
  • 网络Age of Steam;steam age;Days of Steam
  1. 瓦特开创了蒸汽时代。

    Watt inaugurated the age of steam .

  2. 展览讲述了蒸汽时代引人入胜的故事。

    The exhibition tells the fascinating story of the steam age .

  3. 如此近距离的观察太空飞船,会令人产生一种难以置信的感觉:看上去,它更像是蒸汽时代的产物,而非来自太空时代。

    Being this near to the spaceship defies belief : it looks more like a contraption from the steam age than the space age .

  4. 从农耕文明走向工业化大生产,从蒸汽时代进入电器时代,人类从未停止过探索的脚步。

    From farming civilization to large-scale production of industrialization , from the steam time to electrical time , mankind has never ceased to explore the pace .

  5. 如果你要建设镜子麻烦做到这一点,那么你又会回到蒸汽时代的老路,那是产生电力的有效办法。

    And if you are going to the trouble of building mirrors to do that , you might as well go down the steam-generation route , which is a much more efficient way of producing electricity .

  6. 十九世纪是蒸汽机时代。

    The19th century was the age of the steam engine .

  7. 欧洲列车的前景自从蒸汽大时代以来就一直都没有多少改观。

    The prospects for Europe 's trains have hardly been better since the great age of steam .

  8. 而第二次技术革命推动海军进入了蒸汽钢铁战舰时代。

    The science-technology revolution led the construction of the navy into a steam-steel-warship period .

  9. 世纪是蒸汽机车鼎盛的时代。

    The 19th century was the heyday of steam railways.19