
méi qì jī
  • gas engine
  1. 4125A煤气机混合器的设计及性能预测

    Design of Mixer for Model 4125A Gas Engine and Predicting its Performances

  2. 二冲程煤气机的燃料喷射与混合

    Injection and Mixing of Gaseous Fuel in Two - stroke Gas Engine

  3. 柴油机与高压煤气机

    Diesel and High Compression Gas Engines

  4. 烧结杯点火器高炉煤气取样机

    AN IGNITOR OF SINTER POT Gas sampling device for BF

  5. 高炉煤气取样机生料收集器的研究开发

    Gas sampling device for BF Study and development of raw meal collector

  6. 温度定点控制器高炉煤气取样机

    Set Point Controller of Temperature Gas sampling device for BF

  7. 三元流理论在焦化煤气风机增容改造上的应用与推广

    Application and Development of Ternary Flow Theory in Coke Oven Gas Blast

  8. 焦炉煤气风机叶片非工作面沟槽成因分析

    The Cause Analysis of Non-working Face Groove on Coke-oven Gas Fan Blade

  9. 大型高炉煤气取样机液压系统的改进与实践

    System Reformation and Practice of Hydraulic for Blast Furnace Gas Sampling Device

  10. 高炉炉身煤气取样机结构分析与探讨

    The structural analysis and study on the stack gas sampler of blast furnace

  11. 高炉煤气取样机

    Gas sampling device for BF

  12. 简要分析了焦炉煤气风机叶片非工作面在运转过程中磨损形成沟槽的原因,提出了处理措施。

    The cause of coke-oven gas fan blade abrasion and forming groove in non-working face running is briefly analyzed .

  13. 在基本可靠性模型中,考虑到可靠性模型中单元之间的相关性,给出了煤气洗涤机可靠性模型的系统可靠性参数(系统可靠度、系统失效率和系统平均首次达到故障时间)及其上下界限。

    In primary reliabilty mode , we come up with system reliabilty parameters ( system reliabilty , system invalidation rate and the first average fault time of the system ) and range of it .

  14. 介绍了煤气风机主电机轴承改造前存在的问题,分析了系统改造的可行性分析,实践证明,滑动轴承运行平衡性比滚动轴承优越。

    Introduces the existing problems of gas main motor bearing before improving , analyses the feasibility for improving system , the practice proves the balance feature of the sliding bearing is better than of the rolling bearing .

  15. 对UGI煤气炉炉条机传动系统由三级齿轮传动改为行星摆线针轮减速传动,获得了较好的节能降耗、降低生产费用的效果;

    For the charging machine in UGI gas producer , replacing three-stage gear drive by eouctckiudal reduction gear unit , which could obtain good results of energy conservation and cost reduction .

  16. 煤气高压风机爆炸原因分析

    Analysis of Explosion Reasons of High Pressure Blowers for Transporting Gas

  17. 低压、粗焦炉煤气自动燃烧机在锅炉上应用

    The Application of one Automatic Burner for Low Pressure Coke Oven Gas

  18. 煤气加压风机控制系统的变频调速改造

    Reformation on variable frequency converter of gas compressor control system

  19. UGI煤气发生炉炉条机传动系统改造计算

    Calculations for Improvement of Charging Machine Drive System in UGI Gas Producer

  20. 热煤气在铅烧结机点火炉上的应用

    Application of hot gas for lighting-up furnace in lead sintering machine

  21. 煤气排送风机的喘振分析与经济运行

    Surge Analysis and Economic Operation of the Fans for Gas Plenum and Exhaust

  22. 我们要在这儿装这么多东西,煤气灶和洗涤机放在哪里呢?

    We 've got so many services here , what with the gas cookers and washing-up machines .

  23. 通过对同煤集团煤气厂FGX-6分选机实际运用分析,指出了该机的工作原理及优缺点,供改造干选机时参考。

    By usage practice of FGX-6coal-dressing machine , points its working principle and virtues and defects for reference to innovation of coal-dressing machine .

  24. 我们家的设备一应俱全,但当她初抵此处时,它们对她来说却等同于一道又一道的谜题,还得找人来教我们怎么使用煤气炉、洗衣机和电视。

    Our house has all these facilities , but when she arrived they were all mysteries to her and someone had to show us how to use the oven , washing machine and the TV .

  25. 它是利用高炉炉顶煤气的余压,将煤气导入透平膨胀机,通过受压气体膨胀作功将压力能转化为机械能,驱动发电机发电的能量回收装置。

    Itductsthe coal gas into the turbine expander by using the top gas press recovery , converts pressure into the machine energy , and drives the generation to generate electricity .

  26. 本文通过对传统船用煤气动力装置工作特点的分析,提出了一种煤气柴油组合机方案。

    The operating characteristics of traditional marine gas power plant was investigated , including spark ignition gas engine and dual fuel engine .