
  • 网络operation mode;modus operandi;Operation Model;mode
  1. 用革命这个词一点都不夸张,WebServices革新了企业应用运作模式。

    Not overstating at all with " revolution ", Web services improves enterprises and uses the operation mode .

  2. 基于ASP平台的供应链协同运作模式研究

    Research on operation mode of supply chain collaboration based on ASP

  3. 通过Internet对工业现场情况进行远程监测已成为一种新的自动化系统运作模式。

    It has become a kind of new work pattern of automatic system which the industrial field data is monitored remotely by internet .

  4. B:我们主要对贵公司的规模、产品范围、运作模式和财务状况感兴趣。

    B : We 're interested in the size , product range , business model , and financial status of your company .

  5. CIMS技术改变了传统制造业的运作模式。

    CIMS technology changes the running mode of traditional manufactory .

  6. 构建了一种基于电信运营商的ASP平台构架,提出了ASP基础服务平台的概念和促进ASP产业发展的运作模式。

    A framework of the ASP based on that value chain and its operation mode are put forward .

  7. 第四部分是企业的SWOT分析、商业运作模式分析及制定战略目标。

    Part IV : Use SWOT model and organizational business model as analysis tools , make strategic goal .

  8. 为了保持竞争优势,下一代的Cable运营商和服务提供商必须能根据他们的不同业务进行计费,从而建立起有利可图的、并能持续发展的商业运作模式。

    In order to remain competitive , next-generation cable operators and service providers will need to differentiate their services to aid in building profitable and sustainable business models .

  9. 第二部分从ETF定义入手,论述了ETF的组织运作模式和特点;

    The second part presents the ETF organizational working pattern and property .

  10. RS、GIS和GPS的有机结合,将从根本上改变野外勘查的传统运作模式,从整体上提高野外勘查的信息化、自动化水平。

    The integration of RS , GIS and GPS will change the traditional model of outdoors exploration , improve greatly informational and automatic level of outdoors exploration .

  11. 运用数据包络分析方法研究陕北退耕还林的运作模式,建立了陕北退耕还林(草)的DEA模型。

    The DEA model is set up after the data envelopment analysis ( DEA ) was applied to grain for green in Shan-bei district .

  12. JH公司服务运作模式研究

    Researching on Service Operation Mode of JH Company

  13. 房地产企业融资方式很多,BT模式项目融资有其特有的运作模式和优势。

    The real estate company has many ways of financing . Project financing of BT mode has its unique mode of operation and advantages .

  14. 随着我国加入WTO,电子商务作为一种以电子数据交换和网上交易为基础的全新商务运作模式,给传统企业带来了新的机遇。

    Following China 's WTO entry , the electronic commerce taken as a brand-new mode for commercial operation based on exchanging electronic data and trading on internet , brings new opportunity to traditional enterprises .

  15. 企业年金计划按照筹资和运作模式的区别广义上可分为确定给付计划(definedbenefitplan.缩写为DB)和确定缴费计划(definedcontributionplan.缩写为DC)两种模式。

    In the broad classification of occupational pension model , there are two general categories of plans : defined benefit ( DB ) and defined contribution plans ( DC ) .

  16. 本文主要介绍了移动数据业务的概念、分类、运作模式以及包括短信、MMS、LBS等在内的几种主要的业务。

    This paper mainly describes the concept , classification and operation models of mobile data service including SMS , MMS , LBS etc.

  17. 再次,在分析温州服装企业品牌发展阶段和品牌运作模式的基础上,对温州服装企业的品牌竞争进行SWOT分析。

    Moreover , this study carries SWOT analysis on the brand competition of Wenzhou clothing enterprises on the basis of analyzing the brand developing stage and brand operation mode of the Wenzhou clothing enterprises .

  18. 随着网络应用的加速发展、企业新的运作模式的不断涌现,企业信息系统不仅需要支持局域网环境下各个部门的应用,更重要的是实现基于Internet的企业间信息交互和资源共享。

    With rapid development of network application and incessant appearance of new enterprise 's operational pattern , information system supports not merely application among every department in the intranet environment , the more importance is to realize the information alternation and resource share among enterprises based on internet .

