars .

  20. 本篇论述中、新生界煤型气的有关问题。中生界煤型气资源集中分布在北方,气源岩以侏罗纪煤系为主,以西北区资源前景最好。

    The coal type gas resource of Mesozoic mainly concentrates on the North China where the Northwest area is the most favorable region , and the gas source rocks are almost Jurassic coal series .

  21. 热演化程度对煤型气重烃的碳同位素组成影响不够明显,而对油型气重烃碳同位素组成有一定的影响。

    However , it has certain influence on carbon isotopic composition of heavy hydrocarbons of oil type gas . With the increase of thermal evolution , the ethane of oil type gas gradually enriches heavy carbon isotopes .

  22. 此外,还根据甲烷碳同位素值计算出扶、杨油层天然气混合比例,表明扶、杨油层混合气中有39%~81%是来自深层的煤型气。

    This paper calculates mixed gas ratio of Fuyang oil layer by carbon isotope value of methane . The result shows 39 ~ 81 percentage of the gas is from the coal - type gas of deep layer .

  23. 在论述烃类气成因类型和非烃气成因的基础上,指出本区天然气成因类型以煤型气为主,混合气次之,并有少量的油型气。

    Based on the analysis of genetic type of natural gas and the genesis of nonhydrocarbon gas , it was indicated that natural gas in the research area is mainly coaliferous gas , secondly composite type and little petroliferous gas .

  24. 混源作用以及可能伴随的扩散、分馏作用可引起甲烷、尤其是乙烷碳同位素值的变化,进而影响油型气和煤型气的区分以及混合比的计算。

    Mixture of gases along with diffusive fractionation can also change the carbon isotopic value of methane and ethane , thus affect the discrimination of a coal typed gas and an oil typed gas and the calculation of their mixing ratio .

  25. 盆地煤层甲烷气为有机成因气,具有油型与煤型混合气特征,以油型气为主;

    The coalbed methane gas of the basin is organic origin gas with mixed-gas characteristics of oil-type-gas and coal-type-gas , mainly being oil-type-gas ;

  26. 按照气源岩和储集层之间的关系,煤型天然气气藏可以划分为自储型气藏和他储型气藏两大类。

    According to the relationship between the source rock of gas and the reservoir roek the natural gas field of coal type may be divided into two kinds .

  27. 煤系地层不仅形成和含有煤层,而且也形成大量的煤成气,这些煤成气往往能够聚集成各种规模的煤型天然气气藏。

    Therefore , the coal measure not only forms and contains the coal seams , but also forms the gas - forming of coal in a great deal , which sometimes may possibly constitute the natural gas deposits of coal type in every orders .

  28. 煤岩有机地球化学及煤层甲烷碳同位素研究表明,该区煤层气具有油型与煤型混合气特征。

    Through studying the coal rock organic geochemistry and coalbed methane carbon isotope , it is indicated that the coal seam gas in the area has the characteristics combined oil type gas and coal type gas .