
  • 网络motor nerve terminals;Motor nerve ending;Nerve endings
  1. 目的探讨大鼠运动神经末梢随年龄变化的规律,为同类研究提供正常参考。

    Objective To study the regularity of motor nerve ending sproutings in rats with increasing age .

  2. 突触的可塑性研究&大鼠运动神经末梢增龄变化

    Study of synaptic plasticity changes of motor nerve endings in rats with increasing age

  3. 结论:HGF可以促进正常肌肉与失神经肌肉之间运动神经末梢的再生,加速再生的神经末梢与失神经肌肉建立新的终板联系。

    CONCLUSION : HGF can promote the regeneration of motor nerve axons and accelerate the establishment of new motor endplates in the denervated muscles .

  4. 结论:正常伴肌收缩时,磁刺激很可能先兴奋肌肉运动神经末梢致肌肉运动,间接兴奋肌肉Ia纤维或(和)肌肉深部感受器;

    It was showed that under normal contraction , the motor nerve terminals of the muscle were initially excited by magnetic stimulation and the Ia fiber and / or the receptors of the muscle were indirectly excited .

  5. 1952年,Fatt和Katz首先在蛙NMJ记录到自发性小终板电位(MEPP),并证明它是运动神经末梢自发释放递质性乙酰胆碱(ACh)的结果。

    Early in 1952 , Fatt and Katz first recorded spontaneous miniature end-plate potentials ( MEPP ) in frog NMJ , and showed that they were the result of spontaneous release of transmitter substance , acetylcholine ( ACh ), from motor nerve terminals .

  6. 琥珀酸钠对运动神经末梢自发递质释放的促进

    Facilitation of Sodium Succinate on Spontaneous transmitter release at motor nerve terminals

  7. 舌肌运动神经末梢纪录

    Exercise . a record of motor nerve endings of the muscle of tongue

  8. 猫运动神经末梢的形态和长芽:快肌与慢肌间的不同

    Morphology and sprouting of motor nerve terminals in cat : differences between fast and slow muscles

  9. 乙酰胆碱对蛇运动神经末梢离子通道活动的反馈调节

    Feedback regulation of acetylcholine ( ach ) on ion channel activity in snake motor nerve terminals

  10. 此外,本文还讨论了影响运动神经末梢形态的可能因素。

    The turnover of motor nerve terminal and the factors which influence the morphology of the end-plates in normal adult cat are discussed .

  11. 麻痹性贝毒毒素研究Ⅰ.塔玛亚历山大藻的麻痹性贝毒毒素对运动神经末梢和全细胞钠离子通道的抑制作用研究

    Study on paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins ⅰ . the inhibitory effects of paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins from Alexandrium tamarense on na ~ + currents at motor nerve terminals and whole cell

  12. 方法分离出单肌梭,对吕荣等人的运动终板及神经末梢的快速银染方法做了适当的改良,用于肌梭内神经末梢的染色。

    Methods According to argentaffine of nerve fibers , fast silver-staining was used to observe morphology of nerve endings of isolated muscle spindle in rats'soleus muscle .