
  • 网络Nottingham;The University of Nottingham;Nottingham University;University
  1. 一些海外分校,比如纽约大学(newyorkuniversity)在阿联酋以及诺丁汉大学在中国开设的分校,已经建立起良好的声誉。

    A few offshore campuses , such as New York University in the UAE and Nottingham University in China , have already established a good reputation .

  2. 诺丁汉大学商学院(NottinghamUniversityBusinessSchool)及剑桥大学(UniversityofCambridge)佳奇管理学院(JudgeBusinessSchool)在各自网站的显著位置宣传商业伦理与公司治理课程。

    The University of Nottingham 's Business School and Cambridge University 's Judge Business School both promote business ethics and corporate governance courses clearly on their websites .

  3. WTO背景下中国高等教育创新的探索&宁波诺丁汉大学之案例分析

    An Exploratory Probe into the WTO and the Innovation of China 's Higher Education & A Case Study on Nottingham Ningbo Campus

  4. 这项研究的参与者之一、英国诺丁汉大学的PaulSharp说,在喀麦隆只发现了12名感染N型艾滋病病毒感染者。

    Type N has only been found in12 patients in Cameroon , says co-researcher Paul Sharp from the University of Nottingham , United Kingdom .

  5. 诺丁汉大学(NottinghamUniversity)英国烟草控制研究中心(UKCentreforTobaccoControlStudies)主任,流行病学教授约翰布里顿(JohnBritton)表示,肉制品行业应从烟草业的错误中吸取教训。

    John Britton , professor of epidemiology and director of the UK Centre for Tobacco Control Studies at Nottingham University , says the meat industry should learn from the mistakes of the tobacco industry .

  6. 英国诺丁汉大学政治历史教授StevenFielding表示,这些电视辩论对选举结果来说将是非常关键的。

    Steven Fielding , professor of Political History at Britain 's Nottingham University , says these televised debates may prove crucial to the of the election .

  7. 英国诺丁汉大学政策专家StevenFielding表示,对于英国军队撤离如此致命的地区,英国公众将会非常高兴。

    Politics expert Steven Fielding , from Britain 's University of Nottingham , said the British public will be happy for its troops to exit such a deadly region .

  8. 诺丁汉大学商学院主管国际化的副校长克里斯汀恩纽(christineennew)教授表示,财政收入并不是主要动机。

    Prof Christine ennew , pro-vice Chancellor for internationalisation at Nottingham University Business School , plays down the financial motive .

  9. 来自英国诺丁汉大学的心理学家ShaaronAinsworth与他人在《科学》杂志上共同发表了一篇论文。

    Psychologist Shaaron Ainsworth from the University of Nottingham in the UK co-authored an article on drawing in the journal Science .

  10. 来自诺丁汉大学的当代中国研究学院教授曾锐生表示,土豪有点像是法语中nouveauriche暴发户,但指代更消极,还稍嫌粗俗。

    It 's like the term nouveau riche , says Professor Steve Tsang at the School of Contemporary Chinese Studies in Nottingham - but has even more negative connotations , suggesting a certain vulgarity .

  11. 诺丁汉大学是英国领先的科研机构之一。去年该校SirPeterMansfield教授获得诺贝尔医药奖之后,学校在科研学术方面的建树达到新的里程碑。

    The University of Nottingham is positioned as one of Britain 's leading research universities.The university reached a landmark in its long list of academic achievements in 2003 when SirPeter Mansfield , a professor there , was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine .

  12. 英国诺丁汉大学的伊拉克裔微生物学家DlawerAla'Aldeen告诉《自然》杂志说,叛乱已经破坏了大学重建最需要的东西,也就是“超越信仰”的原则。

    Dlawer Ala'Aldeen , an Iraqi microbiologist at the University of Nottingham , United Kingdom , told Nature that the insurgency has undermined much-needed university construction efforts " beyond belief " .

  13. 问题25.诺丁汉大学的什么吸引了这位男士?

    Question 25 . What attracted the man to Nottingham University ?

  14. 生态校园&英国诺丁汉大学朱比丽分校

    Eco-campus : Jubilee campus , University of nottingham , UK

  15. 他在诺丁汉大学学习时参加过学生政治活动。

    He became involved in student politics whilst studying at Nottingham university .

  16. 注册律师,英国诺丁汉大学法学硕士。

    Attorney at law , holding an LLM degree from Nottingham University , UK .

  17. 诺丁汉大学的定位是英国领先的研究型大学之一。

    The University of Nottingham is positioned as one of Britain 's leading research universities .

  18. 同学李,来自宁波,毕业于宁波诺丁汉大学。

    Student LI , is from Ningbo , graduated from University of Nottingham Ningbo Campus .

  19. 第一所是浙江省的宁波诺丁汉大学,创建于2004年。

    The first was University of Nottingham Ningbo , which opened in Zhejiang Province in 2004 .

  20. 英国诺丁汉大学约翰:布克菲得教授说一定是先有蛋。

    Professor John Brookfield of the University of Nottingham says the egg must have come first .

  21. 在我们的帮助下,他拿到了英国诺丁汉大学金融和投资专业硕士录取通知书。

    We helped him with the application of MSc in Finance and Investment at University of Nottingham .

  22. 本文作者为诺丁汉大学当代中国学院副教授

    The author is associate professor at the School of Contemporary Chinese Studies at the University of Nottingham

  23. 这里的学生可以获得诺丁汉大学商业,会计,工程和英语学位。

    Students here can gain University of Nottingham degrees in business , accounting , engineering and English .

  24. 合办学校为诺丁汉大学以及私立学校浙江万里学院。

    It was founded by the University of Nottingham and Zhejiang Wanli Education Group , a private school .

  25. 英国诺丁汉大学教授赖洪毅对中国的海外能源开发进行了研究。

    Hongyi Lai , a professor at the University of Nottingham , studies China 's global search for energy .

  26. 诺丁汉大学已答应在中国浙江省的宁波花£000万建设自己的学校。

    Nottingham University has already agreed to set up its own £ 40 m purpose-built campus in Ningbo , China .

  27. 圣诞购物者将有机会购买到诺丁汉大学有才华的时装和纺织品设计团队的作品。

    Christmas shoppers will have an opportunity to purchase work by a team of talented Nottingham fashion and textile designers .

  28. 据悉,诺丁汉大学中国宁波校区将是中国按新的法律运行的第一所高校。

    It is reported that Ningbo Campus of the university of Nottingham is first college ran according to the new law .

  29. 因此2003年当中国修改法律,允许外国大学在中国建校时,诺丁汉大学就处于有利地位。

    So in 2003 , when Chinese law was changed to allow foreign universities to set up , Nottingham was in pole position .

  30. 英国诺丁汉大学制造技术研究的新发展&再访诺丁汉大学制造工程系

    New Development of the Research Work on Manufacturing Technology in Nottingham University ── Revisit to Manufacturing Engineering and Management Department of Nottingham University