
  • 网络online journal;Networked journal;J/OL
  1. 这些研究成果去年发表于网络期刊eLife。

    The findings appeared last year in the online journal eLife .

  2. 技术类科技期刊扩大发行量应从三个方面入手,即加强技术信息开发和市场开发,加快网络期刊的开发。net环境下对这些恢复算法进行了实现。

    Increasing the quantities of publications of technological journals can be realized by developing technological information and market and quickening the exploitation of net journals .

  3. 对印度Calicut医学期刊的的OA办刊模式,从办刊特点、出版、经济模式等方面进行初步探讨,认为该刊的办刊理念和方式可以给发展中的中国网络期刊提供办刊思路。

    This paper tried to give a preliminary study on the OA mode applied by the Indian Calicut Bio-Medical Journal . The author hopes it can offer some new ideas in respect of editing , publication , and economic resources , for construction and development of Chinese on-line journals .

  4. 纯网络期刊是一种新型的期刊种类。

    Electronic only journal is a new type of periodical .

  5. 纯网络期刊质量标准与控制方法探析

    Probe into the Quality Standards and Control Methods of Electronic Only Journal

  6. 信息时代网络期刊必将成为一种重要信息资源。

    Network periodicals in information ages must become an important information resource .

  7. 网络期刊的成本分析

    An Analysis of the Cost Structure of Network Journals

  8. 纯网络期刊发展趋势分析

    Development Tendency of Electronic Journal - only - on-net

  9. 网络期刊的特性分析与利用评议

    An Analysis of the Characteristics of Network Journals and Evaluation of their Utility

  10. 电子期刊、数字化期刊与网络期刊概念辨异

    Identification of the concept among electronic periodicals , digital periodicals and network periodicals

  11. 网络期刊欣欣向荣,传统杂志举步维艰。

    Network magazines are being prosperous , traditional press takes a step difficultly .

  12. 我国信息化建设呼唤网络期刊,但鉴于发展网络期刊存在的种种因素,普及应用网络期刊任重道远。

    Information construction in China calls on network periodicals .

  13. 网络期刊的发展探讨

    Probe into the Development of the Network Periodical

  14. 网络期刊的诞生给传统纸质印刷期刊带来极大的挑战。

    Network magazines attacked traditional press greatly .

  15. 基于联合目录的网络期刊导航系统&几个问题的探讨

    A Navigation System of Electronic Journals Based on Union Catalog & A Study on Some Issues

  16. 浅谈网络期刊的几个问题

    Discussion on the Network Journal

  17. 论发展中的网络期刊

    On Online Journals in development

  18. 从国内外网络期刊的发展看新疆医学期刊信息资源的共建共享

    Information Resource Established and Shared by Xinjiang Medical Journals According to Development of National and International Net Periodicals

  19. 纯网络期刊是顺应知识创新的需求而产生的新的出版方式,并具有产品数字化、流通网络化、交易电子化等明显的特点和优势。

    Journal-only-on-net is the result of innovative research and characterized by digitalized products , network distribution and computerized communication .

  20. 本文就网络期刊发展中遇到的质量、著作权、出版格式以及保存问题提出了自己的见解。

    While meeting quality , copyright , publish format and reserved problems in network periodical developing , the author presents his views .

  21. 尤其网络期刊作为新生的期刊工作主体,在图书馆期刊工作中发挥着巨大作用。

    Especially the network periodical as a new main body of periodical work plays a great role in the library periodical work .

  22. 本文对纯网络期刊质量评价标准和方法进行了探讨,指出纯网络期刊质量控制的重点是内容控制。

    This paper has discussed the quality standards and control meth - ods of electronic only journal , focusing on the content control .

  23. 本文论述了网络期刊资源的特点,探讨了图书馆有效地开发利用网络期刊资源的方法与对策。

    The present paper analyzes the characteristics of network journals and probes into how libraries develop and exploit the resources in network journals effectively .

  24. 对图书馆网络期刊的两种编目方式集中编目与分散编目进行比较。

    This paper introduces and compares two means of cataloguing electronic serials that exist in print or CD-ROM versions : single records and separate records .

  25. 鉴于网络期刊出版的复杂性,图书馆面临着如何组织管理、描述网络期刊,更好地向读者提供服务的新任务。

    Because of the complexities of online periodicals publication , libraries are facing numerous challenges and tasks to manage and describe them and to offer nice service to users .

  26. 网络期刊自身因素包括期刊网页的质量问题、信息网络传播权的保护问题;

    From the view of the Journal itself , the factors include : the quality of the network Journal pages ; the question of the protection of the information network spreading right ' .

  27. 因此,图书馆必须根据用户的需求,提供诸如使用指导、推广宣传、编制目录、资源建设等方面的相关服务,以达到有效开发利用网络期刊的目的。

    Therefore , to meet the readers ' need , our library must provide such related services as application instructions , advertising or propaganda , listing , and data bank construction to exploit and use cyber periodicals efficiently .

  28. 分析了网络期刊作为网络资源重要的提供者的特征,论述了网络期刊的优势,提出了影响网络期刊发展的10个问题并加以探讨。

    This paper analyzes on the features of the network periodical being as the important provider of the network information , expounds the advantages of the network periodical , and probes into ten problems influencing the development of network periodical .

  29. 本文除绪言外,共分为五个章节,其中第二章我国网络期刊媒介特征的调查与分析和第四章网络期刊的编辑对策是全文的重点。

    Apart from Preface , this paper consists of five chapters , of which the second chapter " Researching and analyzing of media characteristics of Network Periodicals in china " and the fouth chapter " Editing methods of Network Periodicals " are the key parts of this paper .

  30. 网络期刊随着网络业的发展而迅速发展。作者对网络期刊的含义、特点、形成过程、形式、优势、管理模式、出版运作、发行、趋势等进行了探讨,以便有利于网络建设

    Along with the development of network industry , the network journals are developing rapidly The paper discusses the meaning , characteristics , forming processes , forms , advantages , management model and publishing operations of network journals , so as to become favorable to the development of network journals