
  • 网络Motor organ;locomotor app-aratus;motile organ;motorium
  1. arm一词亦指无脊椎动物的附肢或运动器官,如海星的腕、章鱼的触手和腕足纲动物的腕足。

    The term may also denote the limb or the locomotive or prehensile organ of an invertebrate ( e.g. , the ray of a starfish or the tentacle of an octopus ) .

  2. 人手是人体最灵活、最精密的运动器官。

    Human hand is the most dexterity and sophisticated movement organ .

  3. 无脊椎动物的各种运动器官或附属器官。

    Any of various organs of locomotion or attachment in invertebrates .

  4. 手和脚是运动器官。

    Hands and feet are locomotive organs .

  5. 田径跳跃运动员支撑运动器官运动损伤的调查与分析

    Survey and Analysis of Injuring in Athletes

  6. 本文从神经系统病变和书写运动器官损伤两个方面论述了病理性变化笔迹的形成机制。

    In this paper , the nervous system diseases and organ damage in two aspects of writing sports discussed pathological changes in the handwriting of the formation mechanism .

  7. 本文在分析智力落后儿童语言能力发展的特点基础上提出,通过加强智力落后儿童的语言听力和言语运动器官的基本训练;

    An analysis of the trait of the retarded child speech ability development , advances four steps : to strengthen the elementary training of hearing and speech of the retarded child ;

  8. “活人不同于静止的生物,而在肿瘤的放疗和成像中,像肺脏或者心脏这样能够运动的器官是主要的干扰因素,”Xu说,“为了判断有效放射计量和精确数值。

    " Live patients are not static beings , and a moving organ such as the lung or heart is a main concern in radiation treatment or imaging of tumors that are affected by such organ movement ," Xu said .

  9. 健身运动延缓器官衰老的作用

    Exercise . The Function of Body-building to Retard the Ageing Process of Organs

  10. 长期运动对器官贮存铁和游离铁代谢的影响

    Effect of Long-Term Exercise on Storage Iron and Free Iron Metabolism in the Organs

  11. [结论]核酸具有延缓衰老的作用。健身运动延缓器官衰老的作用

    [ Conclusions ] Nucleic acid capsule can resist aging . The Function of Body-building to Retard the Ageing Process of Organs

  12. 尾部是精子运动的器官,由中段、主段和末段3部分组成。

    The tail part is the organ of sperm movement , consisting of 3 parts : the middle part , main part and the ending part .

  13. 所以,DTS适用于受运动影响的器官和特殊病人(机架不能旋转3600)的摆位验证。早期的计算机图形处理相对简单,所有工作都由CPU完成。

    Therefore , DTS is a good choose which ban be use in Radiotherapy Positioning for special patients and organs influenced by movement . Early , Computer Graphics is simple , can be completed by CPU .

  14. 运动对内脏器官的影响

    The Influence of Sports On Internal Organs

  15. 骨骼、肌肉(包括肌键)又是运动的主要器官,可见胶原蛋白是运动的重要物质基础,在提高运动能力方面有着重要的作用。

    Because bone , muscle and tendon also are major organs of sport , so collagenous protein is an important material of based on sport and it has more effect on enhancing exercises level .

  16. 通过对急性力竭游泳的小鼠脑、心、肝、肾及骨骼肌中MDA含量与GSH-px的测定,分析比较急性力竭运动时体内主要器官脂质过氧化反应及其差异。

    The experiments were carried out in mice to investigate lipid peroxidation in several main organs of mice after acute exhaustive swimming by determining the content of MDA and the activity of GSH-px in Brain , heart , liver , kidney and muscle of mice .

  17. 目的观察运动情况下组织器官游离铁(FI)代谢和贮存铁(SI)的变化及其与非血红素铁(NHI)的关系。

    Objective : This study was to observe the changes of free iron ( FI ) metabolism and storage iron ( SI ) and their relation to the changes of non-heme iron ( NHI ) contents under the long-term exercise condition .

  18. 运动神经元与其靶器官&骨胳肌之间有着密切的相互营养联系。

    Motoneurons and their targets , the skeletal muscles assume a close and mutual nutritional relationship .

  19. 本文首先分析垂直方向加(减)速运动对人体前庭器官的反应;

    In this paper , the reactions to vestibulum of ear resulted from vertical accelerating or decelerating motion were analyzed .

  20. 分析体育舞蹈选手运动性损伤多发于运动支撑器官,并和运动训练方法、比赛、舞伴、场地、年龄、心理等情况有一定的关系。

    This paper analyses damaged support organs on operation which work for players of sports dancing quality ; concludes the relationship to movement training methods , competition , dancing partner , place , age and mentality ;

  21. 足部是运动系统起支持和运动作用的主要器官。

    Sufficient ministry is the main organ of the support since athletic system and athletic action .

  22. 内脏器官机能的好坏直接影响到运动水平的发挥,而体育运动对内脏器官又具有一定的反作用。

    The function of internal organs may directly influence to develop sports level , and sports , in turn , have certain opposite reactions to internal organs .