
  • 网络DISTILLED WINE;distilled spirits;spirit;DISTILLED LIQUORS;tequila
  1. 白兰地是蒸馏酒,这就意味着制造者把水从果粒里分离出去,然后你得到了更多的精华!

    Brandy is distilled wine , that means they take the water out of the fruity bit so you get even more of the goodness that way .

  2. 由于苹果渣所含的营养物质丰富,可作为原材料生产苹果渣发酵蒸馏酒。

    Pomace contains a lot of nutrients , which can be used as the fermentation materials to produce pomace distilled wine .

  3. 消费量约占世界蒸馏酒的三分之一,中国白酒英文名正式启用“ChineseBaijiu”;

    Accounting for one-third of the world 's total consumption of distilled spirits , China 's famous distilled spirit will officially be called " Chinese Baijiu " in English ;

  4. 中国白酒与白兰地、威士忌、伏特加、朗姆酒和金酒一起并称为世界六大蒸馏酒。

    Chinese distilled spirit , a clear liquor made from sorghum and other grains , is one of the six major distilled spirits in the world , in addition to Brandy , Whisky , Vodka , Rum and Gin .

  5. 清香型蒸馏酒生产工艺中HACCP系统的应用

    Application of HACCP system in delicate liquor production craft

  6. 另外,他还投资了出品杰克•丹尼威士忌(JackDaniels)、摩根船长(CaptainMorgan)的蒸馏酒公司。

    He owns shares of the distillers behind Jack Daniels ( BFA ) and Captain Morgan ( deo ) too .

  7. 本文用GC/MS/SID技术对20份蒸馏酒中甲醇和高级醇的含量进行测定,这些数据与GC方法作了比较。

    In this paper , GC / MS / SID quantitative-technique for determining methyl-alcohol and higher alcohol in twenty distilled beverages has been described . These data have been compared with those ones obtained from GC method .

  8. 拿破仑的名字和哪种蒸馏酒有联系?

    The name Napoleon is associated with what type of spirit ?

  9. 苹果渣蒸馏酒挥发性成分的气质分析

    GC-MS Analysis of the Volatile Substances in Apple Pomace Spirit

  10. 吞咽一杯虫子蒸馏酒,这想法有没有让你不寒而栗?

    Do you wince at the thought of swallowing a tequila worm ?

  11. 中国蒸馏酒源起的史料辨析

    Discrimination of historical materials about the origin of distilled liquor in China

  12. 发挥资源优势发展水果蒸馏酒

    Full Play to Resource Advantages to Develop Fruit Distillate Liquor

  13. 分光光度法测定蒸馏酒及配制酒中杂醇油

    Determination of Fusel Oil in Distilled Wines and Mixed Wines by Spectrophotometry

  14. 固态法蒸馏酒技术完善于宋元时期。

    The solid state liquor produced in the Tang Dynasty .

  15. 用苦的药草的叶和根作香料的蒸馏酒。

    Alcoholic liquor flavored with bitter herbs and roots .

  16. 残次果实蒸馏酒的酿造技术

    Brewing technology for making distillation wine of inferior fruits

  17. 生料发酵蒸馏酒的勾兑

    Blending of Distilled Liquor with Uncooked Materials for Fermentation

  18. 乳酒酵母的筛选鉴定和牛奶蒸馏酒的研制

    Screening and Identification of Milk Wine Yeast and Development of Distillation Milk Wine

  19. 美国蒸馏酒理事会会员吁请成年人饮酒时要有责任感。

    DISCUS members urge that adults who choose to drink , do so responsibly .

  20. 水果蒸馏酒的开发及工业化生产

    Development and Industrial Production of Fruit Distillate Liquors

  21. 泡草莓蒸馏酒品牌。

    A brand of wild strawberry schnapps .

  22. 论中国古代蒸馏酒的起源和蒸馏工艺的发展

    Discussion on the Development of Distillation Techniques & the Origin of Distillate Liquor in Ancient China

  23. 这种蒸馏酒的历史可以追溯到南宋时期(1127-1279年)。

    The company has been manning the stills since the Southern Song Dynasty ( 1127-1279 ) .

  24. 苏格兰的威士忌蒸馏酒制造商们正在反对一种“无酒精”的威士忌饮料。

    The whisky distillers of Scotland are in revolt over an " alcohol free " creation .

  25. 中国民族传统白酒历史悠久、源远流长,在世界蒸馏酒中独树一帜。

    China traditional liquors have a long history and a unique role in world distilling liquor history .

  26. 错:啤酒和葡萄酒对人体的影响比蒸馏酒轻。

    False – Beer and wine have a more moderate impact on the physiology than do distilled spirits .

  27. 与俄罗斯伏特加类似,茅台是一种由高粱、小麦或大米制成的蒸馏酒。

    Similar to Russian vodka , Moutai is a distilled spirit made from sorghum , wheat or rice .

  28. 桃子蒸馏酒的研制

    Development of Peach Tequila

  29. 酒体纳米形态图谱揭示中国传统固态发酵蒸馏酒神韵

    Nanometer Morphological Patterns of Liquor Body to Reveal the Mystery of Chinese Traditional Distilling Liquor by Solid Fermentation

  30. 女人的血液酒精含量与男人的每盎司蒸馏酒吸收速度一样。

    A woman 's BAC rises at the same rate as a man 's per ounce of alcohol consumed .