  19. 将IL作为二级备用容量服务措施之一,设计了IL的市场结构及其运作模式,并通过实例验证了其市场功能效果。

    Making the interruptable load as a measure of two-rank reserve services capacity and having designed the market structure and the operational model of interruptable load . It is proved by practice that the market is effective .

  20. 简要介绍了CRM在当今商业运作模式中的重要性,并探讨了电子商务时代下CRM向ECRM发展的必然趋势及ECRM的特征。

    A brief introduction of the importance of CRM in toda y 's business operation mode is given , and the trends of the development of CRM to E-CRM in the e-commerce era and the characteristics of E-CRM are discussed .

  21. 现代企业的运作模式已经由层次职能型逐渐转变为流程管理型,企业的业务流程结构复杂,变动频繁,传统的MIS已经无法支持企业的业务过程重组和组织结构重建。

    The mode of operation in modern enterprises is shifting from hierarchical and functional to process-centered , process is becoming more and more complex and often changes , traditional MIS can not support business process reengineering and organizations reconstruction .

  22. 随着信息技术迅速发展,出现了一种管理信息系统的运作模式IIMIS,它是Internet/Intranet与传统MIS的有机结合。

    With the development of information technology , a new mode of management information system called IIMIS has arisen . It combines Internet / Intranet and traditional MIS .

  23. 社会责任标准SA8000的产生强烈影响了我国企业的经营理念和运作模式,道德化的经营行为成为现代企业管理的潮流。

    Social Accountability 8000 ( SA8000 ) has a great impact on the management concept and operation-ways of Chinese enterprises . Doing business by moral is enjoying a surge among modern enterprises .

  24. 结合现代企业的网络运作模式,建立基于四川大学工学硕士论文C/s和Bls相结合的PLM系统的体系结构。

    Considering the network operation status of modern enterprises , the system structure of PLMS based on the combination of C / S and B / S structure is build up .

  25. 阐述了REITs的定义、性质和特点、REITs的几种类型及其比较、REITs的基本运作模式及关键运作环节。

    It explained the definition , the nature and characteristics , the several types and the comparison between them , the basic operation model and the key operation processes of the REITs one by one .

  26. BOT(build-operate-transfer)作为近年来新兴的项目融资运作模式,在国内外各项基础设施和公共事业建设领域得到了广泛的应用。

    As a newly developed operation mode of project financing in recent years , BOT ( build-operate-transfer ) has been widely applied in the field of infrastructure and public facilities construction in both foreign and domestic .

  27. 在对CPFR的实施过程研究中,分析了CPFR实施的基础条件,简述了CPFR建造框架与其系统的运作模式。

    In research of implementation of CPFR , the text has analyzed the basic conditions and sketched the frame and its operational mode in detail . The improvement of CPFR operational mode is the keystone herein .

  28. 介绍了在信息化经济高速发展的今天,服装企业在B2C电子商务运作模式下根据自身特点发展网络营销所面临的瓶颈及解决之道。

    This article introduces the bottleneck problem which the apparel corporation is confronted with and the solution which is seeked after in B2C e-commerce operational mode according to the enterprise itself trait to develop online sell , in today ′ s rapid progress of information economy .

  29. 本文以天津钢管公司(TPCO)为例,对大客户管理(重点客户管理)的高级阶段&建立客户联盟的运作模式进行了研究。

    Taking Tianjin Pipe Corporation ( TPCO ) as an example , this thesis makes a study on advanced stage of major customer management , i.e. the operation patterns of establishing customer intimacy .

  30. 北美自由贸易区(NAFTA)与中国东盟自由贸易区(CAFTA)有共同的基本特征,但由于其产生的时代背景、目标、内容、性质、运作模式等方面的差异,使它们各具特色。

    NAFTA and CAFTA are the territorial economic cooperative organization under the trend of world regional economic integration . Both of them have common features of free trade zone , while having difference in time background , target , contents , nature and operation pattern .