
  • 网络evaporation;Heat loss of evaporation
  1. 我们的身体能出汗,由此可以蒸发散热。

    Our bodies can sweat , thereby losing heat by evaporation

  2. 结果表明蒸发散热在高温或活动期间对根田鼠的体温调节有不可替代的作用。

    The heat loss by evaporation play an important role in thermoregulation at high T a or during activity for root vole .

  3. 然而,此PCM调温服却在很大程度上增加了服装湿阻,降低了汗液蒸发散热。

    This type of PCM clothing , however , increased clothing evaporative resistance to a large extent and deteriorate evaporative cooling .

  4. 目的研究模拟失重时人体体温调节系统的改变对人体非蒸发散热的影响。

    Objective To study the effect of simulated weightlessness on non evaporative heat dissipation from different parts of the human body .

  5. 低温环境下人体非蒸发散热规律研究及数学模型的建立

    Study on the Law of Non Evaporative Heat Dissipation in Human Body under a Low Temperature Condition and Establishment of Mathematical Models

  6. 应用间接蒸发散热的原理,在空调冷凝器表面包覆吸水膜,利用水蒸发带走热量。

    According to the theory of indirect evaporative cooler , heat can be taken away through water evaporation by wrapping water absorbent film on the cooling surface of air conditioner condenser .

  7. 水面蒸发与散热系数公式研究(一)

    Studies on the formulae for calculating evaporation and heat loss coefficient from water surface in China (ⅰ)

  8. 近廿年来虽发展了高效率的蒸发冷却散热结构;但其设计仍停留在模拟和经验设计阶段。

    In recent twenty years high efficient vaporization cooling structure has been developed , but its design is still done by means of simulation or empirically